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What do you men think about women who earn 6 figures a year?

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Would you be intimidated and threatened or would you be fascinated and enchanted?


Would you find this particularly rare and special, or are you generally aware of the fact that there ARE women out there who earn decent money? Or have you never come across such a successful and independent woman before?

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If you're talking about six figures before the decimal point, then I wouldn't call it fascinating or enchanting. I'd call it respectable and evidence of someone who has it together. If it's including those that come after the decimal point, well, she'd better be young and have no kids.


I'd happily date a woman I respect, regardless of what she makes. I'm not intimidated by women who make more money than I do. I just want someone who has some depth and some sex appeal.

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If you're talking about six figures before the decimal point, then I wouldn't call it fascinating or enchanting. I'd call it respectable and evidence of someone who has it together. If it's including those that come after the decimal point, well, she'd better be young and have no kids.


I'd happily date a woman I respect, regardless of what she makes. I'm not intimidated by women who make more money than I do. I just want someone who has some depth and some sex appeal.


6 figures a year means $100,000 and up

7 figures = 1 mil and up

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Would you be intimidated and threatened or would you be fascinated and enchanted?

That all depends on how cute they are.

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Would you be intimidated and threatened or would you be fascinated and enchanted?


Would you find this particularly rare and special, or are you generally aware of the fact that there ARE women out there who earn decent money? Or have you never come across such a successful and independent woman before?


I don't see how a woman's income would be relevant. How would an amount of money a person made or had be intimidating or threatening? I simply don't understand. If she flaunted it like a classless idiot, I simply wouldn't date her. But if she actually made that kind of money, it would seem to follow that she would have better sense.


I would neither be intimidated, threatened, fascinated or enchanted. I would most likely be hungry.

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I think you personally focus way too much on the fact that you earn more than your carless boyfriend. It's like you enjoy having the power over him.

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I don't think most guys know that women can earn more than they do. For example, some guys "think" they can impress a woman by driving a Benz or BMW or even a Lamborghini... By doing so they are automatically ASSUMING a woman cannot afford one on her own and therefore would be impressed. They do not consider the option that perhaps she makes even more than he does and wouldn't be impressed... They do not even consider that as a possibility. Therefor I think that it doesn't cross most men's minds that there IS a possibility that a woman, could possibly earn more than they do. I feel like the man usually ASSUMES he makes more than the woman does.

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If she used her money to hire threatening bodyguards and to buy poisonous pets and lots of weapons, and to buy male growth hormone to get the most out of her workouts, I'd be pretty intimidated.

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I don't see how a woman's income would be relevant. How would an amount of money a person made or had be intimidating or threatening? I simply don't understand. If she flaunted it like a classless idiot, I simply wouldn't date her. But if she actually made that kind of money, it would seem to follow that she would have better sense.


I would neither be intimidated, threatened, fascinated or enchanted. I would most likely be hungry.


I think most people in the world ARE intimidated by money. I admit that I am intimidated by money, if I met someone who was worth over 20 mil I would be very intimidated. It's a given that if you drive a certain car or make a lot of money you are usually treated with more respect (especially if you're a male), but in general people do pay attention to you and are more intimidated by people with money. I think this is only natural...


I see nothing wrong with flaunting money though. If you flaunt it a bit without

overspending beyond your means I don't see a problem with that. Not everyone likes to be modest and subtle. Some people like to be flashier... I don't agree that it means that you don't have good sense if you flaunt it a little. Flaunting makes you feel good.

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Would you be intimidated and threatened or would you be fascinated and enchanted?


Would you find this particularly rare and special, or are you generally aware of the fact that there ARE women out there who earn decent money? Or have you never come across such a successful and independent woman before?


I work in politics so high-earning, lovely women are the norm. It matters not! It's what's inside that counts, not the outside or the bank account.

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I don't see how a woman's income would be relevant. How would an amount of money a person made or had be intimidating or threatening? I simply don't understand. If she flaunted it like a classless idiot, I simply wouldn't date her. But if she actually made that kind of money, it would seem to follow that she would have better sense.


