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How can I politely decline giving my phone number?

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I go out and meet people, guys and girls - all just friends.


Often, they ask me for my number "so that they can keep in touch." So when they ask for my number, I also ask for theirs. I don't know, because I won't call them even if I had a nice time speaking with them. I just don't want to bother them if they are busy with other plans.


Many people have asked me for my number but all but one have called. Even former "friends" who I have met have asked me for my number, but none have called.


I just find it an annoying and pointless practice for them to ask me. In the future, I would like to decline giving out my number.


What is the most polite way of just saying no, without abruptly putting the conversation to an end?

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Nice, F430, if I'm not mistaken.


I would just defer it by moving the discussion away from that topic or if we're at the end of the conversation, looking at my watch to say I had to go and dash off. If it's someone who you've met through mutual friends, you can also say "so and so has my number"...

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How about "I'm sorry, but I don't give out my phone number to folks I've just met- if you want to give me yours, I'll give you a call..."

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Pink Amulet



I just usually say "I'm not too inclined to give my phone number out, but I will happily take yours".


Then I pretend to put it in my phone.

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Well, if they don't usually call, it doesn't matter, but if you are still thinking it's useless, say how about I give you my email....or you say..my cell is a company phone, so it's not a good idea to give that number out. I've given my number out to quite a number of people (mostly other professionals)..I feel so embarrassed everytime I get a call..I'm like "who is this?". I've also got 3 cell phones for different countries and I have to say it in multiple languages..haha. Actually..you know what works for me and I really don't mean it.."I don't call myself and I honestly don't remember my own cell number." I've done that a few times.:D

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Katie nailed it.

An email can work too if the one you the one you have is not too cumbersome. I have a free email account I use for junk only anyway.


Also, if you can always claim their email went into your 'junk' filter if you didnt feel like responding and then you run into them.

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Tell them, I'm in the process of getting my phone turned back on. Or just say, I can take your number, and when my phone gets turned on, I'll call you.

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I just got the "actually I don't have a cell phone" line. We had great rapport too and her eyes lit up several times in conversation. she did ask for my email and myspace, but I'd say 95%, she is declining me. Did I hold out for that 5%, nope. I got another number. Then again, so did a friend of mine, the same girl. Only I remembered her name though, so I got dibs.

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