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Girl At Part-Time Job

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I recently started a part time job about 2 and a half months ago at a great place with a lot of nice people. I go about 2-3 times a week but still looking for my dream job. One day while working, I started to notice this girl (co-worker and let’s call her B) staring at me whenever I was in her department. At first, I didn’t think much of it because I wasn’t sure that if B was checking me out or looking pass me at something else and off course is a co-worker and it can get pretty sticky if things don’t work out so I didn’t show interest back. I didn’t even bother to introduce myself to her or to any girl at this time. I just played it cool and did my job. It’s not just B, there are a couple other girls too that stare at me but apparently, B does it more often then other girls. So day and day out I just kept on doing my work and getting things done then suddenly one day while working in my department, I hear a girl call out my name. I wasn’t sure who it was because I haven’t introduced myself to any girl (other than my boss) when I first started and guess what? It was B! I was quiet shocked because there where other people available in my department and she called me out of no where. I NEVER introduced myself to B and vice versa before that. She needed my help so I helped her. At that point, I didn’t even know her name but found out eventually. Then I started to think that maybe she does like me because I still she her checking me out and need my assistance. There where times were B and I would be alone and while I was working, I could see from the corner of my eye that she wanted to say something to me but she couldn’t. Then when I look back up to her, she would be acting like she was working. I have a gut feeling that she wants me to make the first move or wants to know if I am interested in her BUT that’s if she likes me. I could be wrong. Every time she needs my help, I would do something funny (which I try not to but she things it is) and she would laugh and smile and I would do the same. As of late, I can’t get her out of my mind but at the same time I want to keep my work professional and consistent. To be honest, I find B cute and attractive but I didn’t want to make that an excuse to ask her out or try to make an impression on her. Up to this point, I haven’t actually talked to her like 1 on 1 other then work related stuff so the flower hasn’t blossomed. I know the rule that you shouldn’t date a girl from work but I really never understood this because it never has happened to me. This is my first time working at a job with people around my age (I usually work with older and more mature people). I have met attractive girls at parks, school, church etc. but never at work and I am not sure about to exactly approach this. My question is can you date a girl from a part time job? Does this girl even like me or is really friendly? If she looks at me again, should I look back and smile or avoid it? For some weird reason, I find this situation really different because she is a coworker and at work, being professional is the key. Thanks.

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Hi I just finished reading your post and I almost started laughing because I am in the exact same situation as you except I am the girl in the situation. YES she likes you! The signs are so obvious too, especially when you said she is always checking you out!

Definately this girl likes you but she's shy (like me). She is waiting for you to make the first move for sure.

And it's definately okay to date a coworker in a part time job. At the company i work at there are at least five couples that are dating from work. So please take my advice from a girl in the same situation. ASK HER Out! Before she gets fed up and loses interest. Life is to short anyway. Good Luck!

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Sounds to me like "buzzie" is actually "B." You two should both try to drop some code word - let's say "Rosebud" - somewhere in your first conversation with your respective work crushes. That way, if it turns out you both work at the same place and "buzzie" really is actually "B", then you can get it out into the open right from the start...

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