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Why do I get the feeling she wants to hang out 1on1?

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I have this very good friend of mine I've known since middle school. We were very close up until early HS, where we pretty much lost contact up until early college. Since then probably once a year we would hang out together with old pals from middle school, not 1on1 though.


Last year we did the same, after hanging out (a couple months later) it was my bday. Surprisingly she SMS me a happy bday at 12 a.m. sharp and we had a good chat before i went to bed. I thought it was weird because she hadnt done that ever since we lost contact during HS (especially not at 12am). In one of the texts I playfully asked where my cake was, she replied "you'll get it the next time I see you!" Several months later it was her bday and well I did the same.


This past weekend she was online and I decided to catch up with her. During the middle of our conversation she asked when we were going to get together again. I said I was busy this week but would hangout the week after. She said OK and pretty much said she was available any day after a certain hour. It wasnt clear at all if she meant the whole group or just us.


The big question is does she want to hangout with me 1on1? The last time we got together she brought her bf out to meet our group. I dont know but I think things ended with them. For as long as I've known her, none of her bfs ever last long.

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Apple Blossom

I would say a few things!


Firstly, regarding the not seeing one another for ages, often people become very enthusiastic to see someone they haven't seen for ages - especially if that person is a link from their past.


Secondly though, it would sound as though she is possibly trying to hang out with you one on one! In saying she's free any night, it would imply that there are no other people's plans to consider!


I would arrange a time to hang out and catch up with her. Don't have any expectations, but don't be dissappointed if she does bring someone along.


And if you guys do meet up one to one, then just enjoy it and have a good time!



Hope some of that helps!

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Thanks for the reply!

I know in the past she had a thing for me, she gave subtle signs but i never picked up on them. And when i did realize the signs, she already had her bfs.


We're always cool with one another, and neither of us have a lot of expectations for one another which makes our friendship work. Although we lost contact for a few years, we've never grown apart. And everytime I talk to her, it feels like we're growing closer each time. But somehow my gut is telling me that she's been waiting for me to come around, even after all these years.


I dont know why, just thinking about her I want to call her up and talk. Making this thread was a bad idea, im getting lots of mixed feelings already.

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You could offer to make dinner (which would give you a perfectly good opportunity to find out if she plans on bringing anyone else as you would need to know how much food to prepare).


I was in a situation years ago when a male friend (I'm female) & I both let ourselves be scared off into pursuing anything beyond friendship. We lost touch, and it took years before we realized there was a mutual interest, but there's not much we can do about it now. Go for it, at least if you try, you'll know one way or the other and won't be wondering years down the road.

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