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The OW can actually save a marriage...

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Your MM sound weak to me, Lizzie. They can't make themselves heard with their own wives. They can't step up and take charge of their problems; won't look to themselves for their own part in it; all to content to place blame on their wives. They are men who escape to a service provider instead of working with their own wives - whom they say love and don't want to leave. Weak men.


Don't you know any strong men, Lizzie? There's a world of difference.

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The beauty of "wrong and right" is that it is subjective to each individual. Some people can see that for what it is. Some can't. :)



While I agree with you but...there are some things that can be so bad.. so immoral that the line of subjectivity is very clear

So there are degrees of subjectivity

For example..


How many people believe that having sex with a child is subjective ?

Not many .. While it may in fact be subjective you will find only a few people in thousands if not millions of people that think having sex with a child is cool and fun..

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While I agree with you there are some things that can be so bad.. so immoral that the line of subjectivity is very clear

So there are degrees of subjective

For example..


How many people believe that having sex with a child is subjective ?

Not many .. While it may in fact be subjective you will find only a few people in thousands if not millions of people that think having sex with a child is cool and fun..



Yes I agree given OUR social boundaries, in other social circles those very things are acceptable. Heck in some cultures people get stoned to death for commiting adultery or for being a woman who is not virgin, yet if we had to stone to death all the non-virgins we would be living in a society comprised of children LOL

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Lizzie, I agree with posters who say that you are diverting funds that should be going to the wife and kids. You said something like, well maybe he'll skip golf and drinks with his buddies. If skipping golf and drinks is equivalent to how much you're getting paid for your services, not only are you a wh*re, you're a cheap wh*re. Hee! Sorry, I wasn't trying to be mean. *I* thought it was funny. Heh. I honestly have no problem with what you choose to do your with your life or your p***y, but you do seem to be trying to spin gold out of straw.

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There isn’t a woman alive who doesn’t know all the parlor tricks when it comes to pleasing her man. It’s foolish and naive to think that one woman has something the other woman doesn’t in that particular department. But it’s easy to separate the “act” of having sex from the “intimacy” of sex if you deliberate avoid relationships in general and all the ‘real life’ connections that goes with.


What happened when a wife will not have sex, because she has her periods 3 weeks/month and refuses to go see a doctor about it... methink she has regular period but stretch them to 3 weeks.. I told him to check that closely... he's being lied to about that I'm sure, plus this one will only have sex in the missionary position, she said all other positions hurt her..ha-hem... and she never ever give him oral.


What about the other one who refuses to have sex more than maybe once a month/month and a half because 'she hates herself'...she's too fat... yeah right...


What about this other one who totally refuses to do oral... (my scout father) other than that...everything is good... and he looooves oral...


And this other one... who is only 35.. and have sex with her husband (well in fact, they are common-law) only once or twice a month... they had numerous fights over this issue... he gave up and found me... this one is my favourite.


I can go on and on... it is most of the time about sex... their borrrring sex...


I believe you when you say that the W knows all the parlour tricks on how to please her man...but she doesn't use them... so he goes outside and get someone who will use them all.


IF, IF, these women really are avoiding sex, THAT is something those men need to understand because there is a reason and it's not just that these women hate sex. THEIR emotional needs might not be met on a day to day basis so, yeah, they don't wanna give him a blowjob when he rushes home after a long day of work and wants one.


Or maybe they've forgotten how to be good lovers to their wives. Maybe they don't take the same care with their wives that they might with you. Maybe they've taken their wives for granted too long to bother to do anything to actually romance the ladies and turn them on before jumping on top of them.


Truth is YOU DON'T KNOW what the cause is of their sexual problems, and my bet is these guys don't either because they've never bothered to find out. They've just nagged for sex.

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Maybe it's because I'm young but I have a hard time seeing you, at 55 years old doing all this.

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Oh and one other thing having sex with a child IS worng because it is ONE concenting adult impossing themselves on someone who is not using their free will of choice. What a person like Lizzie might do with a married guy, is two free willed concenting adults.


