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how to handle this situation?

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So the ex is bak and saying she wants to work things out. The problem is she still is yet to break up with her bf. I cannot take her seriously until she does and it is quite annoying to me that she says these things yet still has not broken up w/ him. Should I still communicate with her or just go back to nc until she actually does break up with him?

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So the ex is bak and saying she wants to work things out. The problem is she still is yet to break up with her bf. I cannot take her seriously until she does and it is quite annoying to me that she says these things yet still has not broken up w/ him. Should I still communicate with her or just go back to nc until she actually does break up with him?


Tell her simply that you do not believe she is serious until she is done with him and that you will not communicate with her until she does.


See the thing is, if she'll do this to him, she'll do it to you. And is this the kind of woman you want?


Me personally? I'd forget her and move on. She's showing you the kind of personality traits that I find highly unattractive.

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I she was really serious about working things out with you she would have broken up with the other guy before she approached you.


She is wanting to have her cake and eat it too.


Go NC, do what CaliGuy says and forget about her. There are many more girls out there. Ones who are prepared to be monogamous.

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I agree with everyone else, just move with your life and meet someone new...The fear of lost, stops greater gain...Trust its not worth it...go into no contact, act aloof and practice apathy

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