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I am not sure what to do...I have been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years. I love him to death, but all we do is fight. When our relationship is good, I'ts AWESOME, but when it's bad, I really feel hate towards him. Is this normal? Every time we fight I yell, and he's rude to me, and then we make up and say that we are both going to change...and it never happens. Should I let go of this relationship? He has never hit me, it's always just us yelling at eachother, and we usually fight b/c he thinks i choose to go out with friends over him a lot...which I do...what should I do?

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I don't know what you should do but I think your boyfriend should find a girlfriend who prefers to go out with him over her friends, at least the majority of the time.


I may be wrong, but most people who really care for each other make it a priority to be with their special other more often than with friends. I don't buy that you love your boyfriend to death...it just doesn't compute here. It's impossible to feel hate (an extremely strong word) toward somebody you love to death.


It doesn't sound like this guy is very special to you. If he were smart, he wouldn't argue with you so much, he would just leave the relationship for someone who thought more of him. It's my opinion that the anger he exhibits is more hurt than anything. I would be devastated if I loved a girl who put going out with her buddies over going out with me.


Of course, there is a time and place for going out with friends. But it's a real danger sign when, in a relationship, you prefer them over your partner. There has to be some balance here.


Do yourself and the world a favor and split this deal up. It sucks!!!


Any way you slice it, this is not something that should have gone on for two years.

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does he exhibit signs of possessiveness? or are do you just prefer being with your friends over being with him?


I don't think you've given us much to go by when you say all you do is fight because he doesn't like you spending time with friends the way you do, because I read this completely different than Tony does, ("he's a possessive boyfriend" was my first thought) though re-reading his answer, I can see his point.


either which way, you prolly should break up with the guy because fighting seems to be the only common ground you have, and excessive amounts of it doesn't make for a good relationship.

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I think if that's all you fight about, your boyfriend has a legitimate excuse. If he's your significant other why are you spending more time with your friends than with him? Is is that you want the trimmings of a relationship without the commitment? If so, then you should let it go because obviously you two want different things. He can find someone who wants to spend time with him, and you can continue hanging out with your friends.

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