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Game Player or Truly Intersted?


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I have fallen hard for a sexy, handsome man. He has shown interest in me, but he acts flirty around several other women. I can't tell if he is just being friendly to all of then including me, or if he wants me too. I danced with him at a local club and I melted in his arms. I urged him to go to a local gym this morning with me and he came. We ran on treadmills and had great conversation. Although we were sweaty and tired we sat on some chairs and kept talking and talking. I always let my heart go and every time I get it crushed. I have been hurt a lot lately and am afraid of the same thing happening, but I have really fallen for him. I feel I need to be loved by someone to feel beautiful, wanted, and happy. I don't know what to do? Should I keep pursueing him, play it cool, or try to give up on him all together? He is very handsome and I don't know if that is the main reason I want to be with him. This is so hard! I need some advice please! If any game-playin men out there could help me too, that would be great. Thank You.

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http://Broken Spirit

You know, you're situation touches me because you are alot like me. I have a similar situation but, the first and foremost thing you must know is that no one else can determine or rule your happiness. The only one who can control your emotions is you. You have to like yourself first and realize that you are valuable and unique and no one else is like you. IF a person doesn't take the time to get to know you, it isn't personal, they just pass up an opportunity and usually realize later on that they passed up a good one. You don't need any one person to make you happy. Fill up your life with things that make you happy. You can't control the actions of others but how you act (I mean sincerely portray how you feel about yourself) will radiate out for others to see. If you are needy, it will show and scare people away. REalize all the good things and


potential you are blessed with in your life. Persue this guy as a friend first, don't pressure him. He must enjoy your company if he spends any time with you. Get to know him and maybe you'll realize why he comes off as a player. They are human too and maybe have issues. Regardless of what happens, take it slow and nurture your soul first.


I have been going through one hurt after the other too and


am trying very hard to turn to meditation and time to myself to appreciate the good in my life and rid of the anxiety. It doesn't happen over night and isn't easy but I think with


enough determination and habit, I will get there. You can't depend on others to make you happy-only yourself. You make the decisions and how you come across to others is reflected in your attitude. You'll be able to tell by his actions in time. Patience it a difficult thing.


Good luck!

I have fallen hard for a sexy, handsome man. He has shown interest in me, but he acts flirty around several other women. I can't tell if he is just being friendly to all of then including me, or if he wants me too. I danced with him at a local club and I melted in his arms. I urged him to go to a local gym this morning with me and he came. We ran on treadmills and had great conversation. Although we were sweaty and tired we sat on some chairs and kept talking and talking. I always let my heart go and every time I get it crushed. I have been hurt a lot lately and am afraid of the same thing happening, but I have really fallen for him. I feel I need to be loved by someone to feel beautiful, wanted, and happy. I don't know what to do? Should I keep pursueing him, play it cool, or try to give up on him all together? He is very handsome and I don't know if that is the main reason I want to be with him. This is so hard! I need some advice please! If any game-playin men out there could help me too, that would be great. Thank You.
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First of all what i have to say is that everybody deserves a chance.


If you been hurt before and you dont want to be hurt again, theres a bigger percentage that you will be hurt if its just the beauty that attracts you. What Im trying to say is yeah give it a try but keep reminding your self that your not gonna let yourself fall in love with this man.And you dont wanna crush your heart again. Your gonna take time to get to know what he is all about. And let me tell you something in order to love somebody else you have to makesure that your happy with your self..because if not you will feel more insecure about the relationship or what to do. Your gonna worry about what you should say and how you should say things and the most important thing is to be yourself. Im sure your a wonderful person. Dont let nobody fool you.


I have fallen hard for a sexy, handsome man. He has shown interest in me, but he acts flirty around several other women. I can't tell if he is just being friendly to all of then including me, or if he wants me too. I danced with him at a local club and I melted in his arms. I urged him to go to a local gym this morning with me and he came. We ran on treadmills and had great conversation. Although we were sweaty and tired we sat on some chairs and kept talking and talking. I always let my heart go and every time I get it crushed. I have been hurt a lot lately and am afraid of the same thing happening, but I have really fallen for him. I feel I need to be loved by someone to feel beautiful, wanted, and happy. I don't know what to do? Should I keep pursueing him, play it cool, or try to give up on him all together? He is very handsome and I don't know if that is the main reason I want to be with him. This is so hard! I need some advice please! If any game-playin men out there could help me too, that would be great. Thank You.
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