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Unconditional and other types of love

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I see what you mean but I think we should narrow the definition of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE somewhat in general terms. WE UNCONDITIONALLY LOVE as long as no EXTREME BOUNDARIES are crossed. That 'boundary' is in the eyes of the individual beholder. We unconditionally love under normal circumstances. But if someone goes absolutely nuts then they have caused us to re-examine.

BTW, lol, my wife would never sexually abuse my children. That is an EXTREME example and would never happen.

Under your definition I don't think it's possible to unconditionally love anyone including ourselves. But your definition seems like an extreme one to me and is outside the realm of the usual.


LOL I just want to point out the irony of your comment FH:


By definition to do something unconditionally it means "without conditions" or boundaries therefore if you were to define "loving unconditionally" you CANNOT set perameters ie "as long as" there is no "as long as" you just do.


And I know I gave you an extreme example to prove my point about what unconditional loving is, I don't even know your wife and I am sure she wouldn't do that is was just an example :laugh::laugh:


It is a romantic deal the notion that we love our partners unconditionally but the reality is it's impossible to do romantically, you can do it for a child perhaps but not romantically.


A less extreme example would be if your W never had sex with you again and treated you meanly would you still love her? If the answer is yes, then you have conquered loving unconditionally, ie. NO conditions, pure love regardless of whether it is reciprocated.

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LOL I just want to point out the irony of your comment FH:


By definition to do something unconditionally it means "without conditions" or boundaries therefore if you were to define "loving unconditionally" you CANNOT set perameters ie "as long as" there is no "as long as" you just do.


And I know I gave you an extreme example to prove my point about what unconditional loving is, I don't even know your wife and I am sure she wouldn't do that is was just an example :laugh::laugh:


It is a romantic deal the notion that we love our partners unconditionally but the reality is it's impossible to do romantically, you can do it for a child perhaps but not romantically.


A less extreme example would be if your W never had sex with you again and treated you meanly would you still love her? If the answer is yes, then you have conquered loving unconditionally, ie. NO conditions, pure love regardless of whether it is reciprocated.


Lol, I really don't know what your point is! We are just arguing over definitions for god's sake! LMAO!

If my wife would never have sex with me then why would I keep her? Sex is a PART of LOVE. I would still like her and even love her, but I would have to move on as well.

Nothing is truly unconditional I guess, but it can be said to be 'unconditional' under normal circumstances. I think that's what most mean by 'unconditional'.

Nothing lasts forever TC.

When we die what difference does anything make? Everything is then over. So by the very nature of existence, EVERYTHING is OBVIOUSLY CONDITIONAL. But as long as I'm ALIVE I'm pretty sure that I will always love my wife (atleast to some degree) no matter what. We have a lot of history and 4 kids. How could I not love her?

(Maybe our definition of "LOVE" differs?)

Hey, have a nice day, will ya?


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Lol, I really don't know what your point is! We are just arguing over definitions for god's sake! LMAO!


(Maybe our definition of "LOVE" differs?)

Hey, have a nice day, will ya?



My point is you can't love unconditionally if you set conditions!


When we die what difference does anything make? Everything is then over. So by the very nature of existence, EVERYTHING is OBVIOUSLY CONDITIONAL


Well you introduced the idea that you loved your W unconditionally so....


Yes our definition of love most definitely differs, in my definition of love there is no room for an A with another person.


Having a great day, and taking a step further having a great weekend at that! ;)


Later! :)

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My point is you can't love unconditionally if you set conditions!




Well you introduced the idea that you loved your W unconditionally so....


Yes our definition of love most definitely differs, in my definition of love there is no room for an A with another person.


Having a great day, and taking a step further having a great weekend at that! ;)


Later! :)



There are three true components of love:

1) Friendship, 2) Erotic love, 3) Unconditional or Agape love.

Remove any 2 and "love" still remains.


We all "LOVE" more than one person don't we? Of course we do. You can love your parents, your friends, your children, your spouse, etc. But we don't typically erotically love more than 1 person at a time. However, there are times when it may happen to the great surprise of all involved. And if it does it DOES NOT somehow by default remove any previous love, unless someone has some sort of strange reaction or whatever, but even then it really doesn't remove anything, except perhaps maybe in perception. It's pretty simple really.


I love my wife and I love my children and my siblings, parents, friends, etc. But I don't love them all in the same form.

If one happens to "love" another, and it somehow turns erotic eventually, does that somehow remove the love they have for their spouse (if indeed they do love their spouse)? I'd say HELL NO. Why would it, unless it is self imposed and born out of fear and guilt?


Hey, have a great WEEk ahead too!



*btw, this is my opinion only, and as such it is not necessarily subject to change by the rejection or acceptance of anyone else.

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