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I Want To Surprise Him With Something Special.

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Hello =]


My Partner James Has Been Under a Lot Of Stress Lately, For Different Reasons, And It Has Honestly Put A Strain On Our Relationship. We're Still Rock Solid, But I'd Really Like To Do Something Special For Him, I Dont Earn Loads, But I'm Not skint Either, So All Suggestions Would Be Great. Something Different, Something Thats Going To Cheer Him Up, Get Him Going.. (Wink Wink) And Generally Help Him Relax A Little.


I'm Looking For Male & Female Perspectives, So Girls Tell Me What You've Done In The Past & Has Worked For You. And Guys Tell Me What Your Idea Of A Good Surprise Would Be!


Suggestions Please!!!!!! x

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Suede O'Nim

Well, you want it to be something that won't take him away so video games would be out. If you're trying to get him in the mood you might peruse erotic movies that you, yourself, enjoy. Something you could be comfortable with having in the house.


Alternatively, it could be an article of clothing. Lingerie for you, perhaps, or maybe those motorcycle boots he always wanted, but didn't see the point in paying money for ("my how sexy you look in those boots!").


Complete stress reliever? In-home massage for both of you. If you're comfortable enough with it, getting massaged (regular, not erotic) by the same chick who's unwinding his muscles could just be wicked enough to start a chain of events when she leaves.


I'm usually better at coming up with a load of suggstions, but I'm tapped.

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Thankyou Suede O'Nim! Great Ideas. A Massage Sounds Like A Great Idea.


Think I'll Get One Too Lol.


I Could Cook First Maybe.. Hmm. Yeah. Sounds Good =]


Thanks =] x

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what does he like besides you that is? Is there a sport that he enjoys, such as golf or Baseball?

If he is into golf. Buy him a round at his favorite course.

Baseball get him tickets to a Ballgame.

If you want to something more romantic. Take him out to his favorite place to eat. At Dinner hand him a card and in the card you havea gift certificate from you. It could say this is good for one hot oil message. Or one session of the best oral sex he has ever had. What you put in the card is up to you. You Know what he likes.

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It depends on what you want to do. Do you want something solely for his relaxation or are you attempting to reconcile the relationship?


If it's solely for him, I agree with Topper. If it's the latter, the two of you should go away for the weekend. If funds are limited, borrow some gear and go camping. A change of environment with the removal of stressful elements can help a relationship a lot.

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If I were you I'd buy a nice bottle of wine or two, put on something sexy, light some candles, put on some good music, love him up and give him a blowjob.

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and it doesn't cost much...


Put nice lingerie (something very soft, this is important), dim the lights, candles, soft music...


Tell him to relax...this is all about him... his treat.


Then give him the massage of the decade... and I mean erotic massage...


Ask him to lie on his stomach first... then slowly massage his back, his shoulders... press your thumbs between his shoulder blades (that a sensitive spot)... his legs, his thighs... do this for about 30 min, until he's relaxed...then brush your body all over his back with your soft lingerie... press your body against his back...especially your breasts... then after he's just about to turn over...tell him to relax ... LOL..then start to slowly play with his balls (he still on his stomach)... and masturbate him slowly... this is amazing...being masturbate that way... men love that...


When he's really excited, tell him to turn over...and bring him to a 'happy ending'... then after he reached an amazing orgasm... tell him...'I'm not done yet sweetheart' ... then massage his feet... and his head... nothing like this kind of massage to relax your man....


Trust me, he will remember this massage for a loooong time. ;)

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take him someplace totally unexpected – game arcade or putt-putt golf or even for an afternoon on the lake riding paddleboats, just something he wouldn't normally do though he's not necessarily opposed to doing it.


then at an opportune time, tell him you're not wearing any panties at all … that'll ought to perk him up! ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

There are lots of useful articles on the internet that give you ideas for gifts to surprise your SO with. If you give him something when you take him out he will remember that night every time he looks at the gift. you don't have to just get him watches and braclets either. Just be sure w/e you do surprises him, a date out with wine, sporting events and even a boat ride are nice but without a physical item he will not remember it.

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He loved the massage!! thankyou.. it was a great suggestion!


i ordered food, and we ate by candlelight. it was only chinese!! But it was yummy!! then i dimmed the lights and gave him a nice slow massage ,with oils that i'd bought.. it was lovely. and it actually turned ME on!!


then of course.. the evening continued,, and it was amazing.


so thankyou!!



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It does.. and in fact i think i might have to try it again tonight!


he actually ASKED if he could massage me the other night!?! i was like "Of Course!! you dont need to ask!"

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  • 1 month later...









and it doesn't cost much...


Put nice lingerie (something very soft, this is important), dim the lights, candles, soft music...


Tell him to relax...this is all about him... his treat.


Then give him the massage of the decade... and I mean erotic massage...


Ask him to lie on his stomach first... then slowly massage his back, his shoulders... press your thumbs between his shoulder blades (that a sensitive spot)... his legs, his thighs... do this for about 30 min, until he's relaxed...then brush your body all over his back with your soft lingerie... press your body against his back...especially your breasts... then after he's just about to turn over...tell him to relax ... LOL..then start to slowly play with his balls (he still on his stomach)... and masturbate him slowly... this is amazing...being masturbate that way... men love that...


When he's really excited, tell him to turn over...and bring him to a 'happy ending'... then after he reached an amazing orgasm... tell him...'I'm not done yet sweetheart' ... then massage his feet... and his head... nothing like this kind of massage to relax your man....


Trust me, he will remember this massage for a loooong time. ;)

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