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I'm in a real bind!

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First of all, I'm not married so the mistake I made was NOT adultery! Second, who are you to judge me and say my story is not as real as any other around here? Do you know me? Have you met me in person? I am actually a very loving a caring individual who would give you the shirt off my back if you needed it.


Also, how dare you tell me "don't be black" this is the race that I was born and would not change that for anyone. It is so sad that you allow skin color to taint your view of me. We are all descendants of Adam and Eve and therefore we are all brothers and sisters!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:



Maybe if you read my post properly, you would know that I am not telling you NOT TO BE BLACK.

Your skin colour has nothing to do with what I think of you.

I just think that its ironic that you happen to belong to so many provocative, controversial "minority" groups at one time.

IE: groups that can provoke arguments.


You have pulled the racist card out several times on LS- unnecessarily. Are you doing it deliberately?


And it may not be adultery per se, but you ARE cheating on your fiance, and you ARE LYING to your fiance, which you yourself said is wrong.


You have contradicted yourself so many times. How can you give advice to the OP that fisting is bad in the eyes of God when you admitted to having gay sex?


Sodomy is considered bad in the Bible too, but you committed it, and seem to think thats OK.


Advice to the OP should be constructive and sensitive.



what is offensive about providing God's viewpoint on things? The threads I posted on were fisting (which could lead to personal injury) porn (which could lead to the breakup of a healthy relationship) and bedtime (where I provided a little peom about going to sleep early). I've not attacked anyone here although I've been attacked and ganged up on several times simply b/c I am different, black and Christian. :(:(:( you peole act like I don't even deserve to live.. is it my fault that I am different? :(:(


You can't provide Gods viewpoint.


You can provide YOUR interpretation of the Bible, which is totally different.


You are NOT being attacked because you are Christian or black.


Please don't insult my intelligence by saying that.


If you are for real, and indeed NOT a troll (which I doubt) then you surely you must see the hypocrisy on your postings?

If you are for real, I have no problem with you at all.

Your life is your choice.

But I do think that you should think about what you are saying when you give advice.


This is not an attack. (even tho I am sure you will bleat attack! Racist! Whatever!)

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I was getting thread-confusion, and I have referred to the thread where RubyDeluxe told someone else that fisting was wrong in the eyes of god as the OP.


Its not this one, sorry. But you get the gist. Its still relevant to this thread.

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Maybe if you read my post properly, you would know that I am not telling you NOT TO BE BLACK.

Your skin colour has nothing to do with what I think of you.

I just think that its ironic that you happen to belong to so many provocative, controversial "minority" groups at one time.

IE: groups that can provoke arguments.


You have pulled the racist card out several times on LS- unnecessarily. Are you doing it deliberately?


And it may not be adultery per se, but you ARE cheating on your fiance, and you ARE LYING to your fiance, which you yourself said is wrong.


You have contradicted yourself so many times. How can you give advice to the OP that fisting is bad in the eyes of God when you admitted to having gay sex?


Sodomy is considered bad in the Bible too, but you committed it, and seem to think thats OK.


Advice to the OP should be constructive and sensitive.





You can't provide Gods viewpoint.


You can provide YOUR interpretation of the Bible, which is totally different.


You are NOT being attacked because you are Christian or black.


Please don't insult my intelligence by saying that.


If you are for real, and indeed NOT a troll (which I doubt) then you surely you must see the hypocrisy on your postings?

If you are for real, I have no problem with you at all.

Your life is your choice.

But I do think that you should think about what you are saying when you give advice.


This is not an attack. (even tho I am sure you will bleat attack! Racist! Whatever!)


I am not a troll! I am a Human being with feelings! I am not green or ugly with hairy feet living under a bridge. How could you call me this? :( I have made a serious mistake, this is true, but do I deserve to be condemned for the rest of my misreable life over it? I never said what I did was right. I provided my story in truth and posted my feelings here hoping some kind hearted person would help me out. Maybe just a kind word like, it's gonna be ok... even if you don't really mean it. Can't you understand that I am scared to death?! I am affraid of spending the rest of my life alone simply b/c I was born different. I am scared b/c for the first time in my life I found someone who truely loves me for the inner person and I messed all of that up. YOu ask why I talk about God's word so much? Maybe b/c I know I am completely unworthy of his forgiveness and I am trying to help others not make the same mistakes I've made. Maybe if I read enough, help enough and share enough this horrible burden will be lifed off my shoulders. Or, maybe I should just end it all since I'm a worthless piece of scum anyway. :(

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No one here has called you any names, other than troll which on the internet means someone pretending to be someone other than who they are genrelaly for purposes of provocation (which certainly seems to apply to you).


