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Guarantee to cheat?

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A few questions for all the loveshackers out there:


- what do you think is the percentage of completely faithful husbands out there?


- do you think some nations are more prone to being unfaithful than others?


- is there any characteristics for a cheater? Looks, behaviour, wealth, low self esteem?


- would you say there is a direct correlation between the number of women your husband slept with before marrying you and the likelihood of him cheating?


- why do husbands cheat?


- are good looking, kind, successful husbands more likely to cheat just for the fact that they receive more offers


- would you say a husband watching/liking porn is more likely to cheat?


Curious about your answers :-)

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have you been cheated on? Why do you think it happened?


Have you cheated? Why did you cheat?

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It's not generally just about husbands. But I guess when you're married, you officially made that promise to be faithful whereas in a lot of relationships one partner feels more involved than the other one.


I somehow find it worse to cheat when you're married than say, in the first month of a new relationship. Also, marriage is a long long time :-/ and I wonder if anybody ever manages to stay faithful


But generally my questions apply for non-married guys in relationships as well.

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- what do you think is the percentage of completely faithful husbands out there?


Depends on what you mean by completely faithful. If you're talking about men who haven't had sexual intercourse with another woman during their marriage, I would say 75 percent have been faithful. If you're talking about men who haven't thought about sex with another woman they may see at the beach, mall, at work, etc., I would say ZERO percent.


- do you think some nations are more prone to being unfaithful than others?


Culture and religion plays a big factor. There are some countries, such as some of the Arab states, that have very serious laws and penalties for adultery. America is a very easy place to cheat if you do it right. Those who get caught usually want to or pick someone with a big mouth to cheat with.


- is there any characteristics for a cheater? Looks, behaviour, wealth, low self esteem?


- would you say there is a direct correlation between the number of women your husband slept with before marrying you and the likelihood of him cheating?


I'm a guy so I can't answer this as a woman. But I would say there would be no correlation for either sex. This would be totally immaterial, except perhaps in the case of a woman who was a virgin when she got married. So many times they become curious about other men and have affairs. If I had to guess, I would say the more sexual experiences a person has prior to marriage the less likely they are to cheat unless the sex is really bad at home.


- why do husbands cheat?


Cheating is an offense of opportunity. Most men do not set out at the beginning of the day to cheat on their wives. They aren't looking. But when an opportunity presents itself, some men are simply unable to resist. There are rare individuals with morals and principles who simply say NO.


- are good looking, kind, successful husbands more likely to cheat just for the fact that they receive more offers


Looks, disposition and level of success are immaterial in cheating. Usually, the parties are just out for some strange, a good time, etc. It's very unfortunate that it sometimes leads to feelings on the part of one individual. There are a corps of women out there who seek out doctors, lawyers and other above average work groups because they're looking for money and security and they don't care whose man they steal to get it. I've seen it happen often. Doctors get hit on ALL THE TIME and I know many who cheat because they truly didn't have sufficient time to find the right person for them and they are unhappy in their marriages.


- would you say a husband watching/liking porn is more likely to cheat?


I think most when would cheat if the gal in the picture showed up at the front door. Buy watching porn probably keeps a lot of men from cheating because looking at porn displaces the urge to stray. I think most women would much prefer their men look at pictures on the Internet than go out and strike up a romance in real life. However, if the porn takes over the marriage to the detriment of the relationship, then I think that's cheating even if another flesh and blood woman is not involved.

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have you been cheated on? Why do you think it happened?


I am not married but ladies I have been in "committed" relationships with have cheated on me. For many, that's just their style. Often, if a woman is ready to move on she'll sleep with a new guy to cement the relationship before breaking up with the previous person. There are some women who are just plain sneaky...again, cheating is an offense of opportunity. Given the right set of circumstances, I think a vast majority of people can be tempted to the edge. There aren't a lot of morally sound people out there. I think morality often stops just above a guy's dick.

Have you cheated? Why did you cheat?


Never cheated but if Salma Hayek came within 1000 feet of me I'd probably forget everything I've ever been taught. As I said, cheating is a matter of opportunity and Salma would be a hell of an opportunity for me! Otherwise, I would not have the nerve to cheat. There would be no enjoyment doing something that is against everything I believe in. But I don't condemn people who do or people who succumb to temptation. We're all human.

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Interesting answers, Tony! Thanks!


You say though: cheating is a crime of opportunities. But then you say tha good looking, wealthy guys aren't more prone to cheat.


Surely you have more gorgeous, young girls hitting on you if you're rich, successful and good looking. Therefore heaps more opportunities and heaps more temptation.

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would you say Jude Law would be less likely to cheat if he was a poor artist or some boring accountant with glasses?

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would you say Jude Law would be less likely to cheat if he was a poor artist or some boring accountant with glasses?


Opportunity is one part of the equation, willingness is the other. If you have those on both sides, cheating will take place. No matter how good looking, rich or whatever a person is...if he's not willing to cheat he won't. However, if the right opportunity came along under the right circumstances, I'd say chances are most people would be willing. It takes all the right stuff. This is a lot more complex that it sounds. Accept that.

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- what do you think is the percentage of completely faithful husbands out there?


How do you define completely faithful? No porn? Never a sexual thought about a non-spouse? I've read statistics that say about 50 percent, but that would included everthing from dogs who cheat in a honneymoon to a man whose refused to have sex for years.


- do you think some nations are more prone to being unfaithful than others?


Yes, in some cultures it is more acceptable for married people to have lovers on the side.


- is there any characteristics for a cheater? Looks, behaviour, wealth, low self esteem?


Honesty. Is he completely honest about everything, or does he keep a lot of secrets. The more honest, open & transparent someone is, the less likely they are to cheat.


- would you say there is a direct correlation between the number of women your husband slept with before marrying you and the likelihood of him cheating?


