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I just broke up with my now ex ( of course) not too long ago . We have been trying the friend thing . I just asked him if he went back out onto the dating site that I first saw him at . He said that as of late that he did in fact re- activate his account , so I did the same . So , Now we are on the same dating site , two different ones to be exact. He has since added me to his fav. list on one and has not contacted me on the other . But I am able to tell when someone is viewing my profile , and he has , a lot !. And when we talk on MSN it is very casual for me , but he tends to ask questions like what I am doing that night , or where I will be tomorrow and always asking if I will be attendingthings that I know he might be at . What does this mean for a guy? I think I have pretty much given up on him since when I tried there wasnt any responce , so I have learned to move on as hard as that was. Now all of a sudden , now that he knows we are on the same dating sites , he is checking up on me and leaving me messages that ask where I am and what I am doing . does he want me back , or is he just jealous ? I have no clue as to what this might be . Should I just try to be his friend still and drive him crazy until he asks me back out ? Or should I just let it go , because this is something that will fade for him ?


I know I ask so many Q's . but i would like a male perspective . thanks

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Give up on this guy!!! He wants to know where you'll be so he won't run into you with another girl in his arms and embarrass the two of you. He knows that would be an awkward situation and he doesn't want to hurt you. If he was interested in getting back with you, he wouldn't be on a dating site...and he would ask you out.


Stop playing games with the guy and ignore his communications. It's only for his own purposes. If you run into him somewhere and he's got a girl with him, just say hello and move on.

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