I would neither be intimidated, threatened, fascinated or enchanted. I would most likely be hungry.


Also because the amount of money someone is worth is a significant measure of their success in life. Some people might argue against that and think it's "your actions in life" and "your friends and family" that matter and all of that but in my opinion financial success is a BIG indicator of how someone did in life.


It's especially intimidating and threatening to other people who are not AS successful... For example, I personally would be intimidated by someone who was super wealthy because I want to emulate their success and would like to have their lifestyle someday... So naturally I would look up to them and be intimidated.. and a bit scared...

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I really wanted to respond to your post in this thread: http://www.loveshack.org/forums/showpost.php?p=1231913&postcount=7 but didn’t want to respond there for fear of being off-topic...but this thread provides the appropriate opportunity.


Well, I'm a woman who makes 6 figures a year and I drive a Mercedes yet my bf doesn't "really" have a car right now. He has a 86 corolla that's worth like $300 but it's parked permanently in my garage cause he has no insurance on it and the tires might pop anytime...


Personally I don't CARE if a guy doesn't have a car because I prefer guys who don't have a lot of money.


I don't like overly ambitious guys...


I don't like guys with flashy cars, especially if they think that I will be "impressed." That tells me that they are insulting my intelligence and underestimating me. They do not fathom to believe that a woman, such as me, could possibly be so successful and make a lot of money on her own. They think I would actually be impressed by their cars or need something financially from them, which I don't.


Can I ask why you find it necessary to disclose your 6-figure salary so often? There are plenty of us here in your financial position, if not better, but we don't bring it into our posts. You come across as a braggart when you do.


Moreover, I don't believe you nthat you don't like guys with flashy cars. I understand not liking guys who use their flashy cars to gain some sort of mental advantage, but you cannot honestly say you prefer a beater car to a nicer car - that's just being dishonest.


I have a Benz too. I don't have it to impress men, I have it because it's an awesome car, it's pretty, it performs well, it's luxurious, and...well...I always wanted one. Why are you assuming that a man who has a nice car is using it to impress women and not because he just wants to drive a nice car? I'm "proud" of my car to an extent as well, and if that comes off with an air of "trying to impress," then oh well. The person who thinks I'm trying to impress them is probably just really insecure.


I also don't believe you that you PREFER guys that don't have money. Character and personality being equal, why would PREFER a broke guy over a guy who's able to support himself (and potentially a family)?


I have a feeling you don't like ambitious guys because you like to have (financial) control over them, because you feel you're unable to be their equal in other areas.

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I think most people in the world ARE intimidated by money. I admit that I am intimidated by money, if I met someone who was worth over 20 mil I would be very intimidated. It's a given that if you drive a certain car or make a lot of money you are usually treated with more respect (especially if you're a male), but in general people do pay attention to you and are more intimidated by people with money. I think this is only natural...


I see nothing wrong with flaunting money though. If you flaunt it a bit without

overspending beyond your means I don't see a problem with that. Not everyone likes to be modest and subtle. Some people like to be flashier... I don't agree that it means that you don't have good sense if you flaunt it a little. Flaunting makes you feel good.


I've been there and I can tell you without reservation that, while you are right about some things, flaunting your money if you have excesses of it can only bring you fake friends and fake treatment. People treat you with more respect with the hope that one day, when they need something, you will be more willing to give it to them. People use people and they can only use people who have something to use.


To my thinking, it's the most frightening thing I can think of to have a woman by my side who is there as much for my bank account as for me.


I also think happy people don't need to flaunt their wealth. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is a BILLIONAIRE, he lives in an average townhouse, has a listed phone number, takes the subway to work, works alongside all of his deputies and eats hot dogs and whatever at lunch time.


Everybody should live exactly as they want. People who have a need to flaunt things, in my opinion, are terribly insecure, terribly immodest or just don't care what kind of using scum they pick up on their way to the forum.

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I adore men who make 7 - 10 figures annually. It's my sole purpose in life to snag one.


