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When did this happen and why did he lie?

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I am so upset. I went away for four days and my boyfriend and I (been dating 2 years on and off) just saw eachother for the first time yesterday. We had a good time and I had missed him so much while I was gone! he really missed me a lot too. THe problem is last night after I saw him I called him (he'd left me a message) and his son answered the phone and said his dad was talking to his aunt on his cell phone and he said "now its just my aunt so don't get mad like you did when Angie spent the night with me and my dad".


Some background- Angie is a woman my boyfriend met several years ago and had recently (about six months ago) run into at a local bar and started talking to her. He stopped at her house a few times and would call her (all behind my back) he lied to me about her and I never knew she existed until she called him one day I was at his house. He told me she was an old friend and that he'd "thought he'd mentioned her". Anyway there was no proof of anything physical happening but I was upset that he'd betrayed me so i left him for three months and we recently got back together and have been working things out. The incident his son could have been referring to (about me getting mad) was when his son accidently told me that he and my boyfriend had been to Angie's house before (how I found out) this was several months ago and I'd made a big scene and yelled at my boyfriend in front of his son and was very hurt and thats when I broke off the relationship. His son is 7 so he may associate my outburst and leaving with his dad talking to any other female (why he may have said "dont' get mad" when my boyfriend was talking to my son's aunt.) But I had NEVER know that my boyfriend had ever spent the night with Angie. He said that his son was in bed with them (his son still sleeps in his bed) and that nothing happened that night. He said they did have sex once before but it was a long time ago. I asked why she spent the night and he said no reason she just wanted to.


I am furious. I have no idea what to believe. He said it was not recently, that it was before he and I got together (over 2 years ago). But the first time I asked him if it was when were together he said he couldn't remember. If it happened before we were together wouldn't he immediately tell me that, not that he couldnt' remember?? He said it was definately before I found out about Angie (which was six months ago) He said he never had a relationship with her and they never dated. But she spent the night?? I'm trying to figure out if this was something that happened recently (since we've gotten back together) or if it was something that happened after I broke up with him or if this happened when he was with me and saying they were just friends. He says he has not talked to her since I found out and broke up with him. And he hasn't talked to her since we got back together. he siad the last time Angie called him was the day I found out (and she found out about me and that we'd been dating for 2 years). If it was something that happened years ago why would his son think that I'd gotten mad at his dad for Angie staying the night? That makes me think it was more recent. If it happened when we were broken up then I don't care because its none of my business (other than him lying to me saying he hadnt' talked to her since I found out and left him). but if it happened this weekend I was gone then I am leaving him and never looking back. I'm thiking maybe it was somethign that happened when were together before I found out about her and maybe his son is confusing that he thougth I knew about her spending the ngiht and that is why I broke up wtih his dad. I have no idea but I've just been so upset all day and coudn't sleep last night.

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If he lied to you once, he would probably lie again... Sounds fishy that he can't remember when it was she spent the night. You should tell him that because of the past you have a hard time believing him and for that reason you want to ask Angie. If her spending the night wasn't recent, Angie can verify it, right? If proving himself to you means something to him he won't mind ... unless he has something to hide. Whether you decide to actually ask Angie or not, just see how he responds to your wanting to talk to her. If he seems squirmish about it then he's probably lying. JMO

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