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Things are getting a lot better

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Just wanted to give an update on my situation and some hope to those with the similar problem.


As some of you remember, I had a huge problem with my H’s interest in other women – from checking them out when we go out to looking at porn.


Our situation is improving rapidly. No counseling, no therapy – just us talking honestly and being open to what the other one has to say. And LISTENING!


Our sex life is back on track. Before this ‘crisis’ we had a great sex life – now, it’s even better.


So, what fixed the problem?


Him stopping doing it certainly helped. But the most important thing was that, finally, I FELT he didn’t NEED or even want to look any more. And it made all the difference in the world!

Now that I know that I’m so indispensably special for him, I feel I can (almost) accept his interest in other women. Not quite there yet (I don’t want to ruin what we’ve already built by some risky experiments), but it may happen some day soon.


I took an enormous effort from me and almost inhuman amount of patience from him, but we were able to overcome everything because we loved each other so much and we both believe it was worth it!


I don’t know if or when my jealousy will raise its ugly head again, but I thought posting something positive would be a good thing.



Thanks again to people who were trying to help me during my struggle with this.

Your input meant a lot to me and I really appreciate your help!

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, but we were able to overcome everything because we loved each other so much and we both believe it was worth it!

What a heartwarming sentence!! :love: That will put a smile on a lot of people's faces.

Before this ‘crisis’ we had a great sex life – now, it’s even better.

But you could have left that bit out. What were you thinking??


I'm happy to accept some credit, even if I didn't post on your threads until it was too late.

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