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fisting freinds

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hi i need some advice on this relationship i been seeing this guy for over 2 yrs now but we are some what like fwb i go over for a few fisting sessions and its getting confusing b/c i dont know if its getting emotional now b/c hes showing signs of jealousy what do i do

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That's frikin hardcore, wow. I still can't imagine that fitting and not being too painful I mean, but I guess people who like that sort of thing like that. (You're talking about what I think right?)


I have heard repeatedly that for FWBs it usually ends up getting emotional for at least one of the people, and thats why a lot of people veiw it as a bad idea. If he acts jealous just ignore it because he has no right to be, and if you have to cut off the whole relationship cut it off. That is if you don't care about him, you didn't say.

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Fisting is an abnormal sexual practice. I don't think God would approve


You're confused. The section for gullible whackos that can't think for themselves is over here: http://www.loveshack.org/forums/f56/


OP: You need to ask him if he's getting attached. Then, take it from there.

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Actually there is no explicit prohibition to any specific act between a man and a woman in the bible. However there is most definitely specific sins listed that you have engaged in Ruby - so I suggest you shut up.


OP - fisting is an intersting one. I know one woman who enjoys this activity (she is the fister) however she would never contemplate a serious relationship with any of the men that allow her to do that to them.


Perhaps you are having the same issue?


You need to discuss this with your FWB and certainly not lead him on.

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Actually there is no explicit prohibition to any specific act between a man and a woman in the bible. However there is most definitely specific sins listed that you have engaged in Ruby - so I suggest you shut up.


OP - fisting is an intersting one. I know one woman who enjoys this activity (she is the fister) however she would never contemplate a serious relationship with any of the men that allow her to do that to them.


Perhaps you are having the same issue?


You need to discuss this with your FWB and certainly not lead him on.


OMG.. I cannot believe the way you attack me! Are you a racist? Fisting can lead to permanent anal, vaginal and possibly brain damage and I'm just trying to help this person out. My God, why is this place so mean to people


You're confused. The section for gullible whackos that can't think for themselves is over here: http://www.loveshack.org/forums/f56/


Calling True believers whackos is simply unacceptable! What gives you the right to say that people who believe in a creator are wackos? Please apologize to God and repent. Perhaps God will show you mercy.

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That's frikin hardcore, wow. I still can't imagine that fitting and not being too painful I mean, but I guess people who like that sort of thing like that. (You're talking about what I think right?)


I have heard repeatedly that for FWBs it usually ends up getting emotional for at least one of the people, and thats why a lot of people veiw it as a bad idea. If he acts jealous just ignore it because he has no right to be, and if you have to cut off the whole relationship cut it off. That is if you don't care about him, you didn't say.

i care about him we are very good freinds can talk about anything thats why its so confusing

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Ruby -


Please advise how saying the activity the OP was engaging in is something G-d would not approve of is helping them

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Calling True believers whackos is simply unacceptable! What gives you the right to say that people who believe in a creator are wackos? Please apologize to God and repent. Perhaps God will show you mercy.


"Whacko: - A person regarded as eccentric or irrational."


There is no proof god exists, therefore it is irrational to believe it.


This means all believers are irrational and can be called "whackos".


Hope that helps to clear things up, if you're presently conversing with the imaginary man in the sky, please pass on my most heartfelt disrespect.

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:lmao: Enema, well said.


RubyDeluxe, I think you are being exceptionally hypocritical after reading some of your other posts and it has NOTHING to do with race.


But this isn't about you, which is good because I think you are a DeluxeTROLL.


To the OP. This guy is using you.


Please reconsider what you are getting out of this "fwb" relationship.

Are you getting any benefits? Or are they all reserved for him?

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"Whacko: - A person regarded as eccentric or irrational."


There is no proof god exists, therefore it is irrational to believe it.


This means all believers are irrational and can be called "whackos".


Hope that helps to clear things up, if you're presently conversing with the imaginary man in the sky, please pass on my most heartfelt disrespect.


There is no proof that God doesnt exist either...so to say so is also irrational


It goes both ways....



just to stay on topic....I am surprised this thread hasnt been moved to the sex board yet....

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There is no proof that God doesnt exist either...so to say so is also irrational


It goes both ways....


The rules of logic and science indicate that there must be some kind of basis for an assertion or else it must be denied.


Saying something doesn't exist when there's no evidence to the contrary isn't an assertion. The only assertion here are religious people claiming god exists.


It's up to you to provide some basis for that or it will be rightfully scrapped.

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The rules of logic and science indicate that there must be some kind of basis for an assertion or else it must be denied.