Now how can us poor people compete...

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Also because the amount of money someone is worth is a significant measure of their success in life. Some people might argue against that and think it's "your actions in life" and "your friends and family" that matter and all of that but in my opinion financial success is a BIG indicator of how someone did in life.



You have a warped definition of success. The definition of success is "the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted." Not everyone makes their life plan or desire to rack up a huge bank account. Many want to have a positive impact on the lives of others.


Given your definition, what do you say to firefighters, police officers, and members of our military who have saved countless lives?


And what do you say to the public school teachers who educate our children in elementary, junior, and high school?


And what do you say to social workers who help the mentally infirm or help homeless children find safety?


And what would you say to Ghandi, or Mother Theresa, or the Dali Lama?


None of these people will, or ever did, make 6 figures, but they are some of the most successful, and HONORABLE people in all the world. THAT is - or at least should be - the definition of success.


Moreover, seeing as the median income is far less than 6 figures, by making $$$ the definition of success, you're insulting the gross majority of the country as well as this forum.

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Would you be intimidated and threatened or would you be fascinated and enchanted?


Would you find this particularly rare and special, or are you generally aware of the fact that there ARE women out there who earn decent money? Or have you never come across such a successful and independent woman before?


I work in an industry where 6 and 7 figure incomes are standard. None of the men seem the least bit intimidated, threatened, fascinated, enchanted, or surprised by successful women. It's hardly rare anymore.

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It matters to me, but is not the ultimate dealbreaker.


The only downside is that many of these high-earning women tend to be career women with jobs that require them to work a lot of hours or focus on their work. If that's the case, then no I would not be with her. I'll admit I am a hypocrite with regard to this.


It would also depend on how the women made her money. I hold that same standard to men too. If its through less than honorable means or involves some form of exploitation, then I wouldn't really care for her.


Oh by the way, for some reason I wouldn't want to date lawyers. I don't have respect for most of them, plus I think its a personality clash there lol...they seem really over the top, in-your face and aggressive...its a turn off....but anyways this is a whole other story.

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None of these people will, or ever did, make 6 figures, but they are some of the most successful, and HONORABLE people in all the world. THAT is - or at least should be - the definition of success.



That is your definition of sucess. I still go with money. Sorry.

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That is your definition of sucess. I still go with money. Sorry.

I will never understand you cutegirl. The definition of success is personal happiness. Are you really happy? Do you like and respect yourself? Forget the self-admiration portion.


Can you honestly say "I like and respect myself"?

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It doesn't matter to me at all. Money is just a means to end so you can live a good life but I am not into flashing it or trying to impress others. If I won the lottery I would still live right where I am at now. I don't care if a woman is a billionare or broke and from the ghetto as long as her character is what I am looking for. I just don't like flashy and materialistic people of either gender. I don't hanging out with men like that.

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I will never understand you cutegirl. The definition of success is personal happiness. Are you really happy? Do you like and respect yourself? Forget the self-admiration portion.


Can you honestly say "I like and respect myself"?


Yes. Also the more money I have the more I like and respect myself... lol


It's the truth.

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I will never understand you cutegirl. The definition of success is personal happiness. Are you really happy? Do you like and respect yourself? Forget the self-admiration portion.


Can you honestly say "I like and respect myself"?


Hey, also I was raised to believe that money and PRESTIGE and STATUS determine happiness. Don't blame me, my parents taught me this. I was also told "go to school to become a doctor or lawyer or dentist so you can make a lot of money and be respected." I don't blame my parents though, I also sincerely believe this from my own life experiences. I don't care as much about "high status professions" as in the type of profession, I only care about money though. I noticed a lot people care more about the money than a "high status profession". Although "high status professions" are still admirable though, mainly because of the prestige factor.

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Yes. Also the more money I have the more I like and respect myself... lol


It's the truth.

What you are experiencing is the power of money to buy you things. You'll find that it will pall when you get older. Sure, it's fun to buy toys but why this need for constant external validation if you're happy and respect yourself?

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