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she wants me but, thinks she will hurt me


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I live in MN im 18 years old. I need some advise. I

have been seeing this person for a good couple of weeks and I need some serious help.Her name is loi I happened to have a chance to work with her, and I got to know her. I did stuff with her quite often, and I got to know her as a person. I later realised that I had fallen for her. Her roomate Jenn had told me that she had liked me as well and I was quite intregued. When I later went to tell her how i felt about her. She already new I was going to bring that topic up. She told me that Although she had feelings for me she didnt want to get involved. This women is very deturmaned. She had told me in the past that she had problems with boyfriends hitting her and such, and also that her parents had recently gotten a divorce. More storys compiled. She tried to kill herself, she was in a hospital for 2months because of it. All these things were her force to get away, I guess, thats what she say. She states that she doesnt plan on staying in MN very much longer and that she has had this deturmination to move to Maine. Now with all these things combined this is why she told me she doesnt want to get involved. My friend Jenn Lois roomated and my manager tells me that she is just really scared she will heart me. Loi says she will turn me to stone. Ive tried to tell her that I didnt care, and that if I can only be with her for 3 days I would rather take it then not at all. I care for her deeply. in the end she told me to leave as she went to her room crying. The next day as I was getting off work and she was coming in to work. I tried to talk to her outside but she wouldnt , she pretended that she was on her cell phone. I thought I had it all planned out . I had gotten her a rose and wrote her a letter. I didnt get a chance to show her any of this untill later when I got fed up and tried to make her listen. I walked in the building from the freezing cold with a rose in my hand and went up to her. She again pushed me away in front of every coworker in the area to gase apon. I felt like a fool. I ended up in the managers office nearlly in tears . with jenn by my side trying to ease the pain. I went home early so I didnt have to see her. I havent eatin in 4 days, nor slept. I cant get her out of my mind if I could just ... well #####. can you help. it would be one christmas preasent I would sure not forget.
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I live in MN im 18 years old. I need some advise. I


You probably don't want to hear this, but I think you should forget about her and move on. It seems that she doesn't care for you all that much. Besides, she has some serious problems going on in her life that she needs to deal with before she can commit to a relationship. If you care for her like you say, maybe you should talk to her about getting help. Do both yourselves a favor and don't pursue this any further.

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