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i want another dog and he dont, now what?


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we had made an agreement that when the pets passed away that we would not get anymore.


well i never in my life thought i'd want another dog after having my last one for 16 years.


well a few weeks ago after he died i still felt the same way but the last week or so now i have been actually wanting to get another little dog, a very small one.


but he says no, we made an agreement and that is that! he said if ieven bring one home it is going to the pound.


i told him when he wants something he gets it for himself so why do i have to be deprived?


he said because we had already agreed on this but i had no idea i'd ever evenwant another dog.


his reason for not wanting is so that we can travel at will without having to worry about the dog and who will take care of it and etc..


we still have two fairly self maintenace cats at home, we don't have to worry as much about them if we go on a trip, but a dog is more work and i reazlie this.


still i want another one and i am angry when he talks about going on a trip now, i don't want to go on any because that has been an issue in the past as well when my little guy was sick, and i would not want to go on any trips and leave him home, so he'd get upset about it.


now he wants to go on some trips and i don't want to cause i feel resentment towards them from the past with my dog and for now cause that is why he don't want another one.


how can we settle this?

i've tried tellinghim that if i can get anther one it wont get in the way of any trips cause it wont be sick or anything like mine was...


still he wont budge..

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If he won't budge, there doesn't seem to be any room for compromise. If you love this guy, you'll have to respect his wishes in this case. Having an animal around is a major deal.


If this is something you simply can't tolerate, find a guy who likes animals and wants them around.


You know you're guy a whole lot better than we do. If there's any possible deal you can make with him to help change his mind, you're the one who would know.

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ummm, not to be overly nosy, but are the two of you living together and he just doesn't want to be involved with ownership of another dog? Or is it that you're dating and the idea of a more high-maintenance pet (like a dog) throw a monkey wrench in his plans?


I can imagine that his main concern would be about finding someone to care for the dog whenever you guys plan a trip away from home that's longer than a day, but then I get to wondering if he's balking because of how hard it was on you when your beloved pet died a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes people get very touchy about stuff like that, thinking, 'well, if I don't do (blank) again, I won't get so attached therefore I won't get hurt.'


Talk to him some more about it, find out if he's got reservations only because he thinks another dog would be a hassle, or if saying no to another dog is his way of trying to avoid the pain of losing someone you love so much.

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