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What do I do now?

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I lied for so long. I lied a year ago and got caught. I begged my pregnant wife not to leave me; that I would do anything I had to do to stay with her. I forgot that after not too long. I took her and my kids for granted. Now I committed the ultimate betrayal and cheated on her. I had convinced my self that our marriage was over, and was too much of a coward to do the right thing and talk to her. She is so angry. I need her. I need my family. What do I do now? How can I convince her to give me a chance to prove myself again, when I didnt prove myself before? I am so sorry, babydoll.

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Start with cutting the OW completely out of your life, if you haven't already. It might make your W feel more secure if the two of you send the OW a 'no contact' letter. That way your W has tangible evidence that you are willing to let the OW go. Otherwise she will constantly think you are seeing OW on the sly (she might anyway, but the NC letter may help).


Next up, show her that you are willing to make amends and show remorse. Have the two of you join a site like 'survivinginfidelity.com' where you and she can post about your experiences and coping strategies on their forums to get you through. Get marital counseling. Anything to show that you are willing to work, and do concrete things that show you are working on this.


Understand that you are fighting an uphill battle. Cheating on someone is committing emotional murder. You are basically going to have to perform a miracle by raising the dead. It takes time, patience, and a lot of work to reconcile.

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Yes I agree with Lucrezia. It will really be tough but you have to face this as it is the consequence of your actions. If you really want your wife back and you want to gain her trust again, you have to prove it big time. It will not be easy as it is already hard at this point. She might be watching you closely as you do this so be sure that all your deeds are sincere. Be true no matter how difficult the situation is and lying is the easiest way out. Just think that one slip will break her all the more and you should avoid that.

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Nothing short of a miracle will get your wifes trust back.


Lucrezia said it best "cheating is emotional murder". Do you know what the sentence is for murder?


People make mistakes. That i understand, however there are some mistakes that you CANNOT make EVER!

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