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cheated..now brake up.. !!

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I have a broken heart. I was with and lived with my ex-boyfriend for a year and 4 months, we also work toguether, we see each other 5 days a week. I cheated on him once then the second time, I left the house then i got with this guy, but the second time i really didnt cheat on him.


so 2 months later i brake up with the new guy, and since my ex and i already had a cruise planned i went with him for a week cruise, while on the cruise, everything was fine, we did boyfriend/girlfriend things, even talked about one day,not now though, getting back toguether... two days later i get the cruise pictures and i go to his house and call him, but doesnt pick up. then i text him that im outside.


As im waiting for him to open the door, a girl walks up. She was his ex before me. so me and his ex talk for like an hour, he never opens the door. now he blames me for ruining everything..he just says that he is angry for my unanounced visit. but he doesnt want nothing to do with me ever. I still love him, and want him back. i told him if we can talk and i sent him flowers. he just says to stop everything and move on.


I guess this is a taste of my medicine.... my friends tell me that he will eventually call me because he loves me very much. He was planning to propose to me at the end of this year..i do regret everything i did, i wish i could of been smarter and just been true to my man. What should i do, wait? or just move on? it hurts, its not easy to move on. i hate karma!!!help!? :(

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Sal Paradise

Yep its a taste of your medicine, it sucks don't it?


I think the best thing you can do is let him be. He doesn't trust you and he probably never will. Cheating once is bad enough but twice is even worse. I'd move on and take this as a life lesson. Perhaps in the future you will think twice before you act like a selfish coward.

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