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Flirting with the sister?

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Here's a little background story...


After a long day spent studying yesterday, I went to the bar I work at to have a few drinks, to wind down a bit. So I was happily talking to this female co-worker(x) that I'm starting to like quite a bit. After a few drinks, her sister(y) came in to work to visit. So I was introduced to her by x, since y is x's sister, I was being nice to her. X suggested that I should play a few games of pool with y, so I did... to keep her company while x was busy.. After a few games I looked at x, and she was giving me the meanest look ever, I couldn't figure out why... I was a little tipsy at that stage, so I just shrugged and left it there.


Today, I went into work again to have a chat with x, so everything got on well... and then suddenly she told me "oh.. y told me that she finds you cute". I was confused so I asked " why would she tell you that? " x told me " because you were FLIRTING with her! and she was flirting back! That's why I gave you the mean look!"


Things are a little screwed up at the moment... I like x, but I was flirting with y ( without actually knowing nor would I actually want to)... what should I do???:(

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Does x know that you like her?


Y only said the comment of you being cute, that does not mean she feels more for you, even though you were flirting with her.


X was giving you the mean look because thats her sister. It would be unfair for them both to argue over a guy that they both find cute.


X properbly wont trust you now after your act of flirting.

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**** them both! You don't sound that keen on either, so who cares? If you do really like X (barmiad) explain you only spent time with Y (sister?) because you wanted to show X that you cared enough to spend time with her friends/family members.


If she's reasoable, she'll be flattered. If she's a pyscho, she won't, so you're well out of there anyway!!


Good luck. xx

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