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Thoughts on moving in?

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Ok, I met an amazing woman about three months ago. Yes our relationship has moved fast. Neither one of us thought we would hit it off so well, but our relationship is great. We spend a lot of time together and usually spend the night together at one of our houses. We both have kids and watch eachother's children as a baby sitting service swap. everyone gets along great. We are both hard working professionals, but she is having $ difficulties. It would make sense because we spend the night on an almost nightly basis to move in together and this would solve her $ issues and I would be able to improve my financial standings. But the main issue I am having is I don't want this to be a decision based on money. We really love eachother and I am sure we will move in together in the future but is it too soon? Should we wait and continue to pay separate mortgages for the sake of "going slow" this could put her in a bad $ state which I don't want for her.

PS we have not discussed this. She is adamantly proud about not taking money from me. I wanted to hear some opinions before I broach the subject


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I think the best thing would be to discuss it with her.


Personally, if you are only moving in for financial reasons, it could be too soon.

I am not in a position to talk tho, as I am moving in with my BF at the end of the month so we can save more £. And we are going from LDR to moving in after 7 months- but it feels right, and I am so happy I think it will work out.


The best person to gauge how things are is you. You know your partner, and how she might react to the suggestion.

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