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confused about relationship


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I've been seeing someone intimately for 5-6 months now. We've been


together for 8-9 months now. We're technically not


boyfriend/girlfriend, but there is somewhat of a commitment. She


recently broke up with her ex-boyfriend for 5 years 3-4 months before


we met, and she has made it clear that she is over it(both mentally &


emotionally as it seems). I'm ready for a commitment with her, but in


the back of my head I still want to play the field so to speak. I'm


still a virgin and I want to love that person before I have sex with


them. I have a feeling that I will fall in love with her, and things


will go in a positive direction. But as the relationship has


progressed, we have still not commited to each other. I feel that


things have been going on for while and I can't see any reason for her


to be holding back. But the longer she makes me wait, the further I


am driven away. Would it be a good idea to give her an ultimatem? I


plan that when the new year comes and she hasn't made any decisions, I


would tell her that I want some time apart for her to think about it,


and for me to get away from the situation as well. I fear that if this


happens, I may be tempted or pulled away to another woman. Then again,


all this time we've been together she may be waiting for something


better to come along, and maybe thats why she hasn't commited to me. I


guess I'll never know. Also more importantly is that if I decided to


go with someone else, I could be missing my chance to have a loving


and sexually fulfillng relationship. I get advice from my friends, but


it all just confuses me. I would really appreciate your expert advice


on my situation, it would help me out so much. I thank you for your


time and patience.

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I think If u feel this way you should take some time apart


If she really loves u she'll think you for giving her time to breathe


Prove that your not like other men don't walk away just take some time to get it together and figure it out


They say if u love something let it go if it comes back its


your and thats how you know its for keeps and its for sure just be ready and willing to give her more if you ever want to talk E-mail Me


<e-mail address removed>




just remember theres nothing worse than a cheater so If you wanna live out your sexual disires keep it in mind that all women will hate you if u become a cheater to just 1 girl


gotta Go



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