You are the one who keeps slinging the names - no one here has said anything about your color, your sexual preferences or anything else, let alone used the word scum. That was all YOU.


It is very simple on this site we give open honest feedback and NO ONE thinks you will be able to have a successful marriage with a significant lie in it's foundation.


No one here is asuming your fiance will revile you because of your gender reassignment YOU are the one who is apparently assuming that - at least that is what I am assuming since you won't tell him!

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wow that was entertaining... you should send the script to a producer... Hey I know one... LOL


I don't buy your story for one cent... First off, you said you were a devout Christian..


devout Christian my eye... does a devout Christian lie? do they sleep around with other people?


Sorry...nice try buddy...


I think you're a troll...but a funny one... keep posting. :bunny:

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:(you make me feel completely worthless and incapable of being loved. I know you did not call me scum. I called myself that.. my life is a waste:(

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:(you make me feel completely worthless and incapable of being loved. I know you did not call me scum. I called myself that.. my life is a waste:(


Oh come on Ruby, grow a backbone. What makes your life so special that its a waste huh?


YOU make yourself feel worthless and incapable of being loved. Nobody here said anything of the sort.

You make it hard for people to believe your story when you are so quick to judge others.


If you believe in god, then you should believe that god loves you no matter what.


Forget all the rules etc in the bible.

And if someone truly loves YOU you shouldn't have to live a lie for them.

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wow that was entertaining... you should send the script to a producer... Hey I know one... LOL


I don't buy your story for one cent... First off, you said you were a devout Christian..


devout Christian my eye... does a devout Christian lie? do they sleep around with other people?


Sorry...nice try buddy...


I think you're a troll...but a funny one... keep posting. :bunny:




Just because I am Christian does not mean I don’t make mistakes. Also, many Christians do things that are highly inappropriate like, for example, my Pastor’s son. This young man recently stuck a large firecracker called a blockbuster (I think) up a cat’s anus and lit the fuse for kicks. From what I heard the cat did not live very long after the explosion. I, as well as other congregation members, were completely horrified by this yet the Pastor did nothing to discipline his wayward son. There are also reports of drugs, gambling, fornication, gang warfare, abductions, adultery, smuggling and money laundering going on right in the church! Heck, I’ve suspected the Pastor to be a drug kingpin for a long time now considering his fancy house and expensive cars. Does this mean that God does not exist? No! It means we are all imperfect beings trying to live by perfect standards

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Just because I am Christian does not mean I don’t make mistakes. Also, many Christians do things that are highly inappropriate like, for example, my Pastor’s son. This young man recently stuck a large firecracker called a blockbuster (I think) up a cat’s anus and lit the fuse for kicks. From what I heard the cat did not live very long after the explosion. I, as well as other congregation members, were completely horrified by this yet the Pastor did nothing to discipline his wayward son. There are also reports of drugs, gambling, fornication, gang warfare, abductions, adultery, smuggling and money laundering going on right in the church! Heck, I’ve suspected the Pastor to be a drug kingpin for a long time now considering his fancy house and expensive cars. Does this mean that God does not exist? No! It means we are all imperfect beings trying to live by perfect standards





You have got to be kidding me. :lmao::lmao::lmao:


i agree with Lizzie. You are a troll, but you are funny.

Keep posting!

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What no satanic worship in the church basement? I would have thought by now that would entered into the storyline. Tolls seem to always love stories about Satanic worship.

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What no satanic worship in the church basement? I would have thought by now that would entered into the storyline. Tolls seem to always love stories about Satanic worship.


maybe that's b/c I'm not this troll thing you speak of. I came here looking for someone to say a kind word or give me just a little comfort not bash me b/c of my race, sexual orientation or religious beliefs. You sir, are very mean:(

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I think this is about as far as we'll go with this. It's either delete the whole thing or close it. I'll just close it for now.

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