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I think i hate my mother


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"Shes not exactly the most approachable person" My friends and relatives have said to me. But what i think is always 10 times worse. I think i hate my mother. Shes the most saddest person i have ever known in my entire life. She when she gives me advice, she lies to to me about how she did things in the past in order to get me to do what she wants, she lied about reading my diary and passing it around the family after she had discovered i lost my virginity at 17, she is still married and attached to a man that has cheated on her time and time again and had children outside of the marriage, and recently got incariated for a double murder. With all of this, she still treats me like i am the worst person in the world. Now i have to be the father/babysitter to my 5 year old brother. AtcShe does have her kind moments, but at this time in my life i truly believe that this woman wouldnt know how to parent if God dropped a big rule book in her hand showing her how. She so pessemistic about everything, even more about me. I have never been a behavoiral child that you see on Maury, so what the ****. I need to get away from her, but it seems like i have no choice until im on my own. If someone knows a way, PLEASE tell me so i can get away from this woman

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What was her mother like? My mum gets very depressed and its like her glass isn't just half empty, it's totally empty. She worries and complains about every trivial thing that goes wrong but that's all she does - complain. She never tries to do anything about her problems, despite advice and offers of help from others. But, in her defence, her mother was (and still is) very domineering and never gave her any affection or encouragement which has made her very weak and insecure. My dad was no better - he ran away from home at 15 to join the air force (that's another story for another day). It's one reason why I'm still undecided whether to have children of my own some day - I wouldn't want to continue the same mistakes. There is no magic book giving all the answers to good parenting so the way people raise their children depends on their own experiences of growing up.

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"They **** you up, your mum and dad,

They may not mean to but they do.

They fill you with the faults they had,

and add some extra, just for you."


Philip Larkin


That dude knew what he was talking about.

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