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Try 4th time in 9 months!

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Hi guys,


so here is the story, met a guy in sept last year, all was good love at first sight! then 2 motnsh in he split with me saying he wanted to be single and he left me homeless! within a week he was back, then a month later he left again, no reasons. again in a week he was back, one month later he left again this time he was cheating! so 2 months went by of me doing all i could to get over him, then i bumped into him in town, we got chatting and he spent a month begging me back, so we got together and guess what a month later he has gone again!!


every effort he made telling me i was his one, love of his life soul mate, has been replaced by abuse, cutting contact everything! and now 1 week later he has a new mrs! who might i add is 17! ( im 23!)


the reason for the split was due to a night out, everything was perfect till this point, i dabble in recreational drug and he was flly aware f this but one fo the condidtions of us getting back after he cheated was he was not to tell me what to do and if it came to a head we would chat and i would leave it all for him, anyway i did it a few times while we were seeing each other and he didnt react once, and now this time he flips! i sat him down and said ok u have a reason to dispise it and as it hurts you no probs ill leave it alone as u are much more important! but no it wasnt enough, he spent the entire time saying he loved me but no! and now it turns out he is seeing this girl!


but i still love him more than life!!

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Wow... That is already to much. You do not deserve to be treated like that so you should not let anyone treat you like a rag no matter if it was your boyfriend or other people. Also, once you decide on something, you should stand by it no matter how shaken you already are because that is when you can prove the world and to your man your real worth. I know it will be very painful.. Just cry.. but keep fighting. Stand up. Pick yourself up. Love yourself. Let go. If he ever plans to come back then give him the hardest trials he will ever go through just to have you again. Then you will see how really sincere his intentions are.

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Right well since i heard the news that he was seeing this girl, i backed off, i collected my stuff and walked away, 2 days later i gave him a quick call to confirm some details of a joint account we shared, and later that night he rang me back to tell me that his mrs had seen me in town...not quite sure why! then 2 days later i had a weak moment and rang him, and he told me he was sleeping so to leave him alone, the next mroning i realised my mistake and thought best to leave it, he then spent the next day contacting me to try and find out what was wrong, i was very short and told him i didnt wanna talk. i thought that would be it, i felt so empowered, got a new haircut picked myself up off the floor and carreid on.

then on saturday night i went into town with a mate, i ran straight into his mates, they all were asking where he was (he hasnt told them we had ended or that he was seeing a new girl) they spent the night telling me what a psycho he was, how he is a player, that they didnt even know i existed, introduced me to an ex of his that was so bitter, she told me all he had done! my head was realing by the end of it, so i flipped, i called him, and he hurled so much abuse at me, told me i was stalking him, that he would get my number blocked, that yes he does lie and cheat, that right now he doesnt have feelings for me (not sure what right now ment!) any way i ended up just hanging up.

Then the next morning having fallen asleep lead on my phone i eralised it had called him ( so much for avoiding the stalking thing!) so i rang back and left a message saying sorry i lent on my phone, and text saying i dont appreciate being told im a stalker, he has contacted me just as much, and i just wanted to hear it from the horses mouth! sorry for caring!

i got no reply and my brother then deleted hi number from my phone!

i now feel like such an idiot, i was the one who had walked away head held high!, now im the "stalker he is ignoring!"

no idea what to do :-(

oh and he loves to post pictures of him and his new mrs all over the net for me to see! :-(

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