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Why do women get so upset at their men who watch porn???

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Belladonna, Kari Sable, I could go on and on. I'd trade my body for Taylor's.


fyi: even Belladonna has quit the industry ( as a participant as she is married now and was concerned about STDs) still involved with the industry for the $. of course.---- what else is there for some wh0re who sticks a bat up her arse.?!


doiask42much Quote:

Originally Posted by Carbine viewpost.gif


What you're saying is that women like myself chose to be sensitive to stimuli in the environment which damage our self esteem? I don't see how that works. If this were the case, then we'd simply be able to 'get over it' and there wouldn't be any need for threads like this. Wrestling is completely different to porn. Sensitivity to wrestling is to do with sensitivity to violence, sensitivity to porn is to to do with sensitivity to infidelity. Two very different things.


wow, you make so many excellent points! when i first read hyperpen's comment about UFC, i was like huh, true, but now that i read your counterargument, i realize it's not true. gosh, i'm so easily swayed! :p


but yes, how we react to things is not a choice; it's a defense mechanism based on some kind of past trauma. if you had been violently abused, you'd probably have a visceral negative reaction to wrestling or other violent content.


WWf-UFC is VERY different to porn on all levels--- most women don't have their partner's masturbating and getting aroused to the UFC and WWF guys or women. It is not sexual.....


Hyperpen12000 I don't see the problem with "getting off" by watching someone else have sex (if you have it under control). That's what most people watch porn for. The enjoyment of watching someone else have sex; included with fantasized scenarios.


Most of you who disagree in likelihood have a problem with your BF/husband getting off to another womens vagina, which is understandable. If that's the case, take pictures of your own vagina so when you're not in the mood, he has a visual of your vagina right there. Compromise!:D


..having been fairly verbal (LS-post-mode) about this topic....

I still cannot understand the intrique, interest, entertainment or interest in watching acted out sex-acts --fake and fromulated...

I could never be bothered watching what I would be doing, would rather be doing and be much happier enjoying..... now that is entertainment and then some.


and, how is it understandable for a woman to have a problem with her SO getting off to another woman's vagina???? I am curious about your take on this.

aren't most men getting off to another woman's vagina????

isn't that part of the problem for many women.... it certainly is part of it for me.

Isn't most porn about another woman's vagina....??


and, if women were to take photos or make their own videos---truthfully, lots of guys would stop watching that after a while because it isn't different or something else like that....


I know me and my SO made our own love making videos and after 6 months he stopped watching it and went back to the same old pathetic porn.... he watches the same ones over and over but can't bother watching the one's of us....

my only understanding--- he gets bored of looking at my Pu$$y and wants to look at another woman's vagina;

makes me feel really great!


I dont think any of the problem women have with their partner's porn is a control issue AT ALL....

I am a firm believer that in a relationship, you take your partner and their heart and R into consideration-

respect, integrity, compromise, communication....


if one can't stop, it is then an addicton...however you want to take that word appart.

Most guys defend it like their first born as one poster stated, can't give it up and seem to treat it as necessary.


I know I would have no problem giving up my margaritas, or whatever if my SO had concern over my action, or behaviour -if it affected him in a negative way and dominoed into how it affected our relationship.

It seems many men, turn this to insecurty, contol issues and just don't ever stop to say, may be this action just simply is hurtful to the woman in my life that I care? about for her reasons and what is most important????

Her and our R---not the fu(king porn.

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It seems that most of the people who are worried about their partners watching porn have issues with comparison ith the people in the porn... Would those of you who worry about this be happier if he watched porn with unatractive stars?

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KellDarkes It seems that most of the people who are worried about their partners watching porn have issues with comparison ith the people in the porn... Would those of you who worry about this be happier if he watched porn with unatractive stars?


attractive as in...fake plastic boobs, more makeup then a clown, typical fake nails, false eyelashes, surgically altered with labiaplasty, abdominoplasty,bleached blonde and so on and so forth


OR--- real(like) people?

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It seems that most of the people who are worried about their partners watching porn have issues with comparison ith the people in the porn... Would those of you who worry about this be happier if he watched porn with unatractive stars?

I would. That would completely solve the problem for me.

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fyi: even Belladonna has quit the industry ( as a participant as she is married now and was concerned about STDs) still involved with the industry for the $. of course.---- what else is there for some wh0re who sticks a bat up her arse.?!




