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Would it make the guy think you don't have self-respect?

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if you decided that you weren't really ready for any type of serious relationship, but wanted to have an FWB relationship with someone, would that person think that you're lowering your standards, or no self-respect for yourself? like if it was clear that the guy wanted maybe just sex, and that's all, how would you tell him that's all you really want to without coming across as a skank?

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if you decided that you weren't really ready for any type of serious relationship, but wanted to have an FWB relationship with someone, would that person think that you're lowering your standards, or no self-respect for yourself? like if it was clear that the guy wanted maybe just sex, and that's all, how would you tell him that's all you really want to without coming across as a skank?


...just tell him that you're not really ready for any type of serious relationship, but only want to have an FWB relationship with him... simple.


What he thinks... who cares?

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Yeah I'm with Lizzie.


If anything, the guy will think you have tons of self-respect because he's not good enough to date! :p

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Yeah I'm with Lizzie.


If anything, the guy will think you have tons of self-respect because he's not good enough to date! :p


huh? please specify?

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A lot of men won't have a problem with it, they will think they hit the jackpot. As far as self respect, men do it all the time so I don't think they are looking at it as a matter of self respect. But the key is to choose the right man. I tried to have a FWB relationship with a guy who was #1 very immature and #2 a narcissist. He could not get over the fact that I didn't want to be with him and only wanted to have sex. He told me that point blank. He's used to having women pining over him and falling at his feet. As a result, he played a lot of games! He would intentionally turn me on then reject me once things got too heated. It took me a while to realize he was playing games with me. At first I thought he wasn't attracted to me, but then I started to notice that at a certain point the sexual tension got to be too much for him and he would simply take me (for lack of better words.) So find the right man, don't develop feelings and things will work out fine.

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...he played a lot of games! He would intentionally turn me on then reject me once things got too heated....

Hey girls, if you must pursue the idiocy known as FWB, make sure to do it with a man who is willing and able to satisfy your physical needs. If the FWB toys with you and rejects you, he needs to be immediately dumped! End of story. Sheesh.

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no, it would lead me to believe one of three things which are: girl's either a commitment-phob, or is too immature to handle a real relationship, or truly is too busy/occupied with parts of her life that keeps the relationship from reaching full potential.


I could probably expand further with each one, but each is only the tip of the iceberg.

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if you decided that you weren't really ready for any type of serious relationship, but wanted to have an FWB relationship with someone, would that person think that you're lowering your standards, or no self-respect for yourself? like if it was clear that the guy wanted maybe just sex, and that's all, how would you tell him that's all you really want to without coming across as a skank?

In an unusual turn, I find myself agreeing with Lizzie ;) - once you've decided to have a FWB relationship, who cares about all those other questions? And if all he wants is sex, why should you feel any less whole because all you want is sex? Treat him with the same human respect you would a friend, and expect no less from him. Walk away otherwise. That's self-respect, and it's more important that you feel it before you should care whether anyone else knows it.

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how would you tell him that's all you really want to without coming across as a skank?


Just jump on them

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't see why some guy would think of you as a "skank" just because you decided to sleep with him (which he also wanted). Why would he? If he does think that, then he probably isn't the sort of person you should be hanging around with (not to mention sleeping with) in the first place. All relationships are different, and for what it's worth, I've never thought less of someone for sleeping with me. :)

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