Saying something doesn't exist when there's no evidence to the contrary isn't an assertion. The only assertion here are religious people claiming god exists.


It's up to you to provide some basis for that or it will be rightfully scrapped.




there is still no proof either way......but it is possible


Deductive logic and science also tells us that everything happens because of cause and effect.....


And if we can agree that the universe started with a big bang....what was the cause or purpose of the big bang? Logic tells us there has to be a reason or cause as to why the universe came to be....but no one can prove the WHY with solid fact....all they can do confirm it started.....but to prove "why" or "how" it started is speculative on both sides of the coin.



I am not here to push my beliefs on to others....and to be honest, i dont like it when people through out the God card at other people....its a personal choice to believe....and if you dont....thats fine by me....still doesnt make me a whacko for believing....


everybody has there own way....

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Mustang Sally

So, OP -

Tell us more about how this relationship got started between you two? Is it based on the fisting sessions first and foremost? Or were you friends otherwise, who discovered this mutually enjoyed activity later?


Maybe he feels close to you because you are willing to participate in this activity with him...he's worried he'll lose that/you, and thus the jealous feelings?


What do you want? Do you want more from him, or just the FWB?

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"Whacko: - A person regarded as eccentric or irrational."


There is no proof god exists, therefore it is irrational to believe it.


This means all believers are irrational and can be called "whackos".


Hope that helps to clear things up, if you're presently conversing with the imaginary man in the sky, please pass on my most heartfelt disrespect.


Pretty good. Pretty good.


Back to fisting, where exactly is the fist going? Inquiring minds want to know.


I've done many perverse things over the years but I've never fisted. Or been fisted.


It's not unusual for a FWB relationship to involve feelings--sometimes even love. Once that happens, you can never return to the bad old days of the FWB ("Fists with Benefits") relationship.


Also, 2 years is an awful long time for a FWB relationship. I'm not surprised that jealousy is starting to rear its ugly head. You're good friends, now, not just fisting session partners.

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OMG.. I cannot believe the way you attack me! Are you a racist? Fisting can lead to permanent anal, vaginal and possibly brain damage and I'm just trying to help this person out. My God, why is this place so mean to people




Calling True believers whackos is simply unacceptable! What gives you the right to say that people who believe in a creator are wackos? Please apologize to God and repent. Perhaps God will show you mercy.


This will probably make me sound sooo stupid, but how can fisting cause brain damage?? where is the fist going?? anal & vaginal damage I can understand, but brain damage?? I'm confused :confused:

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("Fists with Benefits")




Because if you want a fist shoved up your butt, you have to be brain damaged??




Thanks you guys, I needed a good chuckle!!



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Thanks you guys, I needed a good chuckle!!




So could we all, woman. :D


Tonight, I'll think long and hard about "fisting sessions" and all that they entail.


What I've learned at the Shack!

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Also, 2 years is an awful long time for a FWB relationship. I'm not surprised that jealousy is starting to rear its ugly head. You're good friends, now, not just fisting session partners.


Do you two do anything sexual besides fisting? Maybe he's developing feelings for you because you are the only one with whom he can indulge in this activity. Do you have other kinds of sex? Do you have dinner, go to moveis, whatever?


And finally, what do YOU want out of this relationship? Be honest with him and tell him what you want.

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This will probably make me sound sooo stupid, but how can fisting cause brain damage?? where is the fist going?? anal & vaginal damage I can understand, but brain damage?? I'm confused :confused:



I thought she would probably want to be fisted in the mouth as well. I'm sorry if I was mistaken. I am not up to speed on the [FONT=Times New Roman]intricate details of [/FONT]such deviant behavior

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Do you two do anything sexual besides fisting? Maybe he's developing feelings for you because you are the only one with whom he can indulge in this activity. Do you have other kinds of sex? Do you have dinner, go to moveis, whatever?


And finally, what do YOU want out of this relationship? Be honest with him and tell him what you want.


I was puzzled by the gratuitous reference to fisting when it really wasn't relevant to the big question: namely, what does one do when a FWB relationship evolves into something more.


Fisting, however, even made its way into the Thread title.While fisting is a unique sexual practice--one I must try in my next life--the more interesting question is what happens when a relationship turns in unexpected directions.


While specific sex practices can be performed, it's much more difficult to "perform" a relationship. It's than anarchic quality that makes many a relationship scary to the participants.

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I thought she would probably want to be fisted in the mouth as well. I'm sorry if I was mistaken. I am not up to speed on the [FONT=Times New Roman]intricate details of [/FONT]such deviant behavior



Try putting your fist in your mouth and see how far you get. Its not easy. And brain damage is practically impossible because of this.



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