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The OW can actually save a marriage...

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If the potential OW hadn't really slept with the MM, then she'd impress me. Maybe more OWs should do that. They wouldn't be called OWs. They'd be called smart. Just a thought. :D



And it doesn't surpirse me ONE bit that your attitude would be "who cares if she is doing good for humanity" that seems to be the general attitude anyway...prob why we live our lives so consumed with our backyard problems and so closed minded that we can't live beyond our own minutia. ;)

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Which proves my point that it's all in what people want for place their focus on, to me she is a good will embassador who is elegible for a nobel peace prize. But that's just how I choose to see her.


Boy, that Angie sure is a good actor, infront of and behind the camera. LOL :rolleyes:


I look at how she lives her live beyond the camera, which is trashy. Self serving, self centered.

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One thing is for sure and that is giving an Alcoholic more to drink isn't the way to help him :)


That would be akin to fixing the marriage by having an affair


I agree. Getting help for an alcoholic is definitely the right move. Trying to ban all alcohol, or preaching to bar owners about how horrible alcohol is, ISN'T.

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Boy, that Angie sure is a good actor, infront of and behind the camera. LOL :rolleyes:


I look at how she lives her live beyond the camera, which is trashy. Self serving, self centered.


Oh please, read up on what she does with her time and where her money goes read up on the organizations she has funded and what they have done for these remote villages and then come back and give us your $0.02cts. Who cares how she lives her personal life in the grand scheme of things she is doing a whole lot of good.

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preaching to bar owners about how horrible alcohol is,


Actually we already have made bar owners responsible for serving the alcohol and made them aware of how horrible the effects are ie: killing by drunk driving..


They are also criminally and civilly liable for serving it either to minors or drunk people..


See the parallels forming ?

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Boy, that Angie sure is a good actor, infront of and behind the camera. LOL :rolleyes:


I look at how she lives her live beyond the camera, which is trashy. Self serving, self centered.


I totally agree. And I've been loving your posts.


As for Lizzie's avatar of her behind...ha ha. I'm laughing because she keeps saying she's never been turned down, she can tempt anyone, etc. etc. As nice as her body is for a 55 year old woman, my H would never go for her even if he were single. He's always preferred petite women like I am.


I don't even buy that she's NEVER been turned down. And what kinds of men are these who have to PAY for sex?:sick::sick:

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Boy, that Angie sure is a good actor, infront of and behind the camera. LOL :rolleyes:


I look at how she lives her live beyond the camera, which is trashy. Self serving, self centered.


Thank you!!!!!


I don't care how much money she uses to try and buy pennance. She is a malnourished, paranoid (wouldn't even let the man send a birthday card to his exW), evil woman.


Some people are blinded by her outer beauty because they lack the discernment to see the evil inside her. She looks like a vampire to me. An emotional vampire.


She's empty. That's why she throws money and her celebrity at such humane causes. She needs something to fill her up.

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And it doesn't surpirse me ONE bit that your attitude would be "who cares if she is doing good for humanity" that seems to be the general attitude anyway...prob why we live our lives so consumed with our backyard problems and so closed minded that we can't live beyond our own minutia. ;)


It's a known fact that this country has plenty of babies, children who would love to be ready rich from Mommy Angie's pockets.

Adopt one from your own country, Ms. Jolie. Find a few charities in your own country. St. Judes would love her attention and millions.


Please! :sick: She runs around sleeping with other woman's H's and then runs off making good with the world.

Call a spade a spade. No matter how you deal it.

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I don't even buy that she's NEVER been turned down. And what kinds of men are these who have to PAY for sex?:sick::sick:



The kinds of men who don't want to get caught! Plain and simple.

The kinds of men who choose to live a double life and want absulutely no strings attached.

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She's empty. That's why she throws money and her celebrity at such humane causes. She needs something to fill her up.



Everyone needs something to fill them up, some even choose to put down others to feel more fullfilled themselves. Imagine THAT! :p

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It's a known fact that this country has plenty of babies, children who would love to be ready rich from Mommy Angie's pockets.

Adopt one from your own country, Ms. Jolie. Find a few charities in your own country. St. Judes would love her attention and millions.


Please! :sick: She runs around sleeping with other woman's H's and then runs off making good with the world.

Call a spade a spade. No matter how you deal it.


Boy, you ARE good!


And what about those lovely tatoos all over her body..ugh. No class. And did you hear how she tried to ban FOX news from some opening of hers? She claimed it wasn't her doing but I don't buy it.

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Oh please, read up on what she does with her time and where her money goes read up on the organizations she has funded and what they have done for these remote villages and then come back and give us your $0.02cts. Who cares how she lives her personal life in the grand scheme of things she is doing a whole lot of good.


Well, in my personal opinion, her charity work gets snuffed out when you hold up how she lives her personal life.


A whore with a heart? Puleaaazze! :confused: That's an oxymoron!

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The kinds of men who don't want to get caught! Plain and simple.

The kinds of men who choose to live a double life and want absulutely no strings attached.


There are plenty of women who would have nsa sex without charging for it.

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Everyone needs something to fill them up, some even choose to put down others to feel more fullfilled themselves. Imagine THAT! :p


All because I dared say something about a slug that you admire. I have more names if you are interested.


This woman is disgusting. Only the BLIND can't see it.

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It's a known fact that this country has plenty of babies, children who would love to be ready rich from Mommy Angie's pockets.

Adopt one from your own country, Ms. Jolie. Find a few charities in your own country. St. Judes would love her attention and millions.




Why don't YOU do something for your country's babies? It is your country too! Again, anyone can be an arm chair quarterback. Some people choose to focus on the negative in people even when there is plenty of positive to see, and have absolutely nothing to contribute but mere words.

