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Cheating with a prisoner

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My girlfriend cheated on me with a prisoner. Her girlfriend's boyfriend was in jail and she said she wanted to go with her to visit him, since she had known both fron HS. She went several times, but one time came back with a hickey, she doesn't want to break up, and says she is sorry, but she was so slick about the cheating, that I didn't have a clue. I found out later how easy it is to have sex at prison visiting, and strongly suspect that that happened.

We had been together for two years, and the hurt is so strong, and the cheating so thought out, I don't think that it would ever be possible to trust her again.

Should I even try?

She says she will writer a break-upletter to the prisoner and let me see her mail it. I thought I really cared for her, but it just seems hopeless to me.

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Dust this girl quickly. She's nothing but trash. First, she screwed her girlfriend's boyfriend...at the same time she was cheating on you....all this at a time when she went to see her girlfriend's boyfriend WITH her girlfriend. That's a pretty good trick, no pun intended.


Your lady is trash with no morals. Why would you think she would magically change? You'll never trust her again for a second.

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first get yourself checked for HIV there is a lot of Gay sex in jails. Who Knows who this guy is having sex with besides your GF.

Now you also have to ask yourself why is this guy in jail violent? Will he come looking for you once he is out? he might have some warped idea that your the one screwing his GF.

This GFof yours is such bad news. Just get rid of her and right now. Any woman who would go to a prison to have sex has some serious issues.

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I know this may be hard... but the way I look at it, there has to be a boundary where you can accept things that a loved one has done. Cheating is a very bad step over the boundary line.... cheating with her friend's boyfriend is another step past that..... and cheating with a prisoner is just low. I would find it probably impossible to ever get back with someone like that... as I would be thinking of the situation for a very long time.

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It was not with her friend's boyfriend, but a prisoner that she met there, of course it is just as bad.

I did some research of visiting policies at the jail, and it would take a month to get approved for visitation, so this had to be going on for quite some time, she was so slick about it, have had time to work up a good anger. I have decided to let her write the break-up letter to the prisoner, and then break up with her.

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