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fisting freinds

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Try putting your fist in your mouth and see how far you get. Its not easy. And brain damage is practically impossible because of this.




Is there a danger of the fist slipping and hitting you in the head, therefore causing brain damage??? hmmm much to think about......

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So, OP -

Tell us more about how this relationship got started between you two? Is it based on the fisting sessions first and foremost? Or were you friends otherwise, who discovered this mutually enjoyed activity later?


Maybe he feels close to you because you are willing to participate in this activity with him...he's worried he'll lose that/you, and thus the jealous feelings?


What do you want? Do you want more from him, or just the FWB?

i want to keep things the way they are i like fwb less stress but i love him dearly as a freind
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The rules of logic and science indicate that there must be some kind of basis for an assertion or else it must be denied.


Saying something doesn't exist when there's no evidence to the contrary isn't an assertion. The only assertion here are religious people claiming god exists.


It's up to you to provide some basis for that or it will be rightfully scrapped.



Rules of Logic and science... ROFL. Did you just make that crap up or what? Just based on your statement, I doubt you would know logic if it walked up and kicked you in the crotch!


Im going to chalk that one up to Enema Wisdom!

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Do you two do anything sexual besides fisting? Maybe he's developing feelings for you because you are the only one with whom he can indulge in this activity. Do you have other kinds of sex? Do you have dinner, go to moveis, whatever?


And finally, what do YOU want out of this relationship? Be honest with him and tell him what you want.

we keep the relationship very descreet yea i give him oral sometimes

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i want to keep things the way they are i like fwb less stress but i love him dearly as a freind


Then you must talk to him and ask him what his thoughts are. Make sure you are clear about your thoughts. If you don't talk with him, this situation will just keep getting more uncomfortable for you - you have to be on the same page with a FWB, or he's going to get hurt and I'm sure you don't want to hurt your friend.

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Then you must talk to him and ask him what his thoughts are. Make sure you are clear about your thoughts. If you don't talk with him, this situation will just keep getting more uncomfortable for you - you have to be on the same page with a FWB, or he's going to get hurt and I'm sure you don't want to hurt your friend.

good idea i know he will understand

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You're getting good advice. What we all must remember is that a FWB relationship is still a relationship. Also, relationships are dynamic, ever changing, never static. Even a FWB relationship will evolve in ways we least suspect or sometimes desire.


It sounds like you guys need to re-negotiate some terms.


Good luck.

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Passionate Lover

Maybe you can try and imagine being in his shoes, if you're often having these fisting sessions then maybe you are giving him other signs?

Maybe not but if he has any passionate love for you he may exploit that and go into a world of his own and see it as a sign of compassionate love.



But if you haven't then the best thing you can do is maybe stop the fisting sessions for a little while, let him settle down a bit then maybe try again a week later?


Or you could still have these fisting sessions and maybe ask him how he feels about this relationship, make sure ur very safe about what you say from what i'v read he can be hurt very easy.


I know some of this advice is very obviouse :\

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Passionate Lover
I'm not so sure that this is a good idea. If you take too long a break, then you might not be able to get it all the way in again. Kind of like losing the fruits of all your hard work.




A breaks usualy good depending on situation.



If he is getting emotional and jeleuos, then you need to know why maybe take a break and use that time as just friends and talk to him about it.



But yeah i supose you're not wrong.

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How often can you keep fisting and for how long before things start getting permenantly stretched out? I mean if you do that alot and then you have regular sex, doesn't it, like, seem way small in comparison? :lmao: Sorry going off the topic but the OP is the one who had to throw the details in.

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Passionate Lover
I understand where you're coming from. You may have a point.


I just think that these are the times when a fist in the bush is worth two open hands.


Yeah i guess you're also right.



At the end of the day he is you're friend and you need to discuss this AS friends and find out the root for his emotional actions and try to deal with that or maybe his feelings just make the relationship 1 sided and in that case maybe you should JUST be friends but if you're both willing to work through it then go for it and maybe it will work out :)

good luck hehe.

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Maybe you can try and imagine being in his shoes, if you're often having these fisting sessions then maybe you are giving him other signs?

Maybe not but if he has any passionate love for you he may exploit that and go into a world of his own and see it as a sign of compassionate love.



But if you haven't then the best thing you can do is maybe stop the fisting sessions for a little while, let him settle down a bit then maybe try again a week later?


Or you could still have these fisting sessions and maybe ask him how he feels about this relationship, make sure ur very safe about what you say from what i'v read he can be hurt very easy.


I know some of this advice is very obviouse :\

i agree good advice

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Passionate Lover

:) Glad to help, although you wouldn't beleive how old i am :p pretty... young but i guess im not like most 15 year olds, anyways good luck! :D



Ironic how i can really help other people like i have in the past but i can't sort out my self and my relationships. :S


please don't be offended by my age!


Good luck :)

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Its hard to believe a fist shoved up your rectum can cause * feelings * for that other person....

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You're getting good advice. What we all must remember is that a FWB relationship is still a relationship. Also, relationships are dynamic, ever changing, never static. Even a FWB relationship will evolve in ways we least suspect or sometimes desire.


It sounds like you guys need to re-negotiate some terms.


Good luck.

thanks for advice:bunny::bunny::):)
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