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Should I be worried


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I have been with my girlfriend for five months, but I don't know if I should even consider this past month since I haven't heard from her almost this whole new year. The last time I even talked to her was the first week of this month on the phone for a brief 6 minutes and she didn't seem like herself and cut the convo short.


She started a new job and works late second shift hours (5:30pm-2:30). I figure this might have something tro do with her behavior but she still hasn't bothered to keep in contact. I want to call her and ask her if everything is alright but after the way she sounded distant on the phone I feel like I shouldn't even bother her. I don't know what to make of this. Should I break it off and move on or should I call her and ask where our relationship is going. I don't know what to do because I have never had this happen to me.

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If you haven't heard from her in any way over the past three weeks, I think it's safe to assume that she has already ended things without informing you, and that the relationship is over.


The best thing you can do now is simply move on and forget about her. This was very rude behavior on her part, but people do rude/strange/weird things every day.

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Should I break it off and move on or should I call her and ask where our relationship is going. I don't know what to do because I have never had this happen to me.

I would break it off, although it sounds to me like you already don't have a girlfriend. Short of some enormous, dramatic event in her life -- like being kidnapped by aliens -- there's not much reason for your significant other to drop off the face of the earth for a month. She has lost interest or she would have done something to stay in contact. Working evenings isn't that big a deal, as there are still 16 hours of the day when you can talk to each other. Some people have issues about breaking up, and disappear in the hope everything goes away. Hey, I was like that once... in grade school. :) It's not something adults should do to one other.


The fact you didn't do much to contact her either is also a bit strange. Do you not like talking to her? Does she make you uncomfortable? Do you get the distinct impression she doesn't wish to speak with you? If you answer yes to any of those questions, then there isn't much foundation for a healthy relationship. In fact, I suspect when you "officially" dump her you'll soon feel much better for having done so.


It's all your decision, of course. Just remember the worst thing you could do would be to call her up and ask where the relationship was going, only to get a vague answer... but enough of an answer to keep you hanging around. I wouldn't recommend even asking, though. Just end it.

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