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When to wait & when to move on?

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I'm new to this board, so I guess I will provide a little background. My ex-boyfriend and I dated for a year and a half. He was my first boyfriend/first love type of deal. I broke up with him because he wasn't "in love" with me after a year, and because of various communication problems. We have been broken up for 2 years now, and since we broke up we've done the no-contact thing, dated a few other people which didn't work out, and now here we are, still single! We've remained close friends during this time, and we still have chemistry when we're together.


I guess my question is, when should one move on? I feel stuck, because we're both still single, and maybe since we're older now and we've both changed quite a bit (I lived abroad for 7 months, and changed a lot after we broke up) we could give it another go? or has too much time passed and reconcilation doesn't usually work out? I also ask this because in a month or so, I will be moving to the same town as he lives in, and we will be in closer proximity to each other.. There will be possibilities for reconcilliation, but I am not sure whether to pursue it any further, or to just move on.... any suggestions?

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Ordinarily I would answer this post directly and honestly but not in this case. It would be a horrible service to put ideas in your mind that could affect your future. I will only say that you should explore a reconciliation with your ex and see how it works out. You might be surprised.


In the event things return as they were, you must let go entirely and not remain friends. You do yourself a disservice by remaining friends with former lovers because you get stuck at that point and can't move forward. You will never find another love interest if you have a previous one tagging behind you. I suppose it's a comfort to have a reserve close by just in case but this will always work against you if you are truly wanting Mr. Right to come into your life.


Now, you take it from there....

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Thanks for your advice, Tony T. I suppose I can attempt a reconciliation with my ex, seeing as he is also looking for reconciliation as well. Do you know of any successes with exes getting back together? I've heard mixed reviews on this topic.

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