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What do you men think about women who earn 6 figures a year?

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People use people and they can only use people who have something to use.
It's even worse to have nothing to lose... or can be used by others. :laugh:


To my thinking, it's the most frightening thing I can think of to have a woman by my side who is there as much for my bank account as for me.

Yes, but once they enter a relationship, rich people feel entitled to more respect, admiration, and putting up with their crap than they would if they weren't wealthy. It comes naturally. ;)
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I see nothing wrong with porn. I do not live in a conservative area, so I don't think most people here care much either. Joe Francis sells porn and his image is quite well, most men out there still respect him.


Porn is mainstream now. Porn is being sold in world class hotels world wide in the form of PPV movies. Jenna Jameson is a pornstar and she's huge and also just purchased a Rolls Royce. There is nothing shady about porn. In LA I think people are open and accept it.


The most famous socialites like Paris and Kim Kardashian have made tapes and contrary to what you might believe, they still have their fans. It actually made them even more famous. Porn is a plus!


Porn is popular and good for the image... Look at Joe Francis, he dated Lohan and Paris and they are considered "it-girls" and on the A-list crowd in Hollywood.


Sorry but I've been to LA and Southern Ca. many times. I have good friends that live in Southern Ca. and selling porn isn't a respected or socially accepted career there that your claiming it to be.


I wouldn't want my daughter or son to grow up and sell internet porn for a living and if they did I would be quite ashamed and embarrassed about it.


Call me puritanical, judgemental or whatever but that is my opinion.

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I see nothing wrong with porn. I do not live in a conservative area, so I don't think most people here care much either. Joe Francis sells porn and his image is quite well, most men out there still respect him. .



I don't think his image is good. Isn't he in jail right now for having underage girls in his movies. Plus he is being sued.


And I think most people think he is scum. and he owes 1.5 mil in tax evasion. He is going to be in jail for a long time.

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the issue I have with porn is that is takes advantage of a lot of messed up girls.


They get into this situation and are told you only have to do X it's easy money blah blah blah. and they get there and it like you have to do dp or get out.


Have you ever seen documentaries made of the industry form inside?


Yes there are porn stars that do well and really like it ie. Jenna Jamerson but for most girls. Tehy come from bad famlies are really messed up ans taken advantage of.


they have limited self life and are pressured into to doing more and more hardcore acts. DP, gang bangs etc..


and don't even get me started on the std rates.

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BTW According to Internet Pornography Statistics from familymedia.com show that the largest group of viewers of internet pornography are children between the ages of 12 and 17. I have read these statistics before but just did a quick google search and found them posted on the website below:



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the issue I have with porn is that is takes advantage of a lot of messed up girls.


Very true.


BTW According to Internet Pornography Statistics from familymedia.com show that the largest group of viewers of internet pornography are children between the ages of 12 and 17. I have read these statistics before but just did a quick google search and found them posted on the website below:




Yeah, exactly. CG is peddling porn to minors. Fabulous job. Be proud. :sick:

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Yea I know that. It's "alleged". Not proven yet. My point was that porn is not something that is unacceptable, because Francis hangs with hollywood it-girls like Lohan and Paris. Obviously the Hollywood crowd accepts him. That was my point only. I used him as an example because people were stating that porn was not good for the image. If he hangs with the LA "in-crowd" that's good enough of an acceptance from me.


I have stayed out of this thread because I have nothing to add to what has been said about the original issue, but I am unable to resist expressing my surprise that an adult would judge a person based on their affiliation with actors or actresses - especially those two! It seems to me that most people are interested in Paris and Lindsay strictly because of their well established "bad girl" reputations.


I say "interested" and specifically not "admiring". I don't know of anyone who admires these young women, but plenty who are willing to read about their exploits. It is prurient or morbid curiousity. Some people keep up with the likes of these two and Britney because it helps them feel superior, or for shock value or even to get a good laugh. In turn, Paris et al depend on that sort of attention and encourage it to keep the dollars rolling in.

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Sorry but I've been to LA and Southern Ca. many times. I have good friends that live in Southern Ca. and selling porn isn't a respected or socially accepted career there that your claiming it to be.


I wouldn't want my daughter or son to grow up and sell internet porn for a living and if they did I would be quite ashamed and embarrassed about it.


Call me puritanical, judgemental or whatever but that is my opinion.



Puritanical, judgemental! :)


You probably run in circles with people like yourself in terms of values, age and other demographical statistics. Being in LA for a visit isn't the same as living here. I don't think it's "respected" like CG says, but I don't think it's as frowned upon as you think either. A lot of people not in the industry actually have a glamourized perception of it that isn't wholly accurate and buy into the "mystique," if you will.