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I totally agree. And I've been loving your posts.


As for Lizzie's avatar of her behind...ha ha. I'm laughing because she keeps saying she's never been turned down, she can tempt anyone, etc. etc. As nice as her body is for a 55 year old woman, my H would never go for her even if he were single. He's always preferred petite women like I am.


I don't even buy that she's NEVER been turned down. And what kinds of men are these who have to PAY for sex?:sick::sick:


If Lizzie's MMs are rich, why would they pick a 55 yr old woman? :confused:


There are plenty of young women to cheat with, who'd love all those "gifts".

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Everyone needs something to fill them up, some even choose to put down others to feel more fullfilled themselves. Imagine THAT! :p


And some people make their lives out to be more glamorous than it really is, just to get attention, which they probably aren't getting from the MEN in thier lives.

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Why don't YOU do something for your country's babies? It is your country too! Again, anyone can be an arm chair quarterback. Some people choose to focus on the negative in people even when there is plenty of positive to see, and have absolutely nothing to contribute but mere words.


I don't know how much money Havn has but Angelina has MILLIONS. Why is it so bad to ask that she does something in her OWN country rather than looking to the third world? Celebs lose a lot of credibility when they ignore the ills in their own countries and go after the exotic.


And how about what have YOU done for YOUR country Ms TC? Or are you too busy defending the vampire? Great service, I might add.

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There are plenty of women who would have nsa sex without charging for it.



True, very true. But the women who don't charge for it run the risk that they can fall in love with these men and ask for more than these men are willing to give. So paying for sex, which is ALL they want, is a security blanket for these types of men.


So again, not only Lizzie in a league of her own the types of men that go to her are as well.

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If Lizzie's MMs are rich, why would they pick a 55 yr old woman? :confused:


There are plenty of young women to cheat with, who'd love all those "gifts".


I ask that question too. Why a 55 y.o. when they could get a truly naive 20 y.o. and not spend a DIME?

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Why don't YOU do something for your country's babies? It is your country too! Again, anyone can be an arm chair quarterback. Some people choose to focus on the negative in people even when there is plenty of positive to see, and have absolutely nothing to contribute but mere words.


I have kids. I carried them 9 months an delivered them. I have the equipment to do this.

So does Ms. Jolie. Why doesn't she?

Besides, I can't afford to adopt, or I would. It's a financial reason. I would adopt any child from any country if I could.


This "woman" adopts, not for the reason of taking a child from poverty, etc because she cares about them, but for "free publicity". For "oh look how wonderful I am" reasons.


She's more like Mommy Dearest, which really creeps me out. :sick:

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I don't know how much money Havn has but Angelina has MILLIONS. Why is it so bad to ask that she does something in her OWN country rather than looking to the third world? Celebs lose a lot of credibility when they ignore the ills in their own countries and go after the exotic.


And how about what have YOU done for YOUR country Ms TC? Or are you too busy defending the vampire? Great service, I might add.



Because it's HER money, and she can do whatever the HELL she wants with it. Besides she lives in the richest country in the world you'd think the millions of people who live in the US can do a little themselves to help their own. But it is YOUR money do whatever the hell you want with it. I still have a lot of respect for those that are willing to give in any way to the LESS FORTUNATE.


I do give to my community don't you worry, that''s how I met my guy back in the day, we worked on a community project together. And I begin by not chastizing those whose lifestyles I don't agree with...from there the possibilities are endless.

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I have kids. I carried them 9 months an delivered them. I have the equipment to do this.

So does Ms. Jolie. Why doesn't she?

Besides, I can't afford to adopt, or I would. It's a financial reason. I would adopt any child from any country if I could.


This "woman" adopts, not for the reason of taking a child from poverty, etc because she cares about them, but for "free publicity". For "oh look how wonderful I am" reasons.


She's more like Mommy Dearest, which really creeps me out. :sick:



That's fine I understand motherhood is a job of its own. NO one is talking about adoption, her adoption is 1/100 of what she does. Please do yourselves a favour and look into what she has done with her time with her confrences with her money and then come back and have this chat with me. As I said the adoption is only a tiny fraction of the overall picture.

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Because it's HER money, and she can do whatever the HELL she wants with it. Besides she lives in the richest country in the world you'd think the millions of people who live in the US can do a little themselves to help their own. But it is YOUR money do whatever the hell you want with it. I still have a lot of respect for those that are willing to give in any way to the LESS FORTUNATE.


I do give to my community don't you worry, that''s how I met my guy back in the day, we worked on a community project together. And I begin by not chastizing those whose lifestyles I don't agree with...from there the possibilities are endless.


I live by the rule on it's no one's business whether I give to charities or not.

If I go and say, yeah I give to this charity, I'm not doing anything but bragging and begging for pats on the back.

You know that old saying of not letting your right hand know what your left hand is doing?


When someone, famous or private, goes and talks openly about how much or what they're doing for those less fortunate, all they're doing is asking for pats on the back. They want people to look at them like they're so womderful. What a good samaritan! Bullsh*it!


That's tacky. :confused:

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That's fine I understand motherhood is a job of its own. NO one is talking about adoption, her adoption is 1/100 of what she does. Please do yourselves a favour and look into what she has done with her time with her confrences with her money and then come back and have this chat with me. As I said the adoption is only a tiny fraction of the overall picture.


Oh, I have looked at all her goodness she's bestowed on the world. :rolleyes:


I just can't seem to get past the part where she's a POS who likes destroying marriages and being a self centered a*ss on the side.

Call me funny like that! ;)

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