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Did she have feelings of more than just friends?

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I had been friends with a girl for over a year. We had occasionally made sexual jokes to each other over that time. One night when I was at her apartment she asked for a massage which I gave and I began to get the feeling of doing more so I moved my hands a bit lower which she soon took away. I appologized saying that I got the wrong impression and that I meant nothing by it just for fun. She said that she wasn't upset that it happened, she was just confused. I pressed her on that and she got quiet. I continued to coax her and after a long time she kissed me and we began to make out. We went to her room and were there for a long time. She said she didn't think sex was a good idea but she thought that this would happen from the first time we met. She had wanted this to happen for a long time. I told her it wouldn't get in the way of our friendship and that we should take a week and see each other from then.


A week went by and I came by and we began making out again. I told her it'd be hard for me to come by very often since I lived farther away from her. She agreed that it's good that we can just have fun and not ruin the friendship. But soon after of fooling around she became cold and stiff. Which got me to become cold and stiff. Before I left I went to kiss her goodbye and she turned her cheek. A few weeks went by and I finally spoke to her again and told her how things ended weird. She said she didn't think they did. I said I thought something more might have been going on between us and she said that she didn't have that feeling, it was just fun. I then called a bluff and said that I didn't believe that and she said that she might've thought "for a second" about more than friends but that was only a "second". Now I'm wondering, from a girl's perspective, does this sound like it was just fun between us or did she have feelings of more than friends ? Did she get maybe hurt by my "just for fun" comments even though she agreed with it. Can a girl get physical with a guy she's been friends with for a long time and it doesn't really mean anything more than that?

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It's very possible she's hurt by your statement, and in turn taking less risks of fooling around in fear of getting hurt down the line. You were right to call on her bluff, people bluff at times to pretend that nothing is wrong.


She said she didn't think sex was a good idea but she thought that this would happen from the first time we met. She had wanted this to happen for a long time.


Lets be honest here. If a girl is willing to wait that long for a guy to come around (by sticking around as a friend), then obviously she's making an investment in him. So if it's not obvious to you, i think you should ask yourself what you want from this

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