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Dude decoder. What does this all mean? I know I'll see him again, did he like me?

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I met this boy a few weeks ago on a overseas 10-day tour. We go to different colleges, we live in different states, NY and MA. Not too far, but its still geographically undesireable. We hit it off really well, or so I thought. It was the first time in a while I've really felt a connection, you know, when you look in their eyes and you get that feeling that you're the one that matters to them. BUT this kid never once made a move to kiss me or anything, despite it seeming that he liked me. Was he shy? Did it not seem worth it to him? Was I just a fun, flirtatious fling? We're both going to be abroad at the same place in the spring (It's like fate). I'm gonna be in NY this summer, though I'm from MA, and I hope to meet up with him and other kids from our trip. I'd love to get together with just him, too, to see if things would be different if we were alone. What I need to know, is what did he really think of me? Did he like me? Is it worth it for me to keep him in mind? Please help.


Some things (not all) to go by:


He sat with me every night, for 10 nights. I would wake up to find him glancing back at me (on the plane).

Talked only to me, found excuses to be near me at night, even in big groups

Sat so close to me we touched

Used "we" as in "where should we sit? What should we do?"

Commented on my eyes (I noticed your pupils are always so big)

Moved my hair out of my eyes ("you look mysterious")

Always smiled/looked at me

Rested his head on my shoulder

Walked with me although didn't say much (said he mumbles a lot)

Remembered everything I had said before



NEVER made a move further than the above

Always found an excuse to leave early

Didnt talk to me much during the day, with other people around

Didnt hug me goodbye until i asked him

Sometimes seemed to try not to be around me, although he ended up with me

Seemed awkward/ sometimes disinterested.

When other guys were around me he would back off

(There was another boy who was pursuing me hardcore on the trip. It was clear that I wasn't interested, and that me and the boy I'm asking about were sort of together)

Wouldnt make a move on me but let another girl sit on his lap

(he would look at me kinda apologetically when this happened, but why would he let it happen?)

I would compliment him, or comment on his athletic ability. He would smile, shrug, say "thanks." Thats it.


Any answers?

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Sounds like a very shy and inexperianced young man. Be kind and it may turn into something grand!

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