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Wife charged with Domestic Battery!!

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As you can read in the seperation, and divorce forum. I am a victim of spousal abuse for some time now. My wife was charged with domestic/battery abuse on friday. She is banned from any contact with me, until her court date. I am going back to my old councellor to talk about it, and try to get my head straight..after 2 years, of emotional, and physical abuse. i tryed so hard to get her help..but in the end..you have to recognize the problem..before you can try to fix it. she had AD/HD, but I don't think, after all the information, and councellors i've seen over the last two years, can acount for her anger, and violent behaviour!!!

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Sorry to hear all that you've been through and that you're going to talk to a therapist.


Stay strong!

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am glad to hear that you've taken the step to remove yourself from such a toxic situation. Stay strong, and remember, loving someone doesn't mean you must endure abusive behavior.




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Good for you for posting this. This is not as uncommon as one would think.


Craig has some good posts on this issue, if you browse past abuse posts.


All the best to you for a bad situation.

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