WWf-UFC is VERY different to porn on all levels--- most women don't have their partner's masturbating and getting aroused to the UFC and WWF guys or women. It is not sexual.....




..having been fairly verbal (LS-post-mode) about this topic....

I still cannot understand the intrique, interest, entertainment or interest in watching acted out sex-acts --fake and fromulated...

I could never be bothered watching what I would be doing, would rather be doing and be much happier enjoying..... now that is entertainment and then some.


and, how is it understandable for a woman to have a problem with her SO getting off to another woman's vagina???? I am curious about your take on this.

aren't most men getting off to another woman's vagina????

isn't that part of the problem for many women.... it certainly is part of it for me.

Isn't most porn about another woman's vagina....??


and, if women were to take photos or make their own videos---truthfully, lots of guys would stop watching that after a while because it isn't different or something else like that....


I know me and my SO made our own love making videos and after 6 months he stopped watching it and went back to the same old pathetic porn.... he watches the same ones over and over but can't bother watching the one's of us....

my only understanding--- he gets bored of looking at my Pu$$y and wants to look at another woman's vagina;

makes me feel really great!


I dont think any of the problem women have with their partner's porn is a control issue AT ALL....

I am a firm believer that in a relationship, you take your partner and their heart and R into consideration-

respect, integrity, compromise, communication....


if one can't stop, it is then an addicton...however you want to take that word appart.

Most guys defend it like their first born as one poster stated, can't give it up and seem to treat it as necessary.


I know I would have no problem giving up my margaritas, or whatever if my SO had concern over my action, or behaviour -if it affected him in a negative way and dominoed into how it affected our relationship.

It seems many men, turn this to insecurty, contol issues and just don't ever stop to say, may be this action just simply is hurtful to the woman in my life that I care? about for her reasons and what is most important????

Her and our R---not the fu(king porn.


PORN,,UFC, and WWE is the same as far as entertainment on a level that is immoral in the eyes of conservatives and religious people.. You just need to turn off Music, TV, and Movies all together then. But you say porn is different because you are "left out" when he's personally stimulating himself. You want him to only use his sexual energy on you at all times and porn undermines that. If my SO was getting off to porn and she wanted me right after or later in the day, I would be 100% okay with that! She has it under control! I'm not about to second guess her thoughts if she's telling me she's not attracted to the guys in the porn and it just the sexual act.

But Having it under control is not enough for some of you ladies. You throw in other factors like, respect, integrity, compromise, communication and addiction to make it seem unjustly and extremely immoral! That subconsciously shows complete insecurity and control on your behalf. How many women will give up things that his BF/Husband wants her to really give up no matter how ridiculous and unfair it is to her??



I still cannot understand the intrigue, interest, entertainment or interest in watching acted out violence and Drama --fake and formulated!!!!!!


With a lot of guys who have it under control, It's not the vagina they're getting of too. It's the act of sex and innovativeness that makes porn entertaining. Honestly homemade porns would get boring after a while because it's not professionally done and it gets redundant; like watching the same Action Movie. Now pictures on the other hand is different. If he stops looking at them to look at other vaginas then he has a problem!! Like I said,"It's the act of sex and innovativeness that makes porn entertaining."


I have it under control, I can personally give it up. I have already but to give it up for your security and how it makes you feel (when he has it under control) is dictatorship.


If your BF/Husband is always telling you he loves you, fines you irresistibly attractive, doesn't want any other woman, and never deprives you of sex, yet you still have a detrimental problem with porn. THAT IS COMPETE LOW self-esteem and insecurity. You need to get out of denial!!!

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With a lot of guys who have it under control, It's not the vagina they're getting of too. It's the act of sex and innovativeness that makes porn entertaining. Honestly homemade porns would get boring after a while because it's not professionally done and it gets redundant; like watching the same Action Movie. Now pictures on the other hand is different. If he stops looking at them to look at other vaginas then he has a problem!! Like I said,"It's the act of sex and innovativeness that makes porn entertaining."

Very true. I have home videos of me and my wife and I watch them just sometimes. It's absolutely true, the production value of the video is essential. Home videos are mostly one shot, tripod. No close-ups. No dynamics at all. Very boring. My wife never looks at the camera. The sound is bad, ect.

attractive as in...fake plastic boobs, more makeup then a clown, typical fake nails, false eyelashes, surgically altered with labiaplasty, abdominoplasty,bleached blonde and so on and so forth

I don't like fake boobs. Makeup can be awesome, as well as nails and lashes. I like thin no matter how you got there. Oh and black hair.

