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She dumped him, now all I have is crumbs

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T/J # 2


Okay, you are correct, they have the "right" to tell given the circumstances, but I still don't agree that it is the BW's business to do so. It worked for you, that is fine, I still think it is silent's place to tell her H about the A. But that is just my opinion. Further more, silent has already decided what she did was wrong and is now trying to mend her own marriage without MM's W telling her H. Maybe the threat was enough without the actual telling.


Sorry for getting off topic silent_cadence. As you can see, there are different opinions on how the situation should be handled, I hope you have found the answers you were looking for. It sounds like you are really trying to do what is best for you and I hope it works out for you in the end.


Mystic, I will check out the new thread you started because none of my opinion was directed at Silence, per se.


But I do see a lot of women like the OW in my case who don't want their SO to know about the A as it would probably ruin chances of them using that R as a fall back R.

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Mystic, I will check out the new thread you started because none of my opinion was directed at Silence, per se.


But I do see a lot of women like the OW in my case who don't want their SO to know about the A as it would probably ruin chances of them using that R as a fall back R.


Don't worry, I didn't think they were directed at silence that is why I started the new thread. It is an interesting topic, maybe we can all learn from the debate. :)


Sorry again silent_cadence for taking your thread in another direction. I hope everything is okay with you. You really sparked an interesting debate, so I started another thread to discuss it.

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