And I know someone will say yes but the W has no free will of choice in this matter, well that should be something to take into consideration for Lizzie, but most definitely for the man who married said woman.

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Oh and one other thing having sex with a child IS worng because it is ONE concenting adult impossing themselves on someone who is not using their free will of choice. What a person like Lizzie might do with a married guy, is two free willed concenting adults.


You yourself are now arguing subjectivity and morality...interesting


Maybe the line of wrong is clearer than you realize in Lizzies case...

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You yourself are now arguing subjectivity and morality...interesting


Maybe the line of wrong is clearer than you realize in Lizzies case...


No no I am not arguing the two I am simply painting all angles, I think it is still up to the individual to determine what is right and what is wrong for them.


Unless I missed what you meant....??

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then there are lots of whores out there...


who allow their husbands to walk all over them for financial security... at least my guys are good to me... LOL


What the hell does that mean? :confused:


Sounds like you're saying wives are whores for their H's? Explain for what reason?


This is a twisted way to look at marriage, if this is what you're saying. :eek:

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I just don't get the allure Lizzie, how many men are you with on a regular basis.


You said that one fell in love with you, you seem to really like that idea... are you sure that you are not fooling yourself.

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Maybe it's because I'm young but I have a hard time seeing you, at 55 years old doing all this.


It's just amazing to me imagining a 55 yr old grandma to be, who is also a call girl with all these MMs.

This isn't a very stable person to have around one's child(grown or adolescent), not to mention grandchildren.


I think Lizzie is on here saying all of this just to get reactions, like the ones she's getting.

It's like some ego boost it gives her. I'm sure she gets that attitude from all those MMs who's getting some cake-eating ego boost from having a side piece and a W.


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Oh and one other thing having sex with a child IS worng because it is ONE concenting adult impossing themselves on someone who is not using their free will of choice. What a person like Lizzie might do with a married guy, is two free willed concenting adults.


And I know someone will say yes but the W has no free will of choice in this matter, well that should be something to take into consideration for Lizzie, but most definitely for the man who married said woman.


When an OW has sex with a MM, she's making herself accountable to the W for doing what she's doing with the MM's W.


The OW makes herself and her life the W's business when she steps willingly into that W's M.

Who cares if OW didn't make vows to the W. That's utter BS. Lame a*ss excuse that OWs use to make themselves feel better for having slept with another woman's H.

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It's just amazing to me imagining a 55 yr old grandma to be, who is also a call girl with all these MMs.

This isn't a very stable person to have around one's child(grown or adolescent), not to mention grandchildren.


I think Lizzie is on here saying all of this just to get reactions, like the ones she's getting.

It's like some ego boost it gives her. I'm sure she gets that attitude from all those MMs who's getting some cake-eating ego boost from having a side piece and a W.



I don't think she's a bad person or wh0re, I feel like this is her way of dealing with aging and becoming a senior.

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When an OW has sex with a MM, she's making herself accountable to the W for doing what she's doing with the MM's W.quote]


Let me fix that. OW makes herself accountable to the W when she sleeps with the W's H. :o

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I just think that she is playing with thier emotions and manipulating these MM into needing her advice support and intimate contact, all the while telling some of them to go to marriage counseling, and she is servicing him, of course he does not want to go because he likes what he has on the side, and does not want to be re-programed.


Lizzie you said that one of them fell in love with you long before you slept together, isn't that a personnel rule of yours not to let them get that attached, but yet he is your best lover, and come on you have feelings for some of these men... come on

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I don't think she's a bad person or wh0re, I feel like this is her way of dealing with aging and becoming a senior.


May be so. It's a p*iss poor last ditch effort on this poster's part. Time waits for no one.

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The OW makes herself and her life the W's business when she steps willingly into that W's M.

Who cares if OW didn't make vows to the W. That's utter BS. Lame a*ss excuse that OWs use to make themselves feel better for having slept with another woman's H.