I agree, porn does exploit some very messed up young women, but they are (or at least should be) adults, and they have to make their own choices. It's unfortunate that many don't have the strength to walk away from situations that are not acceptable to them, but that happens often in life. It's just not filmed and distributed for us to tsk tsk over.


Porn is a fact of our modern world and it won't go away until the demand for it does. (Yeah, right.) Maybe mothers could teach their daughters better and the supply would dry up? In a perfect world, but not this one.


Maybe you see it as a copout, but by NOT selling or helping to produce porn, you're not changing anything about the world, only the fact that CG and I, back then anyway, wouldn't have jobs. Hey, I'm a realist.

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And yes, I'm still offended that people are saying that my old job is shameful and embarrassing. I didn't have sex with anyone for money. I don't think I did anything wrong.

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Very true.




Yeah, exactly. CG is peddling porn to minors. Fabulous job. Be proud. :sick:



Yep, CG is peddling porn to minors to buy designer handbags. :sick:


That is why I think a more appropriate title for her thread would be "What do you men think about women who earn 6 figures a year selling internet porn?".

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And yes, I'm still offended that people are saying that my old job is shameful and embarrassing. I didn't have sex with anyone for money. I don't think I did anything wrong.


I don't think you shouldn't be offended. First, people aren't saying YOU should be embarassed or ashamed. They're saying (myself included) that if in CG's shoes, they're be embarassed to explain how they made their loads of cash to buy fancy handbags. CG is obviously embarassed herself (she cares what people think, remember), for she explains she does "internet advertising" without providing and details as to what she's marketing. I'm sorry, but no matter how "mainstream" YOU think porn is, most people would be embarassed if they were peddling porn (to minors, particularly) for money.


Second, people are going to have differing opinions from yours - always. If you worked for an opposing political party, you'd likely actually have people tell you that you should be ashamed and embarassed. ;) If you really have no problem with what you once did for a living, stop being defensive. You're not on trial here. (CG is...hehehe!)


That said, the reason why I personally take issue with the porn industry has nothing to do with sex itself, but with whom it targets and preys upon. The fact of the matter is the majority of women in the porn industry (and I mean the performers - who without the porn companies would make very little $$) are f**ked in the head. For the most part, if you're willing to f**k on screen for a measely $5K (what most average no-name girls make for an entire movie), you've got some issues. Porn kings manipulate these women and capitalize on it, and it's sick. How many "normal" ex-porn stars do you know? In addition, as many studies have shown, a primary target demographic of porn is underaged minors.


Now, if every performer was Jenna Jameson (who is fairly rational despite her profession), and every consumer of it was an adult non-pedophile, I'd have no issue with the porn industry whatsoever. But that's not reality. It preys upon the weak minded, and is geared towards affecting the impressionable. I don't like that. So in my mind, if you make money off the porn industry - as a performer, a producer, a copy writer, a distributer, a shrinkwrapper, a marketer, whatever - you're perpetuating a huge problem.

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I don't think you shouldn't be offended. First, people aren't saying YOU should be embarassed or ashamed. They're saying (myself included) that if in CG's shoes, they're be embarassed to explain how they made their loads of cash to buy fancy handbags. CG is obviously embarassed herself (she cares what people think, remember), for she explains she does "internet advertising" without providing and details as to what she's marketing. I'm sorry, but no matter how "mainstream" YOU think porn is, most people would be embarassed if they were peddling porn (to minors, particularly) for money.


Second, people are going to have differing opinions from yours - always. If you worked for an opposing political party, you'd likely actually have people tell you that you should be ashamed and embarassed. ;) If you really have no problem with what you once did for a living, stop being defensive. You're not on trial here. (CG is...hehehe!)


That said, the reason why I personally take issue with the porn industry has nothing to do with sex itself, but with whom it targets and preys upon. The fact of the matter is the majority of women in the porn industry (and I mean the performers - who without the porn companies would make very little $$) are f**ked in the head. For the most part, if you're willing to f**k on screen for a measely $5K (what most average no-name girls make for an entire movie), you've got some issues. Porn kings manipulate these women and capitalize on it, and it's sick. How many "normal" ex-porn stars do you know? In addition, as many studies have shown, a primary target demographic of porn is underaged minors.


Now, if every performer was Jenna Jameson (who is fairly rational despite her profession), and every consumer of it was an adult non-pedophile, I'd have no issue with the porn industry whatsoever. But that's not reality. It preys upon the weak minded, and is geared towards affecting the impressionable. I don't like that. So in my mind, if you make money off the porn industry - as a performer, a producer, a copy writer, a distributer, a shrinkwrapper, a marketer, whatever - you're perpetuating a huge problem.


