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A Ring Don't Mean A Thing!

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Let me tell you a little tale about my experiences...:(


My ex Daryl and I never started off right. When we met I was under the total impression that he was single... he wasn't.


I was enjoying spending time with him and I loved all the attention he gave me, so even when he confessed to being in an "unhappy relationship" with his current girl friend, I pursued our relationship as "the other woman".


His girlfriend at the time eventually found out about us, went nuts and finally moved on. She warned me he would do the same to me, but I thought "No! He loves me!"....


Time went on, and we became very serious... to the point that we became engaged and lived together, but surprise surprise! He was cheating on ME the entire time! Once a cheater, always a cheater. I totally stand by the statement:




I totally got what I deserved, this I know, but he asked me to marry him, spent money on a beautiful engagement ring, and wanted to have children with me someday.... WHY!?


All I can say is this ladies: If you know your man is cheating on you, or your with him as the "cheatee" and he has a significant other, stop before you get hurt, or more hurt. Cheaters don't change, they just find more creative ways to fool you, and lie to you. And getting engaged/married thinking the cheating will stop? Honey, that ring don't mean a thing!!!

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Is there ANYTHING anyone could have said to you back when you were in the "NO! He loves me!" stage to make you understand what you understand now? That could have made you break up with him when you found out he was with someone else already?


Would you have listened to anyone back then who tried to tell you what you're tying to tell other OW's now? Or did you just have to learn the lesson for yourself?

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