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The OW can actually save a marriage...

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My remark about getting drunk was mostly in jest. However, alcohol does lower inhibitions and so sometimes people reveal some deep, dark worry or hidden truth while drunk.


I have noticed some threads that are specifically "bashing threads", on a variety of topics. I have even been suckered into responding to a couple! I wouldn't consider your thread that, however.




However, alcohol does lower inhibitions and so sometimes people reveal some deep, dark worry or hidden truth while drunk.


So I better never get drunk... cause I do have dark, very dark hidden secrets that I do not wish to reveal... ever.


You're right, my thread was not meant to start a 'BS vs OW' (Other Wife) LOL bashing... I stay away from those threads as well.

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I always knew I was strange... Who knew I was different from 98% of the men out there though!?!?


I must admit, I find it hard to believe that a bunch of married good looking guys are beating the door down of some emotionless, bitter, 55 year old woman...but then again according to her 98% of men are crap! I say let Lizzie have 98% of all men and leave the rest to the good girls. She definitely has the fortitude to handle them all!


Since we are throwing percentages around with authority, I would like to say in confindence that 2% of women think like Lizzie. Why? Just because!! Isn't that enough?

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Since we are throwing percentages around with authority, I would like to say in confindence that 2% of women think like Lizzie. Why? Just because!! Isn't that enough?


Most women can't separate sex and emotions. It's just how we're wired. But, even if a woman can have casual sex with a man, sooner or later feelings DO happen, but in Lizzie's case, those feelings never arise, either by choice, or she just pushes the emotions away.


Just like some have said on many threads that ALL MM cheat on their wives. Sure, many do, but MANY DO NOT either. Many wives cheat on their husbands, but MANY wives DO NOT either.

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I always knew I was strange... Who knew I was different from 98% of the men out there though!?!?


I always knew I liked you for some reason, DBT.


I must admit, I find it hard to believe that a bunch of married good looking guys are beating the door down of some emotionless, bitter, 55 year old woman
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I wasn't referring to someone who was looking for love and misguidedly tried to find it with a MM/MW. Not that I believe that's the right thing to do, and I can understand a BS's anger at both parties to the act, but that's not what this thread is about. No, hon. I wasn't referring to anyone like you. And no, I haven't been cheated on in a relationship - not to my knowledge - so I don't have some deep anger issues over this particular subject. My men have always been more than happy with the bedroom activities. What I do have a problem with is someone who would make a profession out of taking money and trinkets from married men who don't have enough class to be true to the promises they made to their wife. On a regular basis they seek out a woman for sex, then pay for it with money that should be for their family. Then this person tries to make it sound like some sort of noble service being done for the unknowing BS. Yuck.



No offense but I think its worse for someone to be looking for love and a relationship with a married person than someone who is just looking to have sex. A person who wants to have a love relationship with a married person intends to destroy their marriage as opposed to someone who just wants a casual noncommitted sexual encounter.

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No offense but I think its worse for someone to be looking for love and a relationship with a married person than someone who is just looking to have sex. A person who wants to have a love relationship with a married person intends to destroy their marriage as opposed to someone who just wants a casual noncommitted sexual encounter.


Exactly what I think... you nailed it.


I am not destroying any families.. I don't want them... is that so hard to understand? I make sure the family is not hurt... I would never ever stalk them or call the W... that would be stupid.


Despite what everyone thinks, I think I make more 'good' than 'bad' really... I give them advice... they open up with me.. because they know I won't be offended cause we're not 'in love' so they feel free to say they do love their wife..blablabla...they come to me for one reason... the main being sex but also for the confidentiality and the non-commitment. They know I won't cling to them... If I don't hear from them... fine.. whenever they want to see me... I try to be available and if I'm not... no bid deal, they'll come some other time.


There is absolutely NO pressure... just great sex and good talks over a drink.

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Exactly what I think... you nailed it.


I am not destroying any families.. I don't want them... is that so hard to understand? I make sure the family is not hurt... I would never ever stalk them or call the W... that would be stupid.