Selling porn to minors? Sorry but that is just slander. Aren't you an attorney?

How can you automatically assume that selling porn equals selling porn to minors? Do you think most minors have access to credit cards?


You cannot take a study that is obviously biased against porn and then use that as an argument that "I am selling porn to minors".


This thread was not intended to be about porn and I am absolutely not going to post in here again in order to argue with a bunch of judgmental bible-thumpers. I am out of this thread. I am done with you people.

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Stop being defensive. You're not on trial here. (CG is...hehehe!)




Fair enough, thanks for your response. I think I was more annoyed that I was being ignored! :D


I didn't think it was such a bad thing at the time, perhaps I am messed up myself, but I was much younger then (first job out of college at 22) and pretty freewheeling with the feeling that anyone could do whatever they like, especially where sex was concerned. I am definitely a different person now, more conservative, and I've seen my share of porn that I found disturbing, where the performers were obviously not wanting to be there and/or physically hurt, many fighting back tears or being under the influence of who knows what drugs.


I know it's probably neither here nor there, but the stuff I did was of a print variety, static images, and they took care that the models looked fairly glamorous in the layouts. And most did not involve them having sex with men (though a handful did), merely being naked and explicitly so or posed with other girls.


I know JJ is the exception, and I think I said so earlier, but even she has had her share of problems. I would never say that anyone in the biz doesn't have problems, no matter how successful they've become.

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And I don't think that I said that porn is mainstream either, more that it's getting there. I wouldn't say it's acceptable or "good for the image" as CG said and as I said before, but it's not nearly as taboo as it once was in today's almost unshockable, jaded society.


I'm not really following how you're getting that it's being peddled to minors either. Sounds like they have to have a credit card to access what CG's selling?


And if they don't, there's so much other porn that they can get their hands on, no way to stop it really, other than get rid of the Internet entirely.

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I feel like embarrassment about/pride in one's profession stems more from the prestige of it than the morality of it, but maybe I have messed up morals?


Like I think I would be proud to say I was an attorney like you, SG, because of the prestige/income, but MANY people perceive lawyers to be amoral, as I'm sure you're well aware. I have a lawyer friend who is ashamed to be one, more or less. I said to him once, "I always forget you're a lawyer because you don't seem like one." And he said thanks! First I thought he was offended, but then he said, "No, I mean it. Thanks. I take it as a huge compliment."


On the other hand, I'm not that proud to discuss my current job, not because it's bad or shady (we actually seem to help many people), but more because when I tell people what I do, they look at me blankly. No recognition = no prestige. So I just kind of go, oh, bleh, nothing very exciting, blah blah blah.


When I said I worked at Hustler, their eyes always lit up. Oh yeah? Did you ever meet Larry Flynt? etc. Now no one has any questions or discussion on my job at all.

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I feel like embarrassment about/pride in one's profession stems more from the prestige of it than the morality of it, but maybe I have messed up morals?


Like I think I would be proud to say I was an attorney like you, SG, because of the prestige/income, but MANY people perceive lawyers to be amoral, as I'm sure you're well aware. I have a lawyer friend who is ashamed to be one, more or less. I said to him once, "I always forget you're a lawyer because you don't seem like one." And he said thanks! First I thought he was offended, but then he said, "No, I mean it. Thanks. I take it as a huge compliment."


I AM proud to be an attorney, but not because of prestige or income. I'm proud of graduating law school and passing the California Bar Exam on the first try... It ain't easy. ;) I'm also proud of the accomplishments I've made professionally in obtaining fantastic results for my clients.


Although I'm well aware of the negative reputation lawyers have, I wouldn't have considered the reputation to be amoral, and certainly would never be ashamed to be who I am. Lawyers just can't win with everyone - they're either your best friend, or your enemy, depending on what side you're on. Just hope you've got the better one as a friend. :cool:


Like your friend, I get the whole, "You're an attorney? Really?" thing all the time. Only I don't take it as a compliment in the, "Oh, but you're so nice" way - more in the "Oh, but you're not all serious and uptight, you're fun and easy going, don't seem the suit-type and have great style!" way. ;)


There are evil doctors, politicians, mechanics, social workers, even child-molesting priests and teachers - every profession has the "bad seeds." I'm not going to let the few who are complete and utter aholes ruin my good name.

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Sorry but I've been to LA and Southern Ca. many times. I have good friends that live in Southern Ca. and selling porn isn't a respected or socially accepted career there that your claiming it to be.


I wouldn't want my daughter or son to grow up and sell internet porn for a living and if they did I would be quite ashamed and embarrassed about it.


Call me puritanical, judgemental or whatever but that is my opinion.


