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call waiting turned off

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I suspected my b/f turned off that distinctive ring with call waiting--meaning if i call him and he is on the phone i will not hear the ring..i even noticed one time that i did call him and he didnt pick up..and when i looked in his cell--he was on the phone at this time ..i questioned him on it and he says he really doesnt know..but i read on some posts online that there is a way to turn it off and you have to get someone technical to do it--i dont think its someting your press yourself using your verizon cell phone..so doesnt this mean this is something suspicious and also that he is lying to me?

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I can activate/deactivate call waiting from my phone. It's in the phone settings menu.

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Consider this Sungrl, Three years ago I had a minor "idendity theft" problem with a couple of neighbor teens. The swiped some stuff out of my postal mailbox including a new credit card I had applied for from Citi Bank. They authorized it and maxed it out on Video stuff locally.


I called Citi Bank from my "landline" (which I no longer have) and began working on getting the charges forgiven. On one of the calls which I had been "waiting for a representitive" for 45 plus minutes I received eight calls from a gal which I was dating at the time... which I ignored. On the ninth call (she knew I had call waiting) I clicked to answer and asked her to wait for me to call her back.... as suspected, by the time I clicked back to Citi Bank it was dead, I lost my position in the que and had to start all over again. Grrr.... Before calling Citi back I called ATT (another 20 minute wait) and cancelled the call waiting. Then called Citi back.


When I discovered that my Cel phone (sprint) allowed me to turn call waiting on and off I was really pleased. It allows me to turn the feature off before making calls that may last awhile, or that I don't want to be interuppted.


The gal? I ended up cancelling the dinner plans we had for that night (that she was calling about) and only saw her one more time. Her lack of patience and trust over my explaination was a big factor in my decision to stop seeing her.


Just a thought.

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Why does it even matter if he turned off call-waiting? I'm really not understanding this. Help me help you.


with a verizon phone..how so?


I totally used to have this option on my phone - it seems to have disappeared. That's odd.

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