Despite what everyone thinks, I think I make more 'good' than 'bad' really... I give them advice... they open up with me.. because they know I won't be offended cause we're not 'in love' so they feel free to say they do love their wife..blablabla...they come to me for one reason... the main being sex but also for the confidentiality and the non-commitment. They know I won't cling to them... If I don't hear from them... fine.. whenever they want to see me... I try to be available and if I'm not... no bid deal, they'll come some other time.


There is absolutely NO pressure... just great sex and good talks over a drink.

What are you? Their therapist that comes with sex?


Sorry but you are helping destroy a marriage even MORE. It may already be that way but I can't see how your making it a positive experience for these MM.


I don't know. I guess I don't see it as you do.

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So, are you saying (Lizzie) that it is basically prostitution - minus the exchange of money?


Meaning sex with no strings (except the - always present - risk for STDs), no future expectations of a furthering of the relationship (meaning, to exclusivity, with you), and it can end at any time? By either party?


And that this kind of sexual exchange between 2 people (one of whom is supposed to be in a committed R with a third party) can be a benefit to the committed person's primary R? As a spice-it-upper?


I think, as has already been stated, this would only have a chance (and not a big one, at that) of being true if the BS never found out. And of course, we could (and likely will) argue the ethics of that until next Tuesday...

Thank you MustangSally... I was just about to type up my own observations that this sounds a lot like prostitution between ppl who have some serious issues w/sex, commitment, betrayal, and probably are missing some fundamental brain synapses dealing with their consious inner self, or lack there of. Sad really!


And Lizzy... you keep saying that you have you betrayed noone... liar. You have betrayed a common unspoken truth amongst human kindness. DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE DONE UNTO YOU. Also, you have betrayed any female you claim to be friends with because you are an untrustworthy female... you have also betrayed the female sex. Seems like a lot of betrayal even if you are in denial... doesn't make it anyless of an act of betrayal. I think you need counseling and I feel really sorry for you... you are missing something and I hope at some point you find it on your own... and leave other peoples issues alone...

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What are you? Their therapist that comes with sex?


Sorry but you are helping destroy a marriage even MORE. It may already be that way but I can't see how your making it a positive experience for these MM.


I don't know. I guess I don't see it as you do.


some people would see this as sex therapy... LOL


I have different opinion on OW/OM... sorry. To each our own I guess.


What's good for you is not necessarily good for me and vice versa.

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Thank you MustangSally... I was just about to type up my own observations that this sounds a lot like prostitution between ppl who have some serious issues w/sex, commitment, betrayal, and probably are missing some fundamental brain synapses dealing with their consious inner self, or lack there of. Sad really!


And Lizzy... you keep saying that you have you betrayed noone... liar. You have betrayed a common unspoken truth amongst human kindness. DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE DONE UNTO YOU. Also, you have betrayed any female you claim to be friends with because you are an untrustworthy female... you have also betrayed the female sex. Seems like a lot of betrayal even if you are in denial... doesn't make it anyless of an act of betrayal. I think you need counseling and I feel really sorry for you... you are missing something and I hope at some point you find it on your own... and leave other peoples issues alone...


own opinion on betrayal... I am single so I haven't betrayed anyone... I haven't made any promises to anyone... not even my MMs.


Cheating is on the rise... so it's not tomorrow that we'll see the end of that... and it will always get more and more 'popular' (lack of a better word)... sorry but that's reality...


I honestly don't believe in monogamy... I think it's against nature... I truly don't believe it's 'doable'.

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own opinion on betrayal... I am single so I haven't betrayed anyone... I haven't made any promises to anyone... not even my MMs.


Cheating is on the rise... so it's not tomorrow that we'll see the end of that... and it will always get more and more 'popular' (lack of a better word)... sorry but that's reality...


I honestly don't believe in monogamy... I think it's against nature... I truly don't believe it's 'doable'.

