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Me and this girl flirt a lot, but I don't know where its going, what do you think?

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I am very confused about this relationship that I have with this girl. We aren't going out and we never have hooked up or anything, but we flirt a lot. Its been going on for months, but recently it has just gotten different.




This is what it was like before: She would call me sexy a lot and say things like "you are so sexy" and just stuff like that.




Now, about 2 weeks ago she says "Hi sexy... come over here you are so gorgeous" and then she rubbed my torso and stomach. She also grabbed my nipples a lot, and also hits my ass. That was last week.

Now, recently she rubs my torso for like 5 seconds and she cupped the muscle around the nipple with her hand and squeezed it. Then she did it again when we were leaving and she said "bye sexy I love you.. I'll see you tomorrow"

And then after that, she was with her friend who was driving her home when i was driving out of the parking lot and she comes up and says "baby do you want road head?" and then I laughed because I didn't think she was serious and said "hell yeaaaa", Then she said "how bad do you want it?" and she made me say something, (i didn't really know what to say) so i just said something and then she was like Ok let me in your car, pull down your pants. So she walks up to the door (and me and her friend were laughing) and i jokingly pretend to start to unzip my pants and she turns around and laughs. Then I said "COME ONNNN" just joking some more and then we said bye and left.


So, what is this?? Do you think she wants me or wants to hook up with me or what??



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