The girls in pro movies are exactly that. Pros! They are all different of course (lots of men, lots of tastes), but they are acting exactly the way most men want them to act. Loud, enthusiastic. They look at the camera exactly the way men want their women to look at them. It doesn't matter if it's fake. A directors job is to make you believe that what you are seeing is real. Same thing in any movie. I believed I was in Middle Earth until LOTRs was rolling credits.

Plus, fantasies are fake and formulated too. A porn is just someone elses fantasy recorded for mass entertainment.

It seems that most of the people who are worried about their partners watching porn have issues with comparison ith the people in the porn... Would those of you who worry about this be happier if he watched porn with unatractive stars?

I can see why a monogamous possessive woman wouldn't be thrilled with the idea of her husband watching porn. If it is a self-esteem issue, the idea of even trying to compete with professionally sexy girls would be a nightmare. My suggestion in this case would be, learn something from it

(can't bet 'em...join 'em).

What is the difference with masterbating to video or your own thoughts?

If you forced a "no porn policy" in your home, I'll bet you that your masterbator will be masterbating to the idea of people that he/she sees on a regular basis. Would you rather they masterbate to thoughts of the neighbor, co-worker, sister, ect? Or some porn star in LA? Don't think for a second that all fantasy from that point on is all about you and only you. You wouldn't know, have to see or hear about it. Maybe that's all you need. Out of sight out of mind, right?

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The Velvet Vixen
Explain to us why being sexually attracted to someone is degrading them.
I don't think you read my post, or the post I quoted. In my post, I quoted a passage of another post in which a person called a woman a "whore" who he'd never want to have a relationship with due to the fact that she bangs "multiple men." That attitude is sexually degrading by most people's standards. "Whore" is a sexually degrading term.
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The Velvet Vixen
animalistic, disrespectful, uncontrollable, and degrading towards women. If it's degrading then sex itself is too because there are guys in porn too.

If you're referring to my post, you must not have read it carefully. What I actually said was animalistic was the argument by some that instinctual behavior couldn't be controlled. My argument clearly applied to whatever behavior a person claimed was uncontrollable, because I don't believe that there exists a behavior that a human, a rational being by nature, has absolutely no control over if he or she reasons it out. Therefore if there's a creature who is completely driven by its instincts—whatever that instinct happens to be—I argue that that creature is not a person, but an animal. I didn't apply this to porn-watching, because as I said, I don't even believe porn-watching is a natural instinct. I believe it's a choice. Some men argue that porn-watching is a natural impulse that can't be helped, because they don't want it to be known that it's something that they choose to do. They know that if it's something they choose to do, it's something they can choose not to do. Since they don't want to be asked to stop doing it, they claim that it can't be controlled.



In regards to disrespect and degrading, I asked whether a man could view porn without thinking of the women involved as worthless whores. Thinking of a person has a worthless whore is disrespectful and degrading. If a man isn't thinking of a woman in a degrading or disrespectful manner, clearly he's not being disrespectful or degrading.

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The Velvet Vixen
Insecurity freaks a woman out. Like someone said on this forum, if you're getting deprived sex by your GF/wife and you want to stimulate you're, why should you restraint yourself twice as much when that was your way of stimulating yourself when you wasn't in a relastionship?
If a woman is denying a man of sex without reason (i.e, if she's doing it to control the relationship) in a relationship where there was a tacit agreement for sex (i.e., they are married or had a sexually intimate dating relationship), and refuses any type of dialogue in regards to the issue, then she is not being fair and it's clearly time for the man to end the relationship. Dialogue first...and if all else fails, end it. By turning to an porn, he's simply prolonging a relationship that's clearly doomed in any case, and in the meanwhile torturing her by watching porn that she doesn't agree with and himself by remaining in a relationship in which he's deprived of sex (if she's mad about him about porn-watching, she's obviously not going to be more likely to sleep with him than she was before). Therefore, turning to porn for this reason doesn't solve the problem.


