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never saw it comin...

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in a nutshell to say the least...


had a best friend of 9 years...we will call him T. saw each other through thick and thin..and some serious hardships. about 4 years ago, T developed MAJOR feelings for me. i definitely became way too scared and overwhelmed to deal with it and broke his heart. he didn't speak to me for a good 2 years...one way or another, we became friends again....we have an eerie past...moving from state to state and somehow reconnecting through randomly living in the same city or hooking up with mutual friends on accident. we spent last summer together (as again - we randomly ended up moving 200 miles away to the same city for diff. reasons) i was held on a pedastol that summer, as i have been since we were 16. however, the tables turned and i was left with feelings. i vaguely expressed these feelings and became cold and hurt when he brushed me off. when he finally came around, i brushed him off (the typical childish game) and he became cold and hurt. nonetheless, he ended up back with his ex girlfriend who spent many hours begging for a third chance, all the while he was (supposedly) confused and wanting to be in a relationship with me, however feeling "as if he owed it to the ex and her son (not his son) to give her one last chance...maybe he was too harsh...and they needed him" in my mind - typical answer instead of being straight up and saying...im just not that into you.


in december they broke up and he slept with me. the next day said we maybe we shouldn't talk again...end our friendship because it was just too hard. cried like a baby during that conversation and the day after said he made the wrong choice. spent months telling others how amazing i was and how he should be with me. regardless, he got back with the ex and we didn't speak for some time. our friendship was reconciled, mainly because of my own attempts. they broke up and we began spending a lot of time together. then poof....he disappears.


its been one month since we last spoke. i understand, sometimes guys leave a situation...they drop it and run...because its easier. however, after 9 years of an amazing best friendship? the girl that whose name was heard by his friends and family alike as the best friend/most amazing person/coolest girl/the ONE....?


don't get it. don't i at least get some sort of answer? we had plans to go on a big overseas trip in novemeber to see his father. guess thats out of the picture. not to mention how hurt i am at his childish behavior. :o(


any thoughts or ideas? i get it, i think? but then again - i NEVER saw this coming.

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You are right, sometimes guys do just get scared and cut and run. I've had that happen before. However, you still deserve an explanation. I'm assuming that you've contacted him but that he just doesn't respond? If that is the case and he won't pick up the phone, I would send an email explaining how you feel and why you are hurt and asking him to meet you for a drink sometime so that you can hear his reasons and gain some closure. Sorry you are in the situation, I know how tough it can be.

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