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Re: Game Player or Truly Intersted?


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It seems to me you need to concentrate on boosting up your confidence a bit, you really don't need a man to make you happy or feel beautiful, that's lack of self-esteem.

It's your choice if you want to be involved with someone like that ,that probably flirts with you around, imagine what he does when your not there. This man, has women like a dime a dozen. If you want to play the game it's easy, but you can't get emotional involved, why do you give your heart so easily. You must think with your mind, not your heart.


Men are naturally liars, only the rare breed are honest and nice, then they turn cold when they are severely hurt by women.

Men that are so handsome use that to their advanatge and become cold, and calculating, they don't have a heart.


If you want to play the game it's up to you, try not to be in toxic relationships, you must know what your looking for in a relationship, and have a goal.


good luck



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