Exactly WHO CARES about the OW, I'll say this again and I''ll say it a million more times, there are ALWAYS going to be OW women period! NO ONE can MAKE a man cheat but himself. If he made a promise to his wife he should face up to his word.


Tell you what else, if instead of sleeping with these men she called their W's and told them "hey your man is over here and wants to sleep with me but I won't have any of it"the W will prob say "who are you and why should I trust you?!" So as you can see the stranger or OW really has diddly to do with the trust bond created in that marital union, the man on the other hand does.

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Different strokes for different folks I suppose....whatever gets you through the day.


I read an article in Vanity Fair the other day with Angelina Jolie pre-Pitt, and she was telling the journalist about a married guy she had an affair with while she was with Billy Bob T, and she explains it in a very non-chalant matter of fact tone. Anyhow so fast forward to a few years later and not only is she with the hottest guy in the world, she stole him from his at the time W. AND it appears she has a track record of being with taken men.


Now if we look at what she did, she could be considered a total whore or tramp or whatever name the OW is usually called.....and then you look at her involvement with refugees around the world, the amount of time and money she has donated to make these people's lives in truely deprlorable situations, she has even taken children for her own, and yet to some she will ALWAYS be pegged as the tramp that stole another woman's husband away.


Let's face it I HIGHLY doubt that she has any hard time looking at herself in the mirror or even getting a good night's sleep because of her "moral misconduct". The bigger picture is the woman is remarkable in ways that MOST moral puritans will never even reach her ankles let alone be at the same level as she.


So she fell in love with another woman's man, IT HAPPENS, accept it. Life does go on. It's just a man it's not THE WORLD, though some women just make men THEIR ONLY WORLD and really there are much bigger things in this world we should be putting our focus on rather than focusing on hurling insults behind a computer screen to a woman who seems quite happy living her life as she chose to live it.


Wanna make a change for humanity an protect what matters most? Forget Lizzie, go volunteer your time at a hostpital, old folks home or a homeless shelter that is far more rewarding than wasting your time trying to reform a woman who sleeps with married men and who totally enjoys her life as it is.


I don't care how much money she gives to worthy charities, she's still a homewrecker.

Maybe she's trying to buy her way into a better afterlife. ROTFLMAO! :lmao:

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Furthermore with that philosophy, if a loved one devlopes an alcohol abuse problem will you try to outlaw all those who have an alcohol permit in order to protect your loved one from having a drink?


good luck with that.

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Exactly WHO CARES about the OW, I'll say this again and I''ll say it a million more times, there are ALWAYS going to be OW women period! NO ONE can MAKE a man cheat but himself. If he made a promise to his wife he should face up to his word.


Tell you what else, if instead of sleeping with these men she called their W's and told them "hey your man is over here and wants to sleep with me but I won't have any of it"the W will prob say "who are you and why should I trust you?!" So as you can see the stranger or OW really has diddly to do with the trust bond created in that marital union, the man on the other hand does.


If the potential OW hadn't really slept with the MM, then she'd impress me. Maybe more OWs should do that. They wouldn't be called OWs. They'd be called smart. Just a thought. :D

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I don't care how much money she gives to worthy charities, she's still a homewrecker.

Maybe she's trying to buy her way into a better afterlife. ROTFLMAO! :lmao:


Which proves my point that it's all in what people want for place their focus on, to me she is a good will embassador who is elegible for a nobel peace prize. But that's just how I choose to see her.

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I have one comment and only one alone. Thank you Lizzie for quitting to post pictures of you in your avatar of your behind. I liked the puppy picture better...

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Furthermore with that philosophy, if a loved one devlopes an alcohol abuse problem will you try to outlaw all those who have an alcohol permit in order to protect your loved one from having a drink?


good luck with that.


No, I'll do my darndest to get him help. If he's an alcoholic, he needs professional help.

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No, I'll do my darndest to get him help. If he's an alcoholic, he needs professional help.


One thing is for sure and that is giving an Alcoholic more to drink isn't the way to help him :)


That would be akin to fixing the marriage by having an affair

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