No. A man who was a virgin until his wedding night may develop a burning curiiouslity what sex with another woman may be like.


- why do husbands cheat?


I beleive there are two kinds of cheaters. The first kind cheats at any opportunity, pretty much from the start of the relationship. The second type cheats only after years of rare or non-existant sex & physical affection and repeated attepts to resulve the issue with his/her spouse. Cheating is the only way for them to meet their physical & emotional needs for physical affection.


- are good looking, kind, successful husbands more likely to cheat just for the fact that they receive more offers

Yes, provided they fall into one of the groups in my previous answer.


- would you say a husband watching/liking porn is more likely to cheat?

No. In fact porn can be used in sex-sartved marraige as a less drastic alternative to cheating.

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what do you think is the percentage of completely faithful husbands out there?


I think they are extremely rare... I would say that over 90% of men cheat. Women are catching up... In fact I would think that most men would cheat given the opportunity and if they were sure they would never get caught.


do you think some nations are more prone to being unfaithful than others?


I think in other cultures it is more acceptable to have many wives... but women are stoned if they do... soooo unfair.



is there any characteristics for a cheater? Looks, behaviour, wealth, low self esteem?


I don't think there is anything so special about a cheater... It could be your brother, your cousin, your neighbour, your co-worker...


would you say there is a direct correlation between the number of women your husband slept with before marrying you and the likelihood of him cheating?




why do husbands cheat?


There are many reasons... but from my experience, most cheat because the sex at home is boring... they want to try new, exciting stuff but their W want nothing to do with that (ex. new positions, role play, anal, etc.)


Lack of sex is no. 1 I would think..... Some men want to just prove to themselves that they are still 'good' or desirable.


are good looking, kind, successful husbands more likely to cheat just for the fact that they receive more offers


I would think so, yes, good-looking, yes definitely they are hit on more often.. successful, definitely... wealthy absolutely... they have more opportunities, they travel, they can pay for hotels, etc.


would you say a husband watching/liking porn is more likely to cheat?


It depends... not all the time...but if he's got access to porn on the Internet, chances are he will be curious about chat lines and dating sites.


I don't think my exes has cheated on me... but I can't be 100% sure, I wasn't with them 24/7...


I have never cheated on them.

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what do you think is the percentage of completely faithful husbands out there?


I think they are extremely rare... I would say that over 90% of men cheat. Women are catching up... In fact I would think that most men would cheat given the opportunity and if they were sure they would never get caught.




why do husbands cheat?


There are many reasons... but from my experience, most cheat because the sex at home is boring... they want to try new, exciting stuff but their W want nothing to do with that (ex. new positions, role play, anal, etc.)


Lack of sex is no. 1 I would think..... Some men want to just prove to themselves that they are still 'good' or desirable.






I don't think my exes has cheated on me... but I can't be 100% sure, I wasn't with them 24/7...


I have never cheated on them.



I would love to see the official statistics on the % of H's who do cheat. Not just one poster's opinion, just because she's slept with how many? :confused:


I doubt boring-at-home sex for a H is the reason he cheats. :rolleyes:


Sure they didn't cheat on you. And they're exes because you dumped them, right? :lmao:

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What do you think is the percentage of completely faithful husbands out there?

The Kinsey Report came up with 60% of men. 30% of women are unfaithful.

We could safely presume that people lie, and the numbers are actualy much higher. But by how much?

We are talking completely faithful, and I take that to mean anything beyond fantasizing and gawking. I would say that at least 90% of men have gotten a lapdance. Felt a girl up on the dancefloor. You know, something that would infuriate their wife of girlfriend. It is also my opinion that the remaining 10% are really a sorry lot, and they would do it if they could.

Do you think some nations are more prone to being unfaithful than others?

Not really. Law and punishment is different from place to place, but the sexual drives of the people are the same. Some are better able to deny, and some deny so hard that they snap and lash out violently. Like priests.

Is there any characteristics for a cheater? Looks, behaviour, wealth, low self esteem?

Are there any characteristics for a liar? A promicuous nature and an ability to lie is all you need.

Would you say there is a direct correlation between the number of women your husband slept with before marrying you and the likelihood of him cheating?

Not at all. Even if there had been a ton of previous partner, you husband may be opposed to lying. The want to have sex with others is a different question all together.

Why do husbands cheat?

Because their relationship doesn't allow them to have sex with other people. At which point the husband weighs his options (often in seconds), he chooses a path. Either, what my wife doesn't know, won't hurt her. Or, there is no way I'm going to get away with this. Lots of men have a, "Not in your own area code rule". Word travels fast in your hometown. Lots of men don't even think about the risk, they are almost completely comtrolled by the chemicals in the brain that are telling them to do it.

Are good looking, kind, successful husbands more likely to cheat just for the fact that they receive more offers?

Not really. I would however say that rich men have a greater number of opportunities to cheat. Business trips, strip clubs, ect.

Would you say a husband watching/liking porn is more likely to cheat?

NO! He is more likely to be a promiscuous man, but it doesn't tell you anything about whether or not he is a liar. If he hids and lies about his porn, he is more likely to lie about his experiences when your not around. Not a guarantee however. Some men would hid and lie about porn for fear of his wife's reaction. I believe these men are bound to cheat or leave their wives. I also agree with stayclose. As a promiscuous man myself, if I couldn't have at least regular, constantly replenished and uptodate porn, I would be a cheater, or I would be single.

Porn is just like any other girl. You can't just watch one movie for the rest of your life. Everytime I buy a new porn, my wife asks if I really need another one. "I've already had sex with all those girls a hundred times. I need new girls." She hates it, but it's 100% true. I'll come back to the old one's. I'll never be done with them, I just need a change of pace.

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