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Valentines Day;)


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Are you married?


If not, buy him nothing.


Give him a big kiss, ask him to be your valentine, and that's it.


Guys don't expect V-Day gifts. It's a chick holiday.

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If you know him well enough buy something that reflects his character.


Do not buy anything soppy and cute, basically don't buy anything you would love to recieve yourself :)


Men hate soppy and it may also scare them off. Do not buy a card saying love unless you have said 'I love you' to eachother already.


I will tell you what I bought:


A classy modern black and red card saying happy valentines day.


One black and one red furry giant dice that when thrown comes up with combinations such as 'tickle ear' 'kiss lips'


A little devil stuffed toy for the car.


And a heart shaped love potion that is actually a vodka cocktail.


No lovey dovey stuff, nothing too erotic, just a big tease based on his naughty little character to get a laugh :)


Its up to HIM to be romantic :)


Hope it helps.

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Well, that's what I get my husband.


As for it being a "chick holiday" Yeah, it sorta is, but I see that as being up to us "chicks" to change that and make it a celebration for both! Why should we be the only ones to receive gifts!


Actually, a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I gave my husband a drill, a ratchet set, and a set of bits for his router for Valentines day. I chose gifts that were rather phallic in shape and each one had a colored, textured condom on it, and the boxes were wrapped in edible underwear. :)


Be creative!

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Originally posted by clia

Are you married?


No we are not married but I still want to get him something

...Edible underwear doesn't sound too good... Bleh!




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I think the best v-day gift I ever got a guy was a singing telegram... delivered to his work. It was a girl dressed up as cupid and she totally embarassed him :)


I like gifts that leave something that will always be remembered!!! Roses and candy are great... but the countless times those are handed out... be original and leave him something that will never be forgotten.

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First valentines day I had with my b/f I bought him a douzen roses sent to his work *snigger* and just some small odds and ends like a shirt and calander. Then made him dinner at home and well after that ;)


This year we don't hve our own house and neither does he so itis a quiet dinner here and time alone

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some guys appreciate home-cooked goodies, like cookies or cakes, or even a specially prepared meal that shows you took the time to do something special. I guess I'm lucky -- my husband is an ice cream-junkie, so I'll go to the Marble Slab creamery that opened here recently and splurge on some high dollar ice cream.

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Are the girls not supposed to do anything? I'm finding the generations are conflicting. I don't know where I got the idea that it was up to both people to do something for V-Day, but my parent's and other people from older generations say it's guys business only. What's the deal?

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I agree that guys are DEFINETLY suppose to do something. Cards, flowers, jewelry, stuffed animal, . . . . . . . . SOMETHING! However, I believe you need to show your love as well. Whether it be something small, or something big, I believe love is a two way street. Give something, send something, or do something

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I think it's the guy's place. Like I said, V-Day is a chick holiday. (Hallmark holiday!)


I think it's fine to get a guy something small if you have been together for awhile, but if not, I say leave it to the guy. Just wish him Happy V-Day and give him a kiss.


I think girls tend to think guys view V-Day the same way we do. They don't. It's not a big deal to them. Most of the time they deal with it because we want them to. If you get them something uber-romantic too soon, it tends to freak them out.


If you must do something, go with a card only.

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When I was with my man... I got him new boxers that had little red valentines on it with cupid arrows on it that was black satan and he loved them:) I got him more then boxers.. I as well got him a gift that we could share together.. A white sexy nitie with the whole deal heals and all:)

Needless to say he loved valentines day, Plus its always a bonus to add some candy to the treat package:):)

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