I don't give a cr*p whether she's peddling porn. I just hope part of her affiliate business isn't spamming. I hate spammers with a passion.

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Selling porn to minors? Sorry but that is just slander. Aren't you an attorney?

How can you automatically assume that selling porn equals selling porn to minors? Do you think most minors have access to credit cards?


You cannot take a study that is obviously biased against porn and then use that as an argument that "I am selling porn to minors".


This thread was not intended to be about porn and I am absolutely not going to post in here again in order to argue with a bunch of judgmental bible-thumpers. I am out of this thread. I am done with you people.


You can't see who is purchasing porn on the internet or over the phone.

I think that minors who would purchase porn online would also take a parents credit card to buy it. I also think that there are many underage performers in a lot of porn and while neither is your fault you are contributing to the problem by soliciting sales, advertising and profiting from it.


According to you this thread was about your ego.


You were right in saying several posts back that not everyone has the same values. My opinions and beliefs are mine and yours are yours.

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I AM proud to be an attorney, but not because of prestige or income. I'm proud of graduating law school and passing the California Bar Exam on the first try... It ain't easy. ;) I'm also proud of the accomplishments I've made professionally in obtaining fantastic results for my clients.


Although I'm well aware of the negative reputation lawyers have, I wouldn't have considered the reputation to be amoral, and certainly would never be ashamed to be who I am. Lawyers just can't win with everyone - they're either your best friend, or your enemy, depending on what side you're on. Just hope you've got the better one as a friend. :cool:


Like your friend, I get the whole, "You're an attorney? Really?" thing all the time. Only I don't take it as a compliment in the, "Oh, but you're so nice" way - more in the "Oh, but you're not all serious and uptight, you're fun and easy going, don't seem the suit-type and have great style!" way. ;)


There are evil doctors, politicians, mechanics, social workers, even child-molesting priests and teachers - every profession has the "bad seeds." I'm not going to let the few who are complete and utter aholes ruin my good name.


Well, I don't really have an opinion about their integrity one way or the other, but you've done much to boost my opinion of their personas! :)


Yes, of course I tend to assume lawyers are accomplished and intelligent, and I would be proud for those reasons also, if I were one. Alas, I am not. A friend (female) took the bar twice and failed, so yeah, I know it's hard. My other friend, the guy I mentioned before, passed it his first time and it's quite odd because he's a total party guy, too much so in fact. Total stoner and pillhead.


How do you have so much time to be on LS, SG? I always imagined that lawyers were very harried and overworked. I'm sure you've just got it down pat like that, as good as you are at what you do. ;)

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Overall, these appear to be the issues:


1. Craves respect from others by flaunting a "reasonable" salary.

2. Deliberately targets low income men so there's "perceived" full control and delight from ensuring domination over the individual.

3. Reveres money and prestige as the most important drivers in life.

4. Sees it as a positive to manipulate and use people. Openly admires it.

5. Peddles porn for a living but wants admiration and respect from everyone.

6. Believes that all men cheat and has no respect for the entire gender.

7. Has difficulty making friends.

8. Blames her mother for everything.

9. Is highly competitive and supposedly wants opinions but argues if she disagrees, which is through 98% of this thread.

10. Doesn't want business advice. ;)


Hope I caught all the pertinent points.

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I AM proud to be an attorney, but not because of prestige or income. I'm proud of graduating law school and passing the California Bar Exam on the first try... It ain't easy. ;)
It's actually even more difficult than the American bar exam. LS-ers are proud of SG! :bunny: :bunny: :bunny::cool:


Like your friend, I get the whole, "You're an attorney? Really?" thing all the time. Only I don't take it as a compliment in the, "Oh, but you're so nice" way - more in the "Oh, but you're not all serious and uptight, you're fun and easy going, don't seem the suit-type and have great style!" way. ;)

Nah... I think what they mean is "You, such a young hottie are also smart and successful? Wow!" :) Seriously!

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TBF, ah, 5. helps clarify things for me. I never wanted respect from anyone for what I did; it was just a job. Not that I do now either. Other than from people I care about, I mean.

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I have respect for professionals, talented artist, scientist, inventors, and people who go out of their skin to contribute to the society, even if they make 5-figure incomes.


While the mention of a high income might induce an instant "wow" in my mind, my experience doesn't show that people with high earnings are more worthwhile. They might be better "catches" or more self-confident, but they have some serious false pretensions and misconceptions related to their value. Namely, they tend to interpret their bank accounts as a proof of worthiness and expect additional respect and admiration for their social status. They find themselves in a quite awkward situation when they realize that they are not appreciated - and in fact, it's their income that is not appreciated. This creates such imbalance that both parties involved end up very disappointed with each other's real personalities.

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