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Do females like it when you can remeber every little detail that they tell you? I ask this because I can remember everything that a female friend tells me and was wondering if I were to bring it up in a conversation if it would get on her nerves or enjoy the fact that I listened to her. Please let me know what you think (especially the females out there).

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Kinda funny that this just came up. The guy I'm kinda seeing and I were talking the other day, and he rememered this mundane detail that I honestly didn't expect him to remember. I stopped in the middle of conversation and said, "OMG you listen to every word I say, don't you?" He says, "Well, would you like it better if I didn't value what you had to say?"


It meant a lot to me, because, I talk so much that frankly, I don't expect ANYONE to remember much less understand everything I say...especially regarding things at work, but he did. It meant a lot. She shouldn't be annoyed at ALL. She'll be pleasantly suprised, and you'll get some brownie points!! ;)

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I had a male friend where I told him something in April, and he remembered everything I said verbatim 6 months later. Believe it or not it made me feel special, and that what I said was important enough to him for him to remember. So yes, women do love when people remember what they say. Sometimes we don't because what we say could come back to bite us, but overall, yeah, that's a good trait that you have. Being a good listener these days is so underrated.

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