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who believes this way???????

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I have been dateing this guy for about 5 months, we see each other about everyother weekend, sometimes everyweekend. he lives a hour away. now I know some believe different religions, I am baptist. Ok, here is my question, mother nature come to visit early this month, and I have never been around him when I was on this, and he really hurt my feeling this time. you know how you are emotional anyway, he wont eat anything I touch, he barely would not even hug me. he says that in the bible, that woman are unclean for 7 days, and if you can food, you will spoil it. We hung out all day and he was fine, but would not touch me. Do any of you all do this? Im thinking we might have just hit a huge problem, cuz I dont like the way that made me feel, like I was dirty or something.:(

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I have been dateing this guy for about 5 months, we see each other about everyother weekend, sometimes everyweekend. he lives a hour away. now I know some believe different religions, I am baptist. Ok, here is my question, mother nature come to visit early this month, and I have never been around him when I was on this, and he really hurt my feeling this time. you know how you are emotional anyway, he wont eat anything I touch, he barely would not even hug me. he says that in the bible, that woman are unclean for 7 days, and if you can food, you will spoil it. We hung out all day and he was fine, but would not touch me. Do any of you all do this? Im thinking we might have just hit a huge problem, cuz I dont like the way that made me feel, like I was dirty or something.:(


Run...run... quick!!!!

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You're not dirty. Menstruation is a natural body function and you wouldn't be able to have babies one day without your monthly cycle. The lining of your uterus prepares itself for a fertilized egg to implant. If there is no fertilized egg that month, then your uterus sheds its lining, which is what causes your monthly flow. There's nothing dirty about it, and it certainly doesn't make you dirty. It makes you a WOMAN.


His view is shared by some religions and old cultures. He's probably not going to change his perspective if it's based on religion - people are rarely ever reasonable about religious beliefs since they are based on faith, not fact. You can certainly try to discuss with him how he made you feel and how you don't believe the whole unclean thing, and see if he's open to another viewpoint.


And when was the last time you canned food anyway? :rolleyes:


Though, if he needs some objective evidence to consider, remind him that a lot of the people operating the machines at canning factories are women, and you can bet they operate those machines throughout their cycle because the owners would never allow them to take a week off every month. Have you ever opened a can of spoiled food? :rolleyes:

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Run...run... quick!!!!


I forgot to add that to my post! That's the best advice!

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If one partner is deeply religious, it's better that both partners are of the same level of belief and denomination. If you're unprepared to live your life in this manner, time to cut loose as expressed by other posters.

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