Similarly, if a woman is in a relationship with a man and he's doing something that she feels is a deal-breaker, such as watching porn and/or depriving her of sex, and refuses to discuss it, then it's time for the relationship to come to an end. No one should stay in a relationship that they feel miserable in. A person who cares about you should consider your feelings. Relationships are all about compromise.

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I know the guys will say they don't mind but I really wonder how many would put up with their woman watching porn daily with lots of well hung guys in it? ... a bunch of naked guy photos on her computer etc. and ordering a replica of some porn guy's schlong to pleasure herself with while she watching the porn?


With men as insecure as they are about their size and performance I think it would bother them.

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The Velvet Vixen
You keep bringing up violent movies...if I were against them (which I'm not) what does that have to do with my sex life? This isn't about stripping a man of the things he's loves in life, its about the normal give and take of a relationship.
Also, as someone may or may not have said earlier in this thread (or maybe it was elsewhere), the violence happening on the screen isn't real. There isn't actually a person getting hurt in these things (everyone knows wrestling is more fake than not). In porn, however, there are really naked people, and they're really having sex. Therefore, these two things really can't be compared. If a person found it entertaining to watch real people really getting brutally tortured, for example, I think most SOs would begin to worry. A lot.


I'm not telling my boyfriend to stop masturbating or watch porn. I'm asking him to at least consider me when he does it so I'm not left high and dry. It may be hard to believe because of stereotypes, but women like sex too! Sure there are those "people" out there, but women are just as sexual and horny as guys.

In regards to your boyfriend...compromise is essential to a relationship. I would suggest talking to your boyfriend and discussing your feelings with him on the issue, and listening to his. If you can't reach a compromise you're both relatively satisfied with, then one or both of you will remain miserable for as long as this relationship lasts (not very long). If your SO is completely rigid and unwilling to discuss issues that one or both of you feel is very important (i.e., if he makes statements like, "Why should I have to do this just because it's against her morals??") and make a compromise based on the feelings of both, then he or she does not know the meaning of the word "relationship" and certainly isn't ready to be in one. In any relationship, you have two people with two different personalities (there are no two people alike in the world) so there are bound to be some issues that you'll conflict on. The key is discussion and compromise.

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The Velvet Vixen
I know the guys will say they don't mind but I really wonder how many would put up with their woman watching porn daily with lots of well hung guys in it? ... a bunch of naked guy photos on her computer etc. and ordering a replica of some porn guy's schlong to pleasure herself with while she watching the porn?


With men as insecure as they are about their size and performance I think it would bother them.

LOL...there goes that pesky double standard thing again. I completely agree. I've seen posts by more than a few men who were bothered by women having sexually charged chats with men online, although even the men themselves who posted the complaint noted that the woman had a need for it (based on insecurity and a resulting need for attention). I'm sure those women would argue that it was just a harmless fantasy and that there was nothing for the men to feel threatened about, since the men they were talking to were men they'd never met and never would meet.
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I don't think you read my post, or the post I quoted. In my post, I quoted a passage of another post in which a person called a woman a "whore" who he'd never want to have a relationship with due to the fact that she bangs "multiple men." That attitude is sexually degrading by most people's standards. "Whore" is a sexually degrading term.


The word whore is not a word used only by men. Women throw it around twice as much as men. When I said that, I was only saying it in a way to where a BF/husband makes his GF/wife feel less insecure. That he doesn't want the women in porn, who's had sex with a multitude of men. Maybe I should have used the word promiscuous. Whore is not a polite word regardless of how you use it. I think guys are whores too. The word "Whore" was originate for a men who sleep with a multitude of women.


A lot of women miss the essence of the question and turned it into your own personal issues.


Why do women get so upset when they find out their boyfriends, or husbands watch pornography? I could understand the discomfit if he watches it to where it's interfering with his priorities, denying you quality time & intimacy, or if it’s against your religion… But if those aren’t the reasons, why is it a problem?


Though this question was a bit rhetorical, a lot of your answers were out of insecurity and control. If you're going to be conservative about how wrong watching filmed sex is, be that way with filmed violence and negative Dramas too. Don't dictate what your mate should and shouldn't watch. Ban it all before you start the relationship (filmed sex, violence, drama etc,.).


A man is not going to get sex every time he wants it in a relationship. You only know that through experience. He may have a stronger sex drive than her. vice versa. That doesn't mean you end the relationship. That also doesn't mean you prohibit him from stimulating himself.


