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Re: Why am I waiting?


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Hey listen,,,,,any guy who does more than the ocassional porno flick with the guys is a loser,,if he is in a relationship.That behavior is absolutely unacceptable.Im 24 and love to see pics of naked women and porn,,but,1.) I dont surk the net for it,,and 2.) would never act so disrespectful toward my lover.i was engaged fpr two years and my girlfreind tried to pull that similar type of stuff.Just remember,cheating doesnt just include pjhysically having sex with another person.Its also what you say to other people or being addicted to porn.Its obvious your man has total disregard of your feelings and obviously,for whatever reasons,does feel sexually aroused by you.Is it you?? NO NO NO! Its him.Remember that.He is Ill and nothing you say or do can change him! take my advice honey,,You are way better than him,,morally and spiritually and deserve to be treated as such!! Dump the loser!! Good luck!! mike porn.

Someone tell me if I'm wasting my time. I'm living with a man who doesn't want to have sex with me anymore. He spends hours and hours looking up porn on the net and watching the playboy channels, but isn't interested in me now. I'm here for him, but I feel like that's all it is, just here. At one time I said I would marry him and now I'm having second thoughts. I'm starting to get very lonely, what can I do?
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tere,,Im sorry if i had upset you.just remember,sometimes we want to hide the truth because it seems easier.Have you told him that this stuff upsets you? It isnt you.If this isnt really making you happy,is it the type of love that you will "settle" for? He may very well love you.But his idea of love seems different than mine or yours.If my girlfreind who I loved,was always looking at porn,even with all my pride and masculinity,I would feel hurt and inadequate.I would also feel that there must be no point in my being in this relationship,if she had to go elsewhere for stimulation.I aaume that you have already told him this upsets you.If not,tell him immediately and also tell him to make a promise that there is NO MORE PORN! Plain and simple.It is NOT to much to ask.Trust me,Im a guy! I am very sexual.But when I want that,I hit on my girlfreind,not a keyboard! He almost definately has some underlying problems.The scary part is how deep? how long have you known this guy? Is he abusive to you? Sometimes this stuff goes hand in hand.Im a law-enforcemnt officer and have seen alot. For all I know,he may be the best guy in the world other than this stuff.In any case,from my moral perspective it is wrond and unacceptable.You SHOULD NOT be feeling inadequet right now.Shame on him and kudos to you for getting it out!
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No he is not abusive. He is really very sweet most of the time. I just get the feeling that he doesn't want me except to keep from being lonely emotionally. I'm so confused. Thanks for trying to help. It means a lot. I do love him intensely and I also need him sexually. He knows this.tere61

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No he is not abusive. He is really very sweet most of the time. I just get the feeling that he doesn't want me except to keep from being lonely emotionally. I'm so confused. Thanks for trying to help. It means a lot. I do love him intensely and I also need him sexually. He knows this.tere61

Hey Michael, I haven't had a chance to talk with him yet (he works 3rd shift), but last night I went to some of those porn sites and filled his Favorites and Bookmarks with explicit gay men pix! He didn't say a word, but all have disappeared and he hasn't been back to those sites yet. Not a solution by any means, but I thought it was funny -- just a little stress relief. Thanks for listening.

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HAHAHAHAH!!! Nice,,very nice!! Chalk one up for the good-guys!! Good luck with whatever happens,and remember,if he can't give up porn for your love,,he doesnt deserve it! People have to be DESERVING of love.It is not to be given away freely! Take care and keep me informed,,


Your friend,



Hey Michael, I haven't had a chance to talk with him yet (he works 3rd shift), but last night I went to some of those porn sites and filled his Favorites and Bookmarks with explicit gay men pix! He didn't say a word, but all have disappeared and he hasn't been back to those sites yet. Not a solution by any means, but I thought it was funny -- just a little stress relief. Thanks for listening.
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