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Now What!!??

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Ok , I have posted quite a few times here and havn't been getting that great a responce. I am going to try again though for I am really lost now . I hope this will get better feedback .


A mate and I broke it off. We still had feelings for each other and every time we saw each other we would end up fooling around and acting like a regular couple , but still we remain(ed) friends. I just saw him again this past weekend , we had a GREAT time together , went to the zoo, went out, had dinner and .. fooled around. During our time together he had brought up the fact that he he still loved me and he saw us back together at some point during our friendship. He even used the word " forever" in regards to " us" a couple times . Now here is the kicker .. after he dropped me off , he hasnt talked to me at all . he is all of a sudden " appearing offline" on MSN and is not leaving me little messages here and there anymore . I know he is around because I see when he is online on Facebook and other type programs. But hes not on MSN . Why is he avoiding me all of a sudden after such a great weekend and saying all the things that he said ? This makes NO sence to me .

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I agree with the previous poster 100%! You deserve better

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Yea, it's best when trying to forget someone to do as much as you can to keep your mind occupied. Being with friends is a great way of doing this. Even if you don't feel like doing anything, just ring up one of your friends and have a chat. Don't let someone play you, it is not worth it and you'll only get hurt.

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Passionate Lover

It all depends what type of guy he is, is he loving affecionate or a bit bitchy. Chances are if he is loving and affectionate he is just a little scared of what he said maybe slip fo the toung? But he obviously have feelings for you he just isnt sure how he can react to them... :S



But if he isnt then maybe the other posters are right! :(

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During our time together he had brought up the fact that he he still loved me and he saw us back together at some point during our friendship. He even used the word " forever" in regards to " us" a couple times .


You never said what your response was to that. Given the fact you didn't post about what you said, it probably wasn't the same as his spiel. My guess is that he has feelings for you but thinks you don't feel the same way so he is trying to distance himself.

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What Blue said could be true. Maybe this guy believes you don't feel the same way so he is running 'cause he doesn't want to get hurt. Tey and show him how you feel (Telling him is always effective lol)

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thanks for all the advice. Just after i posted he came online and had surprised me with tickets to a concert he knows i like . And as far as how I feel for him . I love him , I love him very much .. but because of the distance ( we live about an hour and a half away from each other) it becomes less and less as the days go on . We were still flirting and we still telling each other how much we cared when he went away for four days for the long weekend ( canada day long weekend) and now it's just blah for me ... I want to love him because he is what i need and vice versa but because i havent seen him or talked to him and be close to him the way i want to , everything is changing and I am becoming bitter and distant . Maybe its because i dont want to get hurt , i dont know . sometimes i just want it to end so we can both move on from the up and down of this relationship. it cant be healthy can it . He is supposed to come down this weekend and crash at my place ( i live at home , he will be on the couch) and I am just going to see how things flow .


I really do think he might still have feelings for me and is backing away and being silent so he doesn't get hurt . I love him to death and would never try to hurt him , but i think this needs to end ... it needs to end but i cant let him go ... why ?


LOL im so confusing ... thats because i was writing EXACTLY what i was just thinking in my head .. i sorta wasnt writing it to make sence for a reader , sorry ..lol , hope you can make sence anyhow .

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