Depriving him of sex when he wants it (when you may not) and preventing him from stimulating himself is a good reason to end the relationship. You're right!!


If the roles where reversed, it's a nonsensitive issue! They have 1000x more sex toys for women then they do men. Using a object to stimulate yourself is just as much, if not, more wrong than watching porn. It's a nonsensitive issue for a women to stimulate herself if she's getting deprived of sex, and very double-standard.








If your BF/Husband is always telling you he loves you, fines you irresistibly attractive, doesn't want any other woman, and never deprives you of sex, yet you still have a detrimental problem with porn. THAT IS COMPETE LOW self-esteem and insecurity. You need to get out of denial!!!

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Women who make a big deal about porn and strip clubs are like that poster's boyfriend who threw away her vibrator.

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LOL...there goes that pesky double standard thing again. I completely agree. I've seen posts by more than a few men who were bothered by women having sexually charged chats with men online, although even the men themselves who posted the complaint noted that the woman had a need for it (based on insecurity and a resulting need for attention). I'm sure those women would argue that it was just a harmless fantasy and that there was nothing for the men to feel threatened about, since the men they were talking to were men they'd never met and never would meet.


Talking to someone and watching pre-recorded sex acts (where there's no communication) is remotely irrelevant to one another.


I just feel a lot of insecurity from you or maybe a fight for things to not be so double-standard. ?????

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Chatting with people online is different than going to strip club or watching porn. Strip clubs and porn are just x rated entertainment. My wife took a friend out to a male revue for her birthday and I didn't mind at all. I wished them a good time.

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I don't know what the heck you are talking about the in first few sentences.


Yes, you do. But I'll try and explain it again. Let's see - I'm sensitive to things that affect my self-esteem, specifically the way in which I compare with other women. My sensitivity has occurred over time through experience, feedback, learning and observation, much of which I have no control over. I can't unlearn these past experiences nor can I undo the impact they've had on me. It's basically impossible to become 'insensitive' to these things in the environment, because they affect my self-esteem and therefore determine my levels of happiness and contentment.


Wrestling and Porn are two different things but it's equivalent when it comes to sensitivity. If you're open to it, you wouldn't exclaim about how wrong it is.


I'm open to it, I just don't see the point of comparing the two. For the record, I dislike violent media because it makes me feel very uncomfortable. My ex didn't watch wrestling but if he was watching a violent movie I'd make him turn it off, or walk out of the room. I wasn't chosing to not be sensitive to violence, I was chosing to avoid it.


Though this forum was about why women have a problem with porn, a lot of guys and women are trying to give other women a better understanding to why guys enjoy porn (who have it under control). We're trying to give you a man's perspective but you're oblivious to it, transfiguring it into something animalistic, disrespectful, uncontrollable, and degrading towards women. If it's degrading then sex itself is too because there are guys in porn too.


I don't remember saying anything about it being animalistic. Disrespectful, uncontrollable and degrading, yes. I've haven't seen evidence that makes me believe otherwise. Fair enough, you've given us your perspective, but I'm giving you mine, as someone who is adversely affected by your so called harmless activities. The only reason I think porn is 'degrading' is because it raises male expectations of how women should look.


It's okay to watch violence because it doesn't challenge your insecurity as a woman but it's not okay to watch sex because it does. You're desensitizing violence over sex! If a guy, who has it under control, always has to cater to your needs, then the relationship is all about you.


I do not justify my decisions on the basis of whether or not they contribute to or detract from my womanhood.


It seems that most of the people who are worried about their partners watching porn have issues with comparison ith the people in the porn... Would those of you who worry about this be happier if he watched porn with unatractive stars?


Yes, absolutely.


It's not the vagina they're getting of too. It's the act of sex and innovativeness that makes porn entertaining


Right, so the relative attractiveness of the porn actress makes no difference to you whatsoever?

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Porn watcher is same as adulterers, will not enter kingdom of heaven

Unless you turn back from your sinful ways


Porn is destructive and sowing despise between two in a relationship. what is it good to LOVE? with your wife???


It's like two men is searching for an anple tree at the end of the road. one man told the second man, there is a pit along the road ahead, but because of this second man so wanted to get the apple, he covered his eyes, hope this pit go away, then suddenly he fall into it and cannot get out:laugh: laughable, right? This is like a man heard of warning but covered his ears, or justify his actions, but finally the destruction is his, not others

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Very true. I have home videos of me and my wife and I watch them just sometimes. It's absolutely true, the production value of the video is essential. Home videos are mostly one shot, tripod. No close-ups. No dynamics at all. Very boring. My wife never looks at the camera. The sound is bad, ect.


