princssangl0204 Posted June 12, 2007 Share Posted June 12, 2007 I am looking for responses beyond the typical love, trust, loyalty answers. I thought it would be nice to include more positive aspects of marriage instead of just the negative. for me what makes my Marriage great is the freedom of it. I have the ability to express myself freely and have a safe place to be comfortable with who I am and why I am that way. I try to give my husband that same kind of freedom. Link to post Share on other sites
LulaMae Posted June 12, 2007 Share Posted June 12, 2007 What makes my relationship great with my fiance is that we are always thinking of and doing things to show each other that we care about one another...whether it is planning a special meal or planning little surprises for each other. Giving each other compliments frequently is another good aspect. Link to post Share on other sites
Pyro Posted June 12, 2007 Share Posted June 12, 2007 Its great because when something comes up or something out of the usual occurs, instead of us acting upon our emotions like alot of people do, we both stop and discuss what is happening and we keep things civil, at least for the most part. No one is perfect.:laugh: Link to post Share on other sites
fluffy0 Posted June 13, 2007 Share Posted June 13, 2007 -We are each other's best friend. -We can just sit around and not do anything and still have a good time -When we do fight, our arguments don't dissolve into pathetic name calling or screaming matches. I am glad we are both above that. -We both know, even when we are really mad at each other, that we are in love Link to post Share on other sites
Shan2k Posted June 13, 2007 Share Posted June 13, 2007 How long have you all been in these wonderful relationships? Link to post Share on other sites
Pyro Posted June 13, 2007 Share Posted June 13, 2007 How long have you all been in these wonderful relationships? 19 months, going on 20. Link to post Share on other sites
IpAncA Posted June 13, 2007 Share Posted June 13, 2007 I didn't know you have a GF! You never talk about her!! But I'm actually not surprised that you do... Same here. What makes your marriage/relationship great? We are able to connect on many levels and don't love selfishly. Link to post Share on other sites
Author princssangl0204 Posted June 13, 2007 Author Share Posted June 13, 2007 married 5 years together for 7 Link to post Share on other sites
quankanne Posted June 13, 2007 Share Posted June 13, 2007 why our 15-year marriage is so great? The fact that he's pretty accomodating about my desire for time alone/separate vacations and about my having close guy buddies as well as close girl buddies. Then there's our compatable quirky senses of humor, and the fact that even though we come from way different backgrounds we have so much in common that we often feel and think similarly about things. The absolute best part is that I trust him implicitly, and I have no worries about him messing around on me because that clashes with his personal code of ethics. Link to post Share on other sites
dbtmarley Posted June 13, 2007 Share Posted June 13, 2007 My wife is my best friend. Need I say more? Link to post Share on other sites
Krytellan Posted June 13, 2007 Share Posted June 13, 2007 1) She recited the jive scene from Airplane! on our second date (that's not the reason, but an accurate symptom). Overall, we both grew up liking the same things. 2) She has a very true personality... unihibited. We can talk very candidly together 3) She's a freakin geniu and we can have intense intellectual conversations. Brains are HOT! 4) We are great communicators and very genuine. She has never come close to breaking the trust I have placed in her. 5) Did I mention she's a hot redhead??? Link to post Share on other sites
allina Posted June 13, 2007 Share Posted June 13, 2007 ~We "get" each other, I feel like we always understand where the other is coming from. ~Neither of us reacts irrationally or gets pissy/moody for no reason ~We have freedom, to go out with friends and do what we want ~He's really fun to hang out with, I enjoy his company a lot ~We appreciate each other , and recognize what one does for the other ~We enjoy doing things for each other, just to make the other person happy ~We are both individually happy, healthy and sane Link to post Share on other sites
riobikini Posted June 13, 2007 Share Posted June 13, 2007 re: princssangl0204: "What makes your marriage/relationship great?? " With my SO, it's *all* clicking! He's not "after" anything (money, ego flattery, or a stepping stone to something/one else). He's made his greatest relationship mistakes and *settled* them, learned from them. He's level-headed (but a private romantic). He's at ease with himself and everyone else -he doesn't pretend- and in your gut you know you're always dealing with a decent guy. He's *considerate* -but never a pushover- he'll tell you what he thinks. He possesses great inner strength; strength in others doesn't scare or intimidate him -he admires it, respects it, understands it. And certain weakenesses in others isn't necessarily a turn-off, either -he's experienced some of that, too -and has a pretty developed understanding of it, and is a great advisor. He's an excellent communicator -he's lived enough life to be able to sincerely and intelligently speak on just about any subject you bring up (he surprises me, sometimes!) I think the most important thing is, with him, you can be yourself. -Rio Link to post Share on other sites
sb129 Posted June 13, 2007 Share Posted June 13, 2007 Wonderboy is lovely. With him, I can be myself. We haven't been together that long (7months) but the few little disagreements we have had have been resolved in a non-nasty, mature way. He is funny, fun, cute, sexy, intelligent, honourable.... I can talk to him about anything, and we both have total freedom that comes from a large amount of trust. :love::love: Ask me in six weeks when I have moved in with him! Link to post Share on other sites
Aloros Posted June 14, 2007 Share Posted June 14, 2007 Because... - We can both be blunt and to the point with one another, and neither of us takes offense. I never have to worry about being able to speak my mind. - We have agreed never to take one another for granted, and we make good on that promise. - We both agree that what we have is special, and we work toward keeping it that way. - We support one another in our goals and dreams. - We don't sweat the small things. - We have fantastic sex, at least once/day. - I know he's got my back, no matter what. It's been a year, so far. Link to post Share on other sites
mrmaximum Posted July 1, 2007 Share Posted July 1, 2007 My soon to be wife is also my best friend. My relationship is great because she actually listens to me when we have problems and then we both work on solving them. How can you miss with that? She's very reasonable too, which is something that I truly appreciate due to the fact that I've seen some BS from other women that I would NEVER be able to stomach!! Yes there is the trust and loyalty factor, cheating was a big part of our respective pasts so it means a lot to both of us that the other can be trusted. My fiancee adores me, it's not hard to treat her like a princess when she makes you feel like you her knight in shining armour, yeah? Link to post Share on other sites
Hyperpen12000 Posted July 1, 2007 Share Posted July 1, 2007 When she's asleep.... Link to post Share on other sites
VirtualInsanity Posted July 1, 2007 Share Posted July 1, 2007 When she's asleep.... Doesn't sound good Hyper. Link to post Share on other sites
mrmaximum Posted July 2, 2007 Share Posted July 2, 2007 When she's asleep.... Wassup man, things okay? Link to post Share on other sites
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