Oooookay... you are whacked. Being faithful is ****ing damn hard... true. However, I am evolved enough to know how to control my earges. I am intelligent enough to know that lieing will always hurt someone at sometime so I dont do it. I am wise enough to respect myself and my fellow human... sorry... that's not true... I do NOT respect all humans...but, some humans do not act human and resort to their animalistic selves... fine use that part of your brain... I'll stick with a much higher level of brain activity. With that peace out... at some point what goes around will indeed come around. Good luck with that!

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I guess we should just make prostitution legal and use the argument that it "saves marriages".

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You really don't care about these guys you give sex to and advice or you would tell them to go and try to make things work in their marriage. What you like is that you get sex without any possible attachment BECAUSE these guys are married. Just be honest and say you are doing this for you and for no other reason. You like being the OW because it suits your lifestyle for the moment and it helps your guilt by thinking you are helping your cheating guys marriages.


If you want to be the OW then be it but don't lie and say you are concerned about your guys and want them to be happy in their marriage. :laugh:

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I guess we should just make prostitution legal and use the argument that it "saves marriages".


We should... really I am for legalizing prostitution... It is legal in some countries... but to be honest, I doubt legalizing it would take the young prost. off the streets...

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You really don't care about these guys you give sex to and advice or you would tell them to go and try to make things work in their marriage. What you like is that you get sex without any possible attachment BECAUSE these guys are married. Just be honest and say you are doing this for you and for no other reason. You like being the OW because it suits your lifestyle for the moment and it helps your guilt by thinking you are helping your cheating guys marriages.


If you want to be the OW then be it but don't lie and say you are concerned about your guys and want them to be happy in their marriage. :laugh:


As weird as it may sound to you... I do.. I really do want these guys to be happy in their marriage... most are btw.


Of course I do it primarily for me... I'll admit to that... but to say that I don't care about them is wrong. I truly think that the sex will not ever change in their marriage, it will only go worst IMO. Those wives just don't want sex...period. They all have different reasons.


On a few occasions I have advised them to go to counselling... one did. I didn't see him for several months... it went well.. but obviously the problem is not all resolved but a good part was. He is much happier now, he said. I don't see him as often anymore... I missed him though... he was very sweet and extremely handsome. He loved his wife and he was absolutely crazy about his 2 young children.


So I know what I'm doing is not as bad as many other OW who stalk and make trouble to the MM and his family...


Some guys I saw for a period of time... gave them tons of advices and out of the blue they stopped seeing me.. so maybe it worked out.. who knows maybe one day, I might hear from them..

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We should... really I am for legalizing prostitution... It is legal in some countries... but to be honest, I doubt legalizing it would take the young prost. off the streets...


I'm actually also in favor of legalizing prostitution, but not for "saving marriage". Rather for hopefully saving the lives of some prostitutes. I've never been much in favor of punishing "victimless" crimes anyway, but that's a different thread. ;)

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Lizzie started a thread like this when she first came to this forum. We thought she was a troll then. You know, if someone thinks you are a troll, that usually means that they think that no one is that dumb or stupid to actually believe the things that they post.


I would really like to see her post the same tripe on that OTHER site for OW where free thought is not allowed. They would crucify her for using their beloved MMs.


And yes, Babybird, I still think that your questions were unbelievably dumb. Sure, the lies are red flags, but only if you know you are being lied to. And, the man snuck out at night to see you. Hilarious. Ab-sol-f'in-lute-ly hilarious.

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if all you can do is insult my typing issues... than you seriously have way too much time on your hands... talk about a wounded soul... someone didn't love you enough when you were a little girl. I'm guessing you have some deep deep wounds... so sorry... Most people will NOT buy your "sincerity" because you are fake. Am I insulting you? Probably not. You would need to have a soul for that to happen. SO, you go right on ahead and edit my posts on the freaking (substitute word for ****ing/you know that one dont' you) computer... I don't have to defend my intelligence in a post where acronyms are the norm to begin with... YAABGFY... figure that one out...LOL atleast I'm not a predator wallowing in betrayal. Were you able to read that one?