I don't like fake boobs. Makeup can be awesome, as well as nails and lashes. I like thin no matter how you got there. Oh and black hair.

The girls in pro movies are exactly that. Pros! They are all different of course (lots of men, lots of tastes), but they are acting exactly the way most men want them to act. Loud, enthusiastic. They look at the camera exactly the way men want their women to look at them. It doesn't matter if it's fake. A directors job is to make you believe that what you are seeing is real. Same thing in any movie. I believed I was in Middle Earth until LOTRs was rolling credits.

Plus, fantasies are fake and formulated too. A porn is just someone elses fantasy recorded for mass entertainment.


I can see why a monogamous possessive woman wouldn't be thrilled with the idea of her husband watching porn. If it is a self-esteem issue, the idea of even trying to compete with professionally sexy girls would be a nightmare. My suggestion in this case would be, learn something from it

(can't bet 'em...join 'em).

What is the difference with masterbating to video or your own thoughts?

If you forced a "no porn policy" in your home, I'll bet you that your masterbator will be masterbating to the idea of people that he/she sees on a regular basis. Would you rather they masterbate to thoughts of the neighbor, co-worker, sister, ect? Or some porn star in LA? Don't think for a second that all fantasy from that point on is all about you and only you. You wouldn't know, have to see or hear about it. Maybe that's all you need. Out of sight out of mind, right?

Except porn and "you", there are many other things can be done. feed hungry, give out hope, help people, fix things.......

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Right, so the relative attractiveness of the porn actress makes no difference to you whatsoever?


Well, we want the women in the porn to look like women!:lmao::lmao:. What guy wants to see a man having sex with a she-male!:lmao:

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Porn watcher is same as adulterers, will not enter kingdom of heaven

Unless you turn back from your sinful ways


Porn is destructive and sowing despise between two in a relationship. what is it good to LOVE? with your wife???


It's like two men is searching for an anple tree at the end of the road. one man told the second man, there is a pit along the road ahead, but because of this second man so wanted to get the apple, he covered his eyes, hope this pit go away, then suddenly he fall into it and cannot get out:laugh: laughable, right? This is like a man heard of warning but covered his ears, or justify his actions, but finally the destruction is his, not others



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Well, we want the women in the porn to look like women!:lmao::lmao:. What guy wants to see a man having sex with a she-male!:lmao:


Okay, if you wish to turn it into a joke go right ahead. Personally, I do not find this very funny. So what you're saying is that for a woman to look like a woman she's gotta have the physical proportions and attributes of a porn star, otherwise she's basically a freak?

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Okay, if you wish to turn it into a joke go right ahead. Personally, I do not find this very funny. So what you're saying is that for a woman to look like a woman she's gotta have the physical proportions and attributes of a porn star, otherwise she's basically a freak?


I know you're going through a difficult time with this. I didn't mean to joke. She has to look presentable. Would you watch "The Bachelor" or "24" if the main guy was exceedingly overweight. This is trivial because what one guy my find attractive, the other guy may not, which brings up the question; how do you know if he finds her irresistibly attractivewhen he looks at it? Is he saying it? If not, why are you so certain you can read his mind?


That's the problem with some women. They're too self-conscious. I think, I think, I think, I think!! Don't be a prisoner of your own mind. We sometimes let our thoughts consume reality. We let pessimistic thoughts screw up our good intuition. Don't let negative thoughts jail you from enjoying life and relationships.


And don't take the negative stereotype that your man lies every time he opens his mouth, literal. It's just a stereotype!! Learn how to trust each others words. With no trust, there's no relationship.

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Citizen Erased

Why is this thread still going? :laugh:


Short answer to the OP's original question:


They get upset because they feel threatened.


Each couple has to learn to deal with the issue and if they can't compromise then they aren't right for each other in the first place.

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Why is this thread still going? :laugh:


Short answer to the OP's original question:


They get upset because they feel threatened.


Each couple has to learn to deal with the issue and if they can't compromise then they aren't right for each other in the first place.


I don't know, I guess it can.:laugh:



I but the rest of what you're saying is true...

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