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Ripe for an Affair?

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I have been with my husband for 12 years ever since I was 14 years old. We have three children, and while everything is okay, I find myself attracted to just about any other man around, in particular two guys, one of whom I work with. Both have indicated some interest (or am I just desparate?)but both are married. One of the things that bothers me is the fact that I am more worried about hurting these woman, than I am of my husbands feelings. Don't me wrong, I love him, I just don't think I like him much anymore. All this is going on inside me, and driving me crazy and I'm sure no-one else has any idea. I'd love to hear from any other women (or men) who have been in a similar situation. How did you cope?

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Well...I haven't been in a simialr situation personally, but a good friend of mine was. Although I have two older sisters and a mom who all found their husbands very young, they are all happily married and puttering along at a steady pace.


My friend, on the other hand, began showing signs of dissatisfaction about three years ago. She said she missed "playing the field." Now, she's getting divorced. Go figure.


I think stuff like this kind of originates in a personal sense of dissatisfaction that's manifesting itself in your relationship. A lot of people go through many relationships before they find the right one. and going through break ups, make ups and dating all chalks up to life experience. Do you feel like you missed out on something because you've been with one man since you're formative years?

I have been with my husband for 12 years ever since I was 14 years old. We have three children, and while everything is okay, I find myself attracted to just about any other man around, in particular two guys, one of whom I work with. Both have indicated some interest (or am I just desparate?)but both are married. One of the things that bothers me is the fact that I am more worried about hurting these woman, than I am of my husbands feelings. Don't me wrong, I love him, I just don't think I like him much anymore. All this is going on inside me, and driving me crazy and I'm sure no-one else has any idea. I'd love to hear from any other women (or men) who have been in a similar situation. How did you cope?
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