I think the two of you are having difficulty communicating. Maybe I can help... Believin in order to speak effectively to Lizzie you must be a man, any man with a hand full of bills. I am sure once you hit the worn out piece of A$$ you just paid good money for all communication will suddenly begin to fail. It is at this time that you will run for the door and head home kicking yourself for cheating on your wife who is at home watching Opra thinking, "Damn I got a great husband."


I think most on this thread have yet to learn Lizzie's language. I guess we all fall in that ever so elusive 2% category. I'm just sayin.....



(Who thinks Lizzie is an enigma)

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I wouldn't post where open-minded, freedom of speech is not allowed...

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I think the two of you are having difficulty communicating. Maybe I can help... Believin in order to speak effectively to Lizzie you must be a man, any man with a hand full of bills. I am sure once you hit the worn out piece of A$$ you just paid good money for all communication will suddenly begin to fail. It is at this time that you will run for the door and head home kicking yourself for cheating on your wife who is at home watching Opra thinking, "Damn I got a great husband."


I think most on this thread have yet to learn Lizzie's language. I guess we all fall in that ever so elusive 2% category. I'm just sayin.....



(Who thinks Lizzie is an enigma)


I have a problem communicating (or verbalizing) my English... but I'm French... but I can say that my grammar is pretty good... I don't have the vocabulary I wish I had.. but it'll come... I learn from these forums.


I can spot mistakes quite easily... It's also part of my 'day' job.


And yes.. if you are a rich professional, smart, good-looking... healthy... disease-free... it helps with my 'oral'... LOL

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Just google "other woman". Its likely to be the first result from your search.


They have had a couple of women post like you and they ran them off so fast calling them heartless whores.


They don't like women that have more than one man at a time. Especially the dreaded "MW".


But then again, you are very well spoken, whether I agree with what you are saying or not, so you would hold your own quite well.


I just wanted to add that I am not trying to send you there, just noting that even OW will find what you do offensive.

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Lizzie started a thread like this when she first came to this forum. We thought she was a troll then. You know, if someone thinks you are a troll, that usually means that they think that no one is that dumb or stupid to actually believe the things that they post.


I would really like to see her post the same tripe on that OTHER site for OW where free thought is not allowed. They would crucify her for using their beloved MMs.


And yes, Babybird, I still think that your questions were unbelievably dumb. Sure, the lies are red flags, but only if you know you are being lied to. And, the man snuck out at night to see you. Hilarious. Ab-sol-f'in-lute-ly hilarious.


Kind of makes you wonder how many of your partners/spouses snuck out when you were asleep huh? There is no way to know. There are people that you never would've suspected of cheating that slip away in the middle of the night for a quickie. Guaranteed.


Lies are only red flags if you know you are being lied to...hence if they don't know they're being lied to then how are they being hurt?


The point is that not all A's take away from family time and that there is NO way to ever no and truly believe that your partner is absolutely trustworthy and faithful.That's why its called faith. People cheat. End of story.


BTW: Even if Lizzie is a whore, its her prerogative, and its the worlds oldest occupation. She is entitled to her opinion just as everyone else is entitled to theirs. Its sad that people resort to name calling, and insults because they disagree. (Not directed at you NID)

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I think the two of you are having difficulty communicating. Maybe I can help... Believin in order to speak effectively to Lizzie you must be a man, any man with a hand full of bills. I am sure once you hit the worn out piece of A$$ you just paid good money for all communication will suddenly begin to fail. It is at this time that you will run for the door and head home kicking yourself for cheating on your wife who is at home watching Opra thinking, "Damn I got a great husband."


I think most on this thread have yet to learn Lizzie's language. I guess we all fall in that ever so elusive 2% category. I'm just sayin.....



(Who thinks Lizzie is an enigma)


I love you more with